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Posts posted by fortpartyof4

  1. The FSU fans were actually sitting behind me in the stadium mixing up their own cocktails. Jack and Coke all over me. It was a couple and they were fighting. I'm not sure why they were there. I am sure my preggo self told them in a not so nice way that they better make their way to the exit quickly before security got there. 


    The main thing that keeps me from going back to Jax is the number of days I'd have to take off to get into RV city. Don't they open it Tuesday? 


    I'm not sure….we never camped there, only went down on the weekend then back home at night.  Donnie might know.


    I totally get what you're saying.  Once at a Van Halen concert (yes, I am that old) with my husband and BIL, there were a bunch of young guys in the row in front of us smoking dope.  I worked for a co. that did random monthly drug testing and I knew my name was on the list because I was in charge of sending the employees to the lab.  The test would be the following day.  I also knew that even breathing their second-hand smoke from 3 feet away could end up with me having a positive drug test.  So I politely asked them to take their weed elsewhere or I would be going to get security.


    My husband and his brother were so mad at me because there were a lot more of them than us and they didn't seem too friendly!  But I didn't care, I needed that job!

  2. Hey FP4!  There is a Tim Horton's at that XFinity Live venue....I think it's the only one in Philly. 


    Oh Dave.  Please forgive me, I do not know what a Tim Horton's is.  But just the fact that you mention it tells me I should check one out the next time I see one!


    I did see a "Chickie's and Pete's".  There are a few of those around Philly and in NJ.  Haven't checked that out yet but there is one not too far from us so I hope to soon.


    I didn't get to see the whole interior of the place.  Since we planted ourselves so as not to lose the seats we had, I could only really see about half of it.  It looks like a great place to go for a bite or a beer before a game at any one of those venues.  Pretty sure that is what it's there for, that and big private parties.  Although we're more the type to tailgate, I suspect there will be times of the year when it is just too darn cold to do that!


    This was one of those deals where we didn't get the whole story until after the fact.


    She went to Jacksonville with a group of kids from her dorm.  One of the girls lives there, so they went up Friday afternoon and spent the night with her.


    I thought they would spend the night Saturday night, but we heard from Twin#2 that night when she was back in Gainesville.


    I would have vetoed the Saturday night drive back, so she didn't ask.


    That kid is just like me.






    WEll if she didn't ask she couldn't get in trouble for doing something she was told not to!


    The drive from Jacksonville to Gainesville isn't too bad.  You just have to be careful around that legendary speed trap in Waldo.


    Grassy Nole?  I thought that was a stoned FSU student. :laugh:


    That's funny right there.


    FPo4- Thanks for sharing the pics. That looks like a cool place. I think watching the game with a mix of UGA and UF people would be even more fun because it would be like Jacksonville.


    You are right about that game, it is something. Although the last time I went I was pregnant with Zachary and had an alcoholic beverage spilled on me by FSU fans. Not the best experience that year. I suspect we'll be back at some point when Z is older. Or maybe I should stay away as long as we keep winning.... good luck and all.


    As far as schedules go, stuff does happen, and I don't know why. Like why do we have to play Auburn there twice in a row?


    I also suspect that this group that will choose the playoff teams will not be unbiased. And why isn't there an AD from the SEC on that committee? Better yet, is it fair to have any AD from a member school on the comittee? I don't think so.


    You must go again some day!  Especially with the tailgate setup you have, you would fit right in!  I know there are a lot of crazy drunken fools, but it's not really all that bad.  I mean not like Bourbon St. bad.  Just dumb college students and a few adults who never learned their lesson when it comes to alcohol consumption.  


    Why were there FSU fans at the FL/GA game?  Did they not realize which FL team was playing?

  3. Great report, FP4.  I'm glad that you shared it.  I didn't know there was any interest in this game up north.


    I don't recognize the new facilities you posted photos of.  Back in my day, the Flyers and Sixers played in the Spectrum, and the Eagles and Phillies in Veterans' Stadium.  Both of those venues were in need of being replaced back then, and I can only imagine how bad they got before they were finally replaced.


