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Posts posted by .....Gary

  1. Welcome to the madness!! :wave1:

    We have always stayed in pet loops w/ no problems, no real noise and only once in a great while a doggie gift in the weeds. I must confess that while walking our highly trained, killer guard dog I have lost something in the after EMH darkness.

    As noted above, please choose your words carefully when addressing Lou he is quite old and very thin skinned. :rofl2:

  2. We are on the road. We have a slight issue with the exhaust manifold. Mike says we will make it to the Fort and back home again. Then he will have to tear down the engine. We may be making a trip to Lazy Days and take a look at something new.I doubt that will really happen though, There is nothing wrong that can't be fixed and I love the layout of this one.

    Any way we are in Alabama and it is sunny and 55. Minimal traffic so hopefully we can make up some time lost this morning.

    I'm sure Mike has heard of it before, but I HIGHLY recommend the Banks Engineering exhaust system. I ran them on the last two gas MHs we had.
  3. You will need to bring all your bedding and if to plan on cooking at your site you need pots and pans we did all the cooking on our site so we didn’t need them. If you have an extra small TV and cable bring it. We were already at the Fort and didn’t have a extra TV so I went to Malmart and bought one and returned is on the way to return the RV

    If you're gonna post something like this, PLEASE.....put a "JUST KIDDING smiley after it. PLEASE !!!!
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