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Posts posted by fortpartyof4

  1. Good to know.  I have totes (plural) of stitchery kits of all kinds, some of which are still sealed in the package.


    Yeah... it probably wasn't a great idea for me to work in a craft store those couple of years.   8)


    If you have any Dimensions "Gold Collection", or anything Elsa Williams……..they seem to fetch higher bids.


    I'd be in BIG trouble if I worked at a craft store!

  2. Loretta…how goes the progress on the Monopoly kit?


    I put the mini Disney kits aside this winter and worked on a larger kit I'd been chipping away at for, oh about 15 years!  Still nowhere near done!


    But - I did go through that tote of kits I mentioned - seriously it was a 30 gal. tote nearly full of them - and pulled out some that I knew I'd never do.  On a whim, decided to see how they do on ebay, and was pleasantly surprised to see that some are very popular!  I got almost 30 bucks for one that is no longer made, and it had been given to me years ago, so that was total profit!  And they are very easy to mail!  Something to think about for those of you who also said you had a lot of them.

  3. Todd, you are too kind.  But I really don't want someone who is on vacation to spend any of that precious time on this.  I want to find a service, also so I can use them in the future if needed.


    FYI:  Dave (Grumpy) - you were right, Ed had used just such a service.  But, he had a bad experience with them and couldn't give them a good recommendation.  So, I need to keep looking to see if there might be another with better customer care.

  4. It is, but the difference is not enough for me to stay in a tent.

    ASR weekday rate during the regular season is $109. A tent site is $71, plus $30 for the tent, for a total of $101. I'll pay the $8 for the AC.




    That's nuts.  I would have to go with the AC also.


    As I said earlier.


    What a way to run a business.





    It just depends on the month as far as the AC, then there is the precipitation to consider.


    Not to mention a private toilet too


    That is a good point, though I have never minded the comfort stations at the Fort.  We did years of tenting and pop-up before getting a rig with a full bath, and the Fort's bathrooms make some campground bathrooms look like outhouses.


    Plus a bed and TV.


    Yes - though I use a cot when tenting, I do like being able to lay around watching the tube before turning in.


    It's actually not really the cost, but the experience. As I said, I would consider it as a couple days at most extra stay during or after work. I stay in hotels LOTS, a couple days being able to chill out in a lawn chair and wander the Fort, and not have to drive anywhere, just what the doctor might order :)


    I feel the same way.  I have had a couple of times when I could only be there for a night and pitched a tent to lay our heads then pack it away in the morning, but still spent the day at the Fort riding around, swimming, biking, etc.  I'd rather be there than any of the other resorts.

  5. What about one of the sponsors here that rent stuff out?


    Another good idea.  I want to pay for the service, not ask a favor I cannot repay.  I don't know if their insurance would cover that sort of thing, but I could def. ask.

  6. Rennie…thank you for considering that!  I keep meaning to take a picture of the house you told me about…will try to remember to soon.  I am pretty sure it is right behind the one we are renting.


    Grumpy I will do that.  thanks for that tip.

  7. Yes - if you are really looking to spend time at the Fort, renting a tent or pup or whatever makes the most sense.  I have stayed in other resorts when I had a good deal as a FL resident, and we were doing parks and were gone most of the day.  Both times, we visited the Fort a couple of times for looping, the campfire, or sitting on the TE porch.  Not the same as being a guest there, but there was no way I would be on WDW property without stopping in!


    Personally, the only way I would consider the tent option (for times when our camper isn't one), is during months when it cools off at night.  We did this in Nov. of last year.  Not bad at all.  Otherwise I'd rent a pup for the AC or stay at a value.

  8. The only time we have been we sat in the balcony.  We could hear and see well and enjoyed the show.  The cast did make it up there, but only once.  However, that wasn't very important to us, so we didn't mind.  It seemed like there was more space between tables up top and not as cramped.  It was completely full, and Christmas time and we were not offered an upgrade.  


    We did the early show.  Ate a late breakfast, no lunch, then pigged out at the HDDR at 4 pm, looped for a bit afterward, then hit the movie and had popcorn and s'mores.  It was just right, and kind of justified the cost since we essentially made it 2 meals.  Which is kind of is!

  9. 99.999% of the world's population would say I'm crazy, but I'd rather live at the fort than Golden Oaks.


    I don't want a house that I can't be myself in.  Or that I have to worry if the dog or the grandchildren are gonna tear something up.  I don't want to "keep up with the Joneses."  I don't want a house so big that I have to hire a maid to keep it clean.  


    I just want a small space of my own in a happy place a boat ride away from the Magic Kingdom.  A space where I can hear boat whistles and the EWP.  A space where I can hop on my golf cart and feel the breeze blowing through my hair.  That's my dream.


    Mine, too.

  10. I have seen way worse than this at the Fort!  This thing has personality!  I say fix it and have fun driving it.


    Does anyone remember the one many of us saw a couple of years ago that was towing the homemade trailer with a park bench bolted to it?  I think I have a photo, will check and see…...

  11. Actually Dave, it was $26 in 1987, not 1997.  Was your inflation calculation from the earlier year & '97 is just a typo?  Still, the math doesn't justify today's gate price.  And, I was with a group - not sure if we got a better price or not - the ticket doesn't indicate so, but they may not have had many different types of tickets then.


    I also loved the Kodak ad, that is why I included it.  I remember those well into the '90's, after I moved to FL and started going to the parks more.  I also remember learning my lesson about having extra rolls along with me after I had to buy one in the MK once.  Same thing with batteries later on with my first digital.


    The Times Guide shows that the Upper Moreland HS band from Willow Grove, PA performed on April 16, 1987.  That is just minutes from where I now live.  But the really ironic thing is we were at dinner with a friend Sat. night and I knew he grew up in Willow Grove and asked him what high school he went to.  His answer:  Upper Moreland!  I'll have to ask him when he graduated.

  12. I did not catch that area code thing…..I wonder if that was an old one or if they had their own?


    I also do not recall "The Disney Inn"…I'm sure it has been discussed here before but I have not stumbled on that topic, yet.


    And, I cannot believe I was there when 20,000 leagues was open and I didn't go on it.  I was there with a group of college students, we day tripped over on a bus from Daytona.  We were so preoccupied with riding Space Mountain as many times as we could, we didn't do much else.  Duh!

  13. That sounds very cool!  Several of my FB friends posted photos over this past weekend of their cheerleaders competing at DWWoS.  Must be the time of year for this sort of thing!


    I've only been there to see spring training games, but remember what an impressive place it is.  Have a great time!

  14. Again, I am so glad no one was hurt or injured.  I have since seen this video posted on a Fort FB page, so it is gaining in popularity!  Would not be surprised if it winds up on the news!  Thank you so much for keeping us up to the minute with the big news there.


    I also noticed the WDW van blocking the water supply.  d'oh!  And, the driver of that van casually getting out, taking a photo, and then walking back around the van, away from the fire, way before the  fire fighters arrived.


    Speaking of the firefighters, I was a bit surprised at how long their arrival took.  Did the guard not want to let them in? (kidding of course)


    Did you all notice the tires exploding?


    My last thought was - and I mean NO disrespect to the owner of this truck or anyone else involved - who else was waiting for Sweet Brown to jump out and say "Oh Lord its a fawr!"

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