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GOBA Mom Lynn

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Posts posted by GOBA Mom Lynn

  1. We stayed at the Dolphin in 2004 and enjoyed it.  

    My DH got one of their refillable mugs- I don't think it's a good graphic, but he likes it.  (Sorry I don't have a picture.)  

    The Heavenly Beds they have are definitely better than any beds at the other resorts, very plush.  

    We didn't spend any time in any of the inside public areas there, at all, so can't comment.

    The Grotto, their pool area, is Super!  

    We were there with family, and my DSIL got us the teachers' discount they offer, so the price was good.

    Really, I don't even remember the color scheme.....

  2. Yes, it seems that kitchen sink water is considered black water.  If that is really the case, shouldn't ALL campsites have a sewer drain, because as tenters, even though you might not have a toilet, you will still be washing dishes.  And according to those other rules, carrying your dishwater to a drain in an open container would also be a no no.  And if you happened to spill any of it, the campground is supposed to 'treat' the area, and possibly disposing of the soil, and sealing off the area from all contact for 24 hours! wow

  3. I've been following along, enjoying this trip report.  

    We've done a family meal at Whispering Canyon.  We had like 12 people doing the all-you-can-eat.  I had gotten 2:30pm reservations and we had the place to ourselves.   They had the kids and adults do the stick horse race through the restaurant and the hotel lobby.  Fun times!


    Growing up our family would go to this hotel in NW PA.  http://clphotelconneaut.com/about.html

    If you look at the website, they just recently added AC, heating, etc to SOME of the rooms.  And the porch on the hotel is large and great... white rocking chairs overlooking the lake.

  4. I'm following along, too.  Keep up the good work.  Your kids are soooo cute! 

    (Our college-aged kids spent a week of their lives every summer since they were born in a bike trailer, until they could pedal a bike by themselves.  Keep them going!) 

  5. Well, I have totally enjoyed another TCD trip report.  Thanks for writing them, and keeping us entertained.


    Now, as far as the scale goes, I'm surprised that the highest ranking isn't simply: 



    That would be the FF way, would it not?


    I hope they keep the food during Flower and Garden, at least through next year, as DH has said we may be planning a trip for next May. And I need to try some of that food!

  6. OK about the frogs--

    Sorry TCD, I should pay more attention to these things....I do remember seeing that post now that you reminded me....

    And considering how many times I have had to, make that enjoyed watching with my princess, I should have remembered it. I watched it atleast 20 when she was in the hospital and double that at home. Paint fumes I tell ya, paint fumes lol

    And my excuse is, I've only seen the movie 1 time.  You see, my DD is 18-- and she took to movie with her to college.

  7. Thanks for going and spending the day at EPCOT and MK so we all could have something new to read.  


    The last few times we've been to WDW, it has been in the spring, so it's interesting to see what they've done differently for F&G compared to what we saw.

    Some of the food options sound interesting, but for the price, I think I'd rather just buy food from the regular restaurants there.


    And it's great to see what the new Tangled restrooms look like, too.  I remember sometime in the past the official plans where posted here somewhere.  It would be helpful (and much appreciated) if someone could repost them, (or a link to the post) so we can see show the new reality compares to what was planned.

  8. For sure! ... and I still do even though I haven't been a kid in... well, let's just say "a while" 8)

    My brother was also big into them and we still have a lot of our original sets.

    These days my 12 year old nephew is waaaay into Legos and we've all been buying them for him since he was very young. I think he has several large totes full at this point. When we were at the Lego Store at DTD this November I found a Lego Chess set for him for Christmas, and these days he's got loads of the Star Wars sets too.

    I've got a bunch of the Harry Potter sets and also one of the cool new Market Street sets. That one might actually be my favorite, but they are for sure not cheap!

    Love Legos! Still need to get over to Legoland one of these trips down.

    If you still have the old sets, you might be interested in this website that my DS discovered:


    He opened an account and started marking how many sets he has. I think he said he stopped around 55......

  9. What a great trip report!

    I for one am glad that you got back to finish it up, because somehow I missed it when you started it back in Oct., so I've read through the whole thing today!

    Can't wait for the rest.

    (You didn't learn your golf cart driving skills at Slippery Rock campground by any chance? That's where my in-laws have a trailer and my kids learned their driving skills there.)

    Go Pens!!!

  10. Now I'm realllly late getting to this trip report, but, it's great!

    Funny about the no shoes.

    When my DD was about 4 or 5 we were going to my in-laws' trailer for a weekend away, and when we got there realized she had not put any shoes on when she got into the car. The thing is, I hadn't packed any for her either, since we were only going for the weekend. So off to Wally World we went. LOL we still tease her, all these years later, making sure she's wearing shoes....... :rofl3: Sometimes she's not too amused....

    Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip.

  11. We've only been to the Fort one time, and we stayed in site 1520. (We're the ones in that site on the video that was originally linked thru google earth.) Even though it was next to the road, it was plenty quiet enough. We loved how close to the Meadow area is was, too. We didn't have a golf cart, but were able to walk easily from the Marina to the site (although we only did it once, ::) ) and I took a nice long walk over to 2000 and back one evening. Next time we'll probably bring bikes, but the buses were extremely convenient.

  12. Thanks for the photos of Legoland. I was going to say that we would definately put it on our list for the next time we're down, but at $64 a person, I don't know....

    My DS got back into Legos this Christmas when he put up his Lego trainset this year, after not putting it up for a couple of years. He has the trains from the 1990's that use a transformer, a different system than the trains they sell today, and he's looking to buy another engine, if he can find one. This led him to what he calls "the greatest website ever". It's brickset.com. They have info on about 90% of all sets that Lego has sold since the 1980s. Including pdf files of the instruction sheets.

    Anyway, doing a solo trip would be something I would LOVE to do! Especially if you can meet up with misc friends every once in a while for some fun! And I totally agree with the FoLK monkey butts and the "bird lady", they're my favorites, too.

  13. I'm starting to wonder why Disney doesn't somehow 'dress up' the backstage escape route in a way that would make it un-photogenic, or so boring that if anyone did take a picture, it would be no big deal. It sure seems like they use it often enough, judging by how many people here have actually had to use it to get out of the park.

    Oh, and I'm totally enjoying your trip report. Your girls have the most striking eyes and hair! (spoken by someone with hair that wouldn't curl if my life depended on it :) .)

  14. Looking at the map, I saw something interesting. If you zoom in, icons appear that you can click on, and there is one on the inside of the 1600 loop that says "service animal break area". Didn't know there were such things at the Fort. Unless..... Isn't the dog park adjacent to the 300 loop? Well, not according to this map. I guess they moved it, and apparently it's for more than just dogs. ::)

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