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AC in A2......Aaron

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Posts posted by AC in A2......Aaron

  1. West Virginia was supposed to come to Tallahassee and play FSU on Sept. 8th.

    But, since they joined the Big 12, they cancelled the game.

    WV had to pay FSU $500K.

    And I get to watch FSU play Savannah State.



    Savannah State...that's a cream puff. That's like Michigan scheduling Appalachian State again in 2014....oh wait....nevermind

  2. :laugh: I can't wait to meet you! I just read your post in the football thread and laughed out loud. It's a bonus that you're another Jr fan that I can pick on.

    Yes, I am making a Minnie lamp. Hubby prepped the can yesterday. It had a couple good dents in it, but what do you expect for a can that's dated 1950?!

    Buffalo chicken sandwiches are wicked delicious! ;)

    I can't wait to meet you and the other fiends as well. Thanks!

    It's a good thing Trevor was there and not me. I admit I would have just kept walking and said to myself, "Good luck with that." Me being from Michigan, I have seen three types of snakes outside of a zoo: garter, blue racer, and massasauga rattler. I don't like any of them but definitely not going near one that I have not seen before.....I am alot like Dr. Jones that way.

  3. I am a huge Notre Dame and Michigan fan and of the following I know for certain:

    1. Notre Dame should not get a sniff of the Top 25 until they actually prove something

    2. Brian Kelly is an ass

    3. Michigan is not the #9 team in America.....19-ish I could see at this point

    4. Next to "What is wrong with college football" is always a picture of Lane Kiffin and USC amongst a few others

    5. I liked Urban Meyer when he was at Florida, but now that he is at OSU, I can't stand the guy... :rofl2:

    I am a firm believer that they should not even have AP or Coach's polls until October.

  4. The thing is....all of the ideas presented here are better than the Disney/Cameron collaboration. It is amazing how stuff like Avatar-land can be green-lit given what Lou said about empty attractions and others in need of refurb as well as the fact that their are countless ideas for "lands" that would be better for Disney and its guests rather than Avatar. Of all the things Disney has ever done in the parks, this is the one that leaves me scratching my head the most and keeps me hoping for a reversal in the thought process.

  5. Looks like an awesome gathering! The pics of Anna are very cute.....never even met her but I can see why she brings joy to all of you! Nothing makes your heart melt as a daddy than the smile of a daughter! My DD3 seems to have learned early how to use that to her advantage. I am betting Anna can get Dave to do anything with a smile like that. I wonder are all daughters like that? It would appear TCD falls for that too even with older daughters, and that's why he always caves. :clint: It's nice to know I am not the only one! Can't wait to see the photo bomb!

  6. Updates are fast and furious! I have never been in the Norway church either. I'll have to check it out. It's amazing what the 'ritas will do to you on a hot day like that. If I am ever there at the same time as you, you'll probably catch me lurking around your lamp post. I showed it to my wife last night and we both love it! I think I read on another thread that you are going to make the matching Minnie post? That should be pretty wicked awesome when you have both. (All references to the term "wicked awesome" are due to another fiends recent trip to Boston and in honor of Lou's Boston knowledge.....I cannot be held responsible). Now we resume our regulary schedule TR response post. Mmm....buffalo chicken sandwiches...

  7. Originally Posted on old thread but started anew here as per the advice of TCD!

    I know it's early but I have the itch already Yes I know that sounds like a probable tag.

    We go "up north" for Labor Day weekend every year for my wife's family reunion. This year on that Saturday Notre Dame will be playing Navy in Dublin, Ireland at 0900 eastern time (gonna be a bit weird having breakfast during the game) and then Michigan plays Alabama at the Jerry-Dome at 8pm that night. Boise State-Michigan State on Friday night of opening weekend. Auburn-Clemson on opening Saturday too. I can't wait for the season to start.

    I wish I could go to the game in Ireland. An extended Ireland vacation is one of my dream trips, and what an added bonus it would be to watch Notre Dame too!

    I love the Fall....kids birthdays, my birthday, wife's birthday, college football, baseball playoffs, high school football, son's football, deer hunting, Nascar chase, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas season (we are Christmas nerds.....our season begins November 1st at our house). I add decorations every year, but just got started a couple years ago. Last year I added big arches over the driveway. My goal is to have a Griswold type house. I think I will be adding a full-sized leg lamp and a 12 foot Mickey inflatable this year.

    I thought I would share an LSU website that I use regularly for schedules and TV for college football here:


    Remember the schedule is listed in central time because it is based on Baton Rouge time!

    They update it regularly. Three more months!

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