    I didn't know Donnie was at the game.  I would have sent Twin #2 to track him down.




    I know he went down and hung out in RV city, not sure if he attended the game or not.


    Did T2 stay over night?


    There was a story in the paper about those old venues and their history.  These newer ones look pretty state of the art, and I can't wait to go to some games.  The teams aren't doing that well, but they play in some nice facilities!  And their fans remain loyal, that is for sure.  I've also heard the food is pretty good at some of them.


    My BIL and his wife are UF alums and belong to a club in San Diego.  I think there may well be Gators in every corner of our nation.

  4. So as I mentioned above, we went to an event sponsored by the Philly Gator Club to watch the FL/GA game.  It was at the NBC sports arena, also called Xfinity Live!, in South Philly.  I took a few iPhone photos and thought I'd share.  Some of them aren't very good but enough to get the idea!


    What we didn't know until we got there was, the local UGA club was co-sponsoring.  


    Why not?  Being side-by-side with Bulldog fans would make it even more like being back down South.  Since we lived in Jacksonville for many years, we had been to several of the "biggest cocktail parties in the South".  Always had a blast with great fans from both teams.  


    Mr. FP4 is the UF alum in our family and gets invited to all kinds of stuff.  Any chance for them to ask for more of our money.  He got word of this via the alumni assoc. They were calling it “the smallest cocktail party in the North”.  Since we'd just moved here and don't know any other Gator fans, we decided to make the drive down there to check it out.  Plus, we thought it would be a good chance to meet new people.


    Despite the title they gave it that would lead you to think it was adults only, they had added that they were including the whole family and would have activities for kids too.  So our whole family went.




    The place was pretty cool.  They had reserved an upper mezzanine area for the FL and GA fans inside.  They also had a big outdoor area with some turf set up with games, fire pit and bar.  






    We got there pretty early and scored some sweet seats with a good view of the biggest TV screen I have ever seen!




    We didn’t want to lose our primo seats, so stayed inside and took turns going outside to check out the activities there.


    We shared some appetizers, unfortunately they weren’t very good.  The boys were getting hungrier as the game wore on.


    As any of you who watched the game know, our Gators didn’t play well the first half.


    At all.


    Even though there were a couple of other families there with kids, the crowd was mostly younger single people.




    There was a group of lively young men right next to us who were pretty excited about the way their Bulldogs were playing.  Rightfully so.  I suspected the volume would increase with each beer they consumed.  Hey, that's what this game is all about!  Still, I felt that my 11 and 13 year olds had heard enough f-bombs for one day.


    So we relinquished our comfy chairs and went outside at halftime. 


    The boys played some ladder ball and corn hole and we walked around a little.




    The Xfinity Live club is situated in the middle all of the major sports venues in Philadelphia.  It was pretty sweet.  I stood in one spot and just by turning, got photos of the Wells Fargo Center (Sixers/Flyers), Lincoln Financial Field (Eagles), and Citizens Bank Park (Phillies).  There are also many semi-pro leagues and a WNBA team, making for year round opportunities to catch a game of some sort.










    It was beginning to get pretty chilly out.  When we had left home it was in the 60’s.  My boys had shorts on.  They were not enjoying the wind that was blowing through those big parking lots that surrounded us.


    There was a Sixers game that evening, and fans were beginning to arrive for that.


    Between the hungry kids, cold air and horrible game, we decided to bail.  We also figured we’d avoid any potential traffic from the basketball game.


    We had an hour’s drive ahead of us and periodically checked the score apps on our phones on the way home.  Of course we were happy to see that FL did manage to turn it around in the second half, but bummed at the same time since we missed it.  Although it wasn’t enough, it would have been nice to see nonetheless.


    Despite what had been mentioned here earlier about the national sports media not making too much of FL/GA, for people who go every year as a tradition, it’s still a big event.  Even for people who live in Jacksonville, but aren't fans of either team, go for the fun and socializing.


    There is no way to describe the atmosphere in “RV City”, and the crazy fun that goes on all weekend, no matter the outcome of the game.  I know Donnie went this year and from what he posted on FB, all those people were there in force.


