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caveat lector

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Posts posted by caveat lector

  1. Awesome job on the trip report.  I always thought it was just my kids that said "I have to go and it's urgent." Sure, it's 1 am in the middle of southern Georgia and I'm hauling 35 ft of trailer.  I bet it will be easy to find an open, safe , available bathroom....ugh.  your report takes me back.

  2. 1 minute ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    It's finally Georgia week!

    Word is that the Dawgs are looking to embarrass the Gators.

    Too late, there are no Gators left to embarrass.

    Plus, all eyes are on Columbus this week to watch two overanked teams battle it out for one of their conference's reserved spots in the "play-offs."

    Go Gata.


    Seems like the majority of the season has been a big MEH.

  3. 3 hours ago, BradyBzLyn...Mo said:

     I just run across an article last night on 19 states that are cracking down on fake service dogs - 




    Nice find MO. Good to see. Also heard that California has written a law to further dampen the market for puppy mills. There ARE good things happening all over.

  4. Nice catch TCD.

    It's interesting to think about the time line. Someone didn't come up with is idea on Friday, then roll it out the following Monday. The weak numbers have to have shown up months ago. Then someone did the Financials, then marketing, then executive review, then....welll you get it.

    Makes me wonder if the pricing / value chain equation is finally hitting a tipping point for Disney. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, h2odivers...Ray said:
    It seems that you took my post personally and I can see why you would after I read it.  So I apologize.   But I never said you said "don't talk about it." As you quoted me as saying. 
    However, I do disagree with your conclusion.  
     Because, your statement asserts that the only legitimate way to handle this situation is to not go to Disney.   
    Well I respectfully disagree with that statements conclusion.  
    There are many ways we can handle this situation.  And one is what we do on this forum everyday. We discuss it.  We air our differences and concerns.   
    And we don't dismiss others feelings.    
    And some might say what good is there in talking?
    Well I believe there are some upper management types at WDW that read some of these forums and perhaps they will read our concerns and address them before they become a problem. 
    "So, let us not be blind to our differences--but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved."


    Fair enough.

    We can have a difference of opinion.  In fact, I enjoy discussing the Fort on this forum, and have been doing it awhile.

    However, I still contend that the laws of supply and demand will always trump a couple of guys chatting on a forum. Maybe I'm wrong and too simplistic.

  6. It's pretty simple. If you don't like their rules don't go. 

    Does a business, that relies on profits, try to cater to a large group of people like dog owners. Or do they try to make allowances for the much smaller universes of "phobias" or "severe allergies"?  This is not a philosophical, philanthropic, or humanitarian decision. It's about profitability. If the company loses money, it won't be around for anybody long.

    It's amazing the number of complaints before anyone actually witnesses the implementation. I will reserve judgment until then.

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