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Everything posted by momof3kids-Yvonne

  1. Love the pics. Hoping the rain stops soon so you can finish setting up and also get out to meet some fiends. :partythree:
  2. She said her daddy need a "nap." Do you think that is why then sent us out of the motor home to go collect firewood?
  3. Glad to see you made it there. But really did you have to let us know 5 times. :rofl3: I mean talk about shameless posting. :rofl3: :rofl2:
  4. Punch? There's punch suddenly my tummy doesn't hurt anymore.
  5. Mom she's lying. She said $10. I have it right here on my cassette recorder.
  6. I think I'm gonna :barf: Nicki told me she would give me $10 if I ate the foam.
  7. Mommmmmm my tummy hurts. That foam doesn't taste so good.
  8. Mine too. I use it often with my own children which is why I had to buy it when I saw it.
  9. Great update. Seriously, how could people not know they had to use up all their meal plan meals or forfeit them? It's not like the information isn't out there for them. :banghead: A sign like this would really come in handy then.
  10. Yeah!!! Another Doodle report. I'm in. Oh and I must say I am glad that the children are behaving. Of course it is relatively early in the trip. :rofl3: :rofl2:
  11. 3. I thought that is what he always told everybody.
  12. That is true! It also gives us peace of mind seeing her smile and knowing she is having a good time.
  13. Please don't make this the Not a Trip Report that ends. :panic: We need an update. Please. :heartsmiley:
  14. I can't believe how quickly this week has gone by. We will go pick up Jessica tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime I will share with you some of the things she has gotten to do. On Monday they went to the Ave Maria Grotto http://www.avemariagrotto.com/ Looks like they need to find specific items. A group shot. Another group shot where they get to be silly. Looking through the pictures they had posted we saw that they also did some swimming, fishing, kayaking, canoeing, went on the Blob, archery, learned how to start a fire and set up a tent. Unfortunately there were no pictures of Jessica
  15. Another great update!!! Hate to leave H's current field, but looking forward to seeing his new hay field and reading all about your family's adventures there.
  16. Nice!!! The one thing we didn't opt for when we got ours was the cover/cutting board that goes over the sink and the cover for the stove top. Dh hates that we don't have those and I'm an certain if we ever get a new camper that is something we will get. It's funny how the little things you think you won't need end up being the things you wish you had.
  17. But if it's a TR then who is not going to read it? :rofl3:
  18. So it looks like she is in the "Mighty Oranges Group" Working on their sign. A little dancing? and some more fun Dave were you there and just didn't tell us? Can't quite figure out what they are doing here, but she is smiling so that's good!
  19. Thanks! I hope so too. I am hoping she also comes back so excited that maybe her sister will want to go with her next year. We pick her up on Friday afternoon. Of my 3 she is my least likely to be sitting in front of the television or video games. I love that at 10 she still loves to play and would rather be doing that than anything else.
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