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Posts posted by dvccamper

  1. You did a great job on your report. I loved your pictures, you are a talented photographer! Your final thoughts were thought provoking. I know sometimes we can get impatient with others who may be slowing us down. But we should take a moment to be thankful for what we have as one never knows what lays ahead...one day we could be in their situation. As you said, we don't appreciate what we have until it's gone.

    Thanks again for sharing.

  2. Update; yesterday was the one day, four parks and for the most part it was a success. They hit HS for early opening. Unfortunately RNRC was down but they did everything else they wanted to do there.

    Next they hit AK, did Dinosoar, EE, and Primevil Whirl. Next stop MK where they used their afternoon fastpasses for the big rides and were able to hit a couple more.

    They met up with us for a GAG at FW which we had on the front porch. In protest we did not sit at a high table but went for a picnic table ;)

    From there they left for Epcot. Unfortunately could not get on Soarin as they got off TT at 9:01. The wait there had been a little more than was posted. Oh well, no worries, they hopped on the monorail back to MK. They said it was super packed and couldn't get on much so they called it a day. All in all they said it was a fun, successful day.

    On the flip side, our day consisted of visiting the monorail resorts, riding bikes from WL to the Fort and doing some looping, some drinks back at the WL pool bar, pool time, nap time, the GAG back at the Fort, then fireworks from the top of Bay Lake Tower. So a great day for us too!

    Thanks for all the advice. We all made the most of our one day here!

  3. The evil queen opening the curtains in that window is seen in the Disneyland Fun singalong video, which I watched endlessly with my kids when they were little. Nice to know from your report just where it can be found.

    I think I want to go to Disneyland just to ride Indiana Jones. Although I'm sure I'll find many more reasons throughout your report.

  4. Am I crazy? I would love to do it with them. Sounds like they will have a blast!!

    Haha, no you're not crazy. But my DH will be there and that is not his idea of a good time. So I will spend the day with him, relaxing.

    Last year I won a trip to WDW for four people. So I went with my 3 daughters and we had marathon days and nights, it was so much fun. So yes, I do love getting all I can out of my Disney days, just not this trip ;).

  5. WDW in general is a germ factory.  I carry anti-bac to the parks (which I rarely use in real life) and we've learned to touch as little as possible, and wash our hands whenever we can.  


    Sure I look silly opening the parking tram doors with my elbows, but I just managed to go 3 weeks without picking up anything.  B)


    I'm with Marty on the Airborne too.  If nothing else you get a little boost of vitamins, but I swear by the stuff.


    Airborne is a good idea.  Will have to get some.


    Sounds like a fun day.


    The timing of the Mine Train FP+ and trying to ride Soarin' are the only problems I see.


    Since MK is open so late, why not do Hollywood Studios, then AK, then hop to the MK for some rides, including that Mine Train FP+ time.  Then hop to Epcot late- like right before Epcot closing. They could do TT standby, and hop in to the Soarin' line right before Illuminations.  Then book it out of there back to the MK for the rest of the time it's open.  Not the best plan, but it gets TT and Soarin' done with minimal wait time.  They could ride the Epcot monorail both ways, which is much more fun than the bus.




    That's a good idea about doing Epcot right before closing, otherwise there's no way they'll ever ride Soarin'.  I guess it will depend on how badly they want to do it.


    Checked this morning on changing their time for the mine train but it's saying no times available so I think that is the one thing they will need to work around.  I think they made it for that time so they could ride it in the daylight.  They're hoping to get on again late night to ride it in the dark.  We'll see.

  6. Loving this trip report. We had a Disneyland trip planned a few years ago but had to cancel it so I had done my fair share of research. Looking forward to hearing your opinion of Indiana Jones because I remember reading that it is way above Dinosaur.

    I think it must have been cool to take everything in, knowing this was Walt Disney's vision and he was able to enjoy it.

  7. As always, love your beautiful pictures, especially the ones of the flowers in that last update.

    We were in WDW that weekend and that Saturday was COLD, and I'm from the northeast! We ended up going to Walmart to buy some extra layers to wear to Epcot that night. I will be looking for myself in your pictures, haha.

  8. Is that marathon weekend? 


    I hope you'll let us know how they end up doing!


    No, it's January 3rd.  I'm a little concerned about crowds but am hoping people will be heading home that Saturday from their holiday trips.


    And yes, I will report back!


    I had a fun time, and even spent time with the non-park Wild Womenz after we got back.  That time may or may not have included a toasted almond from Carol and a song from a very Wild Womanz.


    Unfortunately, I did wake up the next morning feeling not quite right which developed into flu.  Hard to say when I caught it, but running myself down probably helped it to really develop nicely.  I recommend being sure to take ample quantities of Airborne and using lots of hand sanitzer.


    That stinks that you ended up getting sick.  I've already told the family to start being extra diligent about hand washing since our trip is only a few weeks away.

  9. If I was going to do it now I'd use FP for the Mine Train (which wasn't open last Nov), but I think it would be tough to make the 3:50 FP, especially if you end up having to ride Soarin stand-by.

    If they go to EP from HS I agree that walking is faster but... this is a marathon-type day and they might not want to do the extra walking. B)

    That was my concern. I just wanted to make sure they get to ride the Mine Train as they've never done it and I know it goes down kind of frequently. I think I will see if they can move it a bit later though.

    Glad to hear your experience was so much fun!

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