    It’s a tradition that will hopefully still be around when we return to FL some day and can go in person again.

  5. Agree that some teams seem to have advantages based on their schedules some times.


    FSU is one.  Not saying they're only good b/c of their schedule - they are good no matter who their opponent is - but I do wonder if their record would be the same.


    UF had their share of easy schedules in past years, too.  Guess it's kind of cyclical.


    Though I will never understand why some teams are in the conferences they're in.  It's kind of goofy.

  6. Open space is now the pool


    Was there ever a reason stated why they defoliated so much of the grounds?


    I can understand taking down dead limbs/trees, but they just decimated the place.  At first I thought it was just the cabin area when we first saw the devistation, but now staying in the other loops I see how widespread it is.


    They charge enough to pay for upkeep of the grounds, so that can't be the reason for cutting everything down.


    I guess they don't want no stinkin wildlife at the Fort and want to make it concrete and plastic like the rest of the resorts.


    Bring back the gate to get into the Fort itself.


    The open space I was talking about the area where they expanded the 600 loop, by the water.  Pre-pool was before I began visiting.


    that is exactly what i was thinking


    or maybe ETSY?  :rofl2:


    I smell a trading pin opportunity…...

  7. Twin #1 is going to represent in Jax on Saturday.


    She scored an official Beat Georgia shirt from the Student Alumni Association this morning:




    In all kinds of weather . . .






    Not quite as nice, but I got a sticker at a Philly Gator Club event for the game…….



  8. When we had a pop up I kept a couple of those hanging Damp Rid things inside between trips.  If we went a long time without using it I would refresh it with a new one.  We also lived in FL at the time and those things would fill right up with the moisture.  They have a nice fresh scent too which is very welcome when you go camping and open it up for the first time in a while.


    I have no idea if that was the reason we never got black mildew, but I never had that problem.  We always dried the tent ends really well before folding it up, or if it was raining or we had an early am departure and there was too much dew, we'd open it up once we got home and let it air out.

  9. It was 1809. I rode by today too check it out.



    If it rains enough, all of the sites in 1900 back up to water…..hahaha.


    We stayed in a site in the 1300 loop that backed up to the canal that is next to the swimming' hole, etc.  At first I thought it was going to be a nuisance due to the noise from the pool and the bugs from the canal.


    It turned out to be one of the best sites we'd ever had.  We were on one that was on a curve so there was no one to the one side of use that we "faced" - the door side of the camper.  We sat in chairs by the water and it was really lovely.  We don't fish but could have easily right from our site.  The pool noise wasn't too bad, and we were there pretty much all day, no parks that trip.


    That particular part of the canal doesn't get too yucky.  But if you had a small child, you'd have to be very careful because it is literally right on the water.


    OK, here we go.


    The Original TCD Gang back at Halloween 1969:




    That's my big sister in the middle.  I'm the devil.  My brother is on the other side of big sister. Then two of my other sisters are on the ends. There is one more sister,  but she wasn't even born yet.  I thought our couch was plaid.


    (Yes, my parents were Catholic, but you probably knew that already).




    Oh my goodness. You weren't kidding!


    That is hilarious!


    You're the devil, all right…….hehehe


    That was a big leap for your Catholic parents to allow you to dress as the devil.


    My brother wore that very Casper mask in the Internet photo.  And all of the others look very familiar.  Planet of the Apes cracks me up.

  11. First off, let me just say that this had to be the absolute worst update you have ever posted. 


    You wasted a FP on Ariel? 


    And then hung out in Starbucks?? 


    There are really only 3 places in the entire MK that SMB, and you hit 2 of them.  Why?   


    I do have one other comment to make.  What the heck is going on here?  Specifically, the dude with the top hat and scrubs.  Is this Dr. Abraham Lincoln? 


    I thought he looked like the chimney sweep from Mary Poppins?


    But yours is funnier.

  12. I think you will still have 3 very expensive princess dresses to buy. And the color is white.


    No Kidding!!!


    And those princesses have some very nice taste!  I have noticed many little things in his TR's over the years that tell me they know what they like and how to get it.


