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AC in A2......Aaron

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AC in A2......Aaron last won the day on March 15 2018

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About AC in A2......Aaron

  • Rank
    Hero Fiend
  • Birthday 09/27/1975

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    Go Irish and Go Blue
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  • Location
    Ann Arbor, Michigan

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  1. There are many issues that remain for the Settlement: -Are the scrims/fencing at the Old TCD going to be torn down? -Will the resort boats return? -Will the covered wagon ever return? -Will the swing sets return? -Will boat rentals return? -Is Reflections 100% dead? -Will the volleyball net and second tetherball return? -Will changing Trails End to counter service mean the end of Crockett’s Tavern? I am sure there are more issues that I am not considering off the top of my head. Any knowledge or rumor on any of this? Based on history, I can probab
  2. Has there been any word on if/when the resort boat loop may return?
  3. Can anyone post the current calendar? Much appreciated!
  4. We were supposed to be at the Fort for Spring Break and have not rescheduled. It is hard to know when we could go back without first knowing what will happen with school (ours is cancelled for the year now) and sports. Some districts are already making plans for not starting on time in the Fall as well. (Kill me now ) We had 8-day hoppers which i have now changed to APs thru DVC. So when we do go back our APs will be activated at that point.
  5. I was just going to post the same article Mo. i wonder what will become of Reflections?
  6. Thanks for the update TCD. We will be there shortly and i think it is helpful to see the changes ahead of time. I dont think i will like how this all ends up but trying to keep an open mind i guess.
  7. This has been hilariously cancelled: https://www.dvcnews.com/index.php/dvc-program/member-benefits/news-66853/4438-galactic-gathering-cancelled The wording for why they cancelled it cracked me up.....
  8. My sources say there will also be a beach side bar called Mo’s Flights of Passage, where you sample several types of craft beers while enjoying all the beachside ambience.
  9. LOL-i was hoping for “Remember the Titans” and “Miracle” double feature nightly, but hey beggars can’t be choosers.
  10. I am out of the loop now....but if anyone has access to the recreation calendars, please post for March when it becomes available. Thanks!
  11. I could spend a good deal of time back and forth between the hammocks at Serenity Bay and the bar.
  12. Serenity Bay looks very nice. Your pool bathroom idea is a good one. Steak. Nice
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