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Lil Lisa

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Posts posted by Lil Lisa

  1. A train has derailed!


    I'm pretty sure the duck is responsible. Every time I glanced over at him, he would turn his head and refuse to make eye contact. Guilty, I tell you!!

    Uh huh... Likely story... I don't know if I can believe someone who uses flash photography in Spaceship Earth. ;)

  2. Ed, there is a HUGE difference between a webSITE and a web APPLICATION when it comes to a screen reader. Most websites are text and links which a screen reader can handle as easily as reading a document. When it comes to what I do at work and what the the disney reservations system does, we are talking about web applications, not a simple text website. Your information about javascript and flash is also hopelessly out of date. Screen readers have improved in this area, but this is where all of the extra time (and money) comes in. We have to fill in the blanks where the default screen reader functionality fails, which is often. I appreciate the emotion that you are putting into this argument, but having a website "in the 90's" does not make you an expert on web applications today. A lot has changed in 20 years.

  3. Ed... Have you ever modified software to make it compliant? As I previously stated, I have. It is NOT easy and many times it requires that features requested by average users be omitted or that a completely separate code base be created for impaired vs non-impaired users. It is not easy and it is not cheap. Who pays for it? We do through higher taxes or in the case of Disney through higher admission and site fees.

  4. Careful about generalities Lisa. One of our Sheriff's Deputies that is in charge of the Dispatch Center and 911 Calls is totally blind and uses screen readers and programs like Orca ... so those ADA compliant apps DO get used - not a lot, maybe - but there is a need for them.

    I was not speaking in generalities, Ed. I was stating facts about a specific product that we developed. The applications I am speaking of are used by employees of the state and there are NO visually impared users. Zip, zero, nada. In fact a visually impared user would not be able to do the job that these users do. That is what makes the whole thing so laughable. We spent almost half of our development time making an app compliant for blind people who would never use it in the first place. Our tax dollars at work...

    And I know all about screen readers. We use them to test our apps. They don't work well with web apps at all...

  5. My vote is for a GAG, after all, you are the one footing the bill, right? (My money, my rules)

    Now may I rant against the weather people for a sec (Sorry Lil Lisa)

    I'm not even gonna talk about the local news/weather guys as they hardly know their ass from their elbow.

    But let's talk about The Weather Channel.

    IMO, the weather channel should show the weather, just as MTV should show music, right?

    I can't count the number times I have cussed at Jim Cantore and any other random weather dude. It seems as if every time we have a nasty storm and/or tornado warning, I turn on the weather channel for info (right before I crawl into the closet with Mason)

    and I'll be darned if there is some weather show on. Grrrr......

    I think 99% of the info they give is an educated guess, at best.

    Thanks for letting me vent! Usually only Trevor gets that pleasure. :))

    I have never been to Pop, but I would like to check it out, especially the 70's section.

    I can't believe you didn't get around that wall! You're not getting soft on me are you?


    No"real"meteorologist would ever accept a position at the weather channel.

  6. Oh dear! :rofl2: I guess I should have chosen my words more carefully. Let me rephrase that: I have been researching Canadian campgrounds (which suck by the way... They must not want people to find them because many don't list addresses on their websites.) I'd much rather be here, but duty calls...

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