    I've also noticed what a loving, doting and involved Dad he is.  You know those weddings are gonna be nothing but the best.  And probably include some kind of Disney theme, or a hidden Mickey in the cake at the very least.


    Between the college tuition bills and the 3 weddings, I believe we may see TCD a lot in the parks once he retires.  As a CM trying to pay it all off!


    That is, if someone doesn't overthrow the great "Lord" of the Fort and put him in charge of that instead……..

  13. Sorry to hear you had some inconsiderate neighbors!  We spent many nights on Spanish Moss Lane and remember those times fondly……but made a few trips to the CS to phone the front desk at 1 or 2 am to report the ongoing parties in that loop.  Most of which were from sites that you are describing, with way more guests on them than are allowed and kids running all over.  In our experience, many of those folks didn't speak English.  Maybe they didn't understand the rules.


    Love your remark about being "hilbillyish"!   Nothing wrong with that!  As long as it's all contained and not flying out into the highway, you're good!  Whatever works, right?  If no one started humming the Sanford and Son theme song when you drove by, you were probably fine.


    Despite the vehicle issues and being surrounded by inconsiderate people, it sounds like you made the best of it.  You're at the Fort!  You can always find a silver lining there.

  14. I have to confess when I read the title I thought of the state not the city!


    Now on to the fact that you are going to PAY all of that money to see the NOLES play across the country???  One or 2 bad games and you're switching loyalties?!?!?


    I know, I know.  3 daughters, 3 schools, blah blah.  


    I guess when you start forking over money to 3 higher education institutions, it is difficult to not be loyal to each of their teams!


    But seriously, why doesn't the Mrs. go since it's her alma mater?


    I agree with the others…..you must go to Disneyland.  Your girls will understand.  You just said one of them is going to DL Paris…..guessing that is without the rest of your clan?  So you've all got some exciting adventures to go on!


    My BIL used to fly for United out of LAX.  But for personal travel he used a lot of smaller airports in SoCal (he lives in San Diego).  I like to use Orbitz and check the little box that says "check all airports within 80 miles".  Have you tired JetBlue at all?  I just booked them today to fly to Orlando in a few weeks.  They are awesome!  Comfy seats, cool snacks and DirectTV at every seat!


    Good luck…….I do hope you can make your little girl's dream come true….even if it means I have to listen to that dreadful fight song all throughout the championship game!

  15. I noticed a bunch of utility trailers (I assume for carts) with the tow vehicles still attached, basically taking up 2 spots. Or cart trailers dropped with the hitches facing in, so no one could use the other half of the space without blocking them in. With just a little bit of intelligence and consideration, that lot could easily hold twice as much as is randomly thrown in it now.


    I know.  That annoys me, too.  I always unhitch my cart trailer and put it in a smaller parking spot along the edge where I can back in from the road between the overflow and regular parking lots to get it if I have to.  Then I put the SUV in the regular lot not the one for RV's.  It doesn't take much extra effort to do all of that.  People are just inconsiderate and some just plain lazy.


    Ok, since I have been in the 400 for sometime and am always out after dark, I will comment.


    I have not seen these "blue lights" you speak of. I will make a point tonight to look for them and report back in the morning, or afternoon, whenever I get up. 3 am is kind of late to be getting home.


    The laser lights are something allot of people are using now. Its a light that reflects a laser around the area and makes it appear like stars or shapes.




    These seem to be real popular this year. I tried to photograph some, but its hard to get good photos of the results.


    I have seen these in other cg's….never the fort, but they are very cool!  Particulary in places where there is little light pollution at night.

  16. Your kids are adorable.  I love the cozy cones at the pool, but agree it is probably next to impossible to score one.  Maybe you could go down at like 3 am and sleep the rest of the night there so you can be sure to get one?!?!?


    We've walked around AofA twice, but both times it was spring/summer and super hot and sticky out.  Had to keep ducking into the buildings for the ac.  Never have made it all the way around so I am looking forward to more pictures!


    Why do so many recent TR's turn to the subject of male junk?  (though I, too noticed your little boy doing the "gotta pee" sign…….know it well)  Kidding of course.

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