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Everything posted by fowlandfishmommy

  1. Okay so I'm back FINALLY! Craziness going on around here! Here we go. So we got to do a second day at AK. Fowl was pumped. Safari was first. Now on to Kali River Rapids. We met up with our friends from home again! Little secret. We had gotten 4 paper fastpasses for this. (Fish was too short to ride, but we thought we might want to ride twice) Anyway we ran into our friends, gave them 2 of the 4 fastpasses. Then we went to the fastpass line and got a baby swap ticket and the big boys and little boys went first. (This information is really not valuable now. bummer.) Here
  2. Okay so this is what happened. When we planned this trip we knew we had 3 non expiration tickets that my parents gave us from 1990. Yes 1990. They were paper tickets and had moved all over the place with my parents. Anyway. We decided that we should use them on this trip because this would be the last trip that we only needed 3 tickets. And as you know buying 1 day tickets is kind of pricy. Thats why we always stay so many days. So since we didn't use a ticket at all the day of the Halloween Party we decided. Well lets just stay another day. I am notorious for convincing my hus
  3. That is pretty neat! Maybe I'll look up more about it one day. Thanks! We'll see if it happens. :)
  4. It was a really really fun day. I'm hoping to get to an update today but we'll see. Thanks, do you know what the orange bird is about? Is it a Florida thing? Another random Disney mascot? I doubt we will be going this year it is quite expensive for us and we are using every penny for the adoption. But we'll see. We have discussed a camping trip to Stone mountain with some Georgia fun. Fowl really wants to go to Six Flags. Thanks! A really nice guy offered to take it for us.
  5. Okay now here we go to the ultimate Disney World coaster - Rockin Roller Coaster! Since Fowl had loved every other one I thought he'd do fine. We had fastpasses and did the baby swap (we usually do that too in case it takes longer to do it than we have left on our fp.) He and Daddy went first. Fish was asleep, so it worked out great. Fish and I looked everywhere for an iced coffee. We never could find one. Look Disney-- I need a little coffee poured on some vanilla ice cream (I found this at the MK). That little shop right at Rockin had icecream and coffee. But they wouldn't do th
  6. Well we were at the top and it was pretty full down below us. My boys love it so if they do decide to change it, lets hope it has more boy fun. Hopefully they won't replace it with princess extravaganza land! :) I'm not telling my kids about that. That makes me so nervous!
  7. It was a lot more empty than in 2010. But it was a super low day at HS. The cupcake was the best dessert I had at the world. It was soooo good. And I am super picky about my baked goods. :) We go to Birmingham Barons games all the time and they are really fun, but I was totally surprised with how fun the Braves game was. It was awesome. The boys loved it. I probably dreamed it or made it up in my little 16 year old mind. But in my memories they were sort of swaying when they walked just like the cartoon version in the movie. I swear I remember that though. I'm sure I'
  8. Oh and by the way - my profile picture was taken at a Braves game back in August. :)
  9. Also I was wondering if anyone knew the answer to this. -- See those army guy's feet and the board under them. Cute. Here is my question. I came to DW with my marching band when I was in high school. 1997. I really really think I remember that the army guys' board under their shoes were connected. You know like one board like on the movie. Did I dream that? Anyone???
  10. And on to Muppet Vision 3D! I hadn't really given this attraction much thought. But we all loved it! I can't wait to do it again! Next up Phineas and Ferb! We love this show and they were supper excited to meet them. They were on Fowl's must meet list! They were all dancing! Fish showing off his moves... Phineas laughing at Fish. \\ Random army guy far away from Pixar Place... \ And a favorite in our house - Lights, Motor, Action. I know it takes up a lot of space and I'm sure if you go to DW often it is not a must do. But for our boys it is. Now would they
  11. I know. My niece would have been at a Toy Story meal in a heart beat. And I bet lots of pirate loving adults would like a pirate restaurant. (Especially those strange grown women I mentioned earlier in the tr). I think they are missing the boat here. A lot of girls love Pixar characters. Not a whole heck of a lot of boys love princesses. And they have to think they would make more money than some of the other character meals. At least they have updated the Hollywood and Vine meal. I don't think Jake was there in September.
  12. Thanks!! And thanks so much for commenting!! I love Disney World so much. But it does irk me that they don't have as much for the boys character meal wise. Also I think it would be AMAZING if they had a whole pirate themed restaurant with all of the Disney Pirates there visiting. I know they would be super popular. Yay! Hope you can read from the start! I'm sure it is not that nice to bring food from another restaurant. But its all Disney World food. And we wouldn't do it at a sit down restaurant. We did this twice. France's bakery and took it to the American Pavlovian
  13. After meeting Buzz and Woody we were off to meet some other characters. I wish you all could have seen the way Fish looked at Ralph's hands. He would look at them and then look at me - like, "Mom do you see this dude's hands??" It was so funny. If you haven't seen Wreck it Ralph you should. It is a really cute movie. The boys really like it. Now on to some more characters! Frozone was hilarious. I have no idea how a character that can't talk can be hilarious but he was. We met Mr. Incredible too, but I guess those are on the photopass cd. Next LUNCH!! I
  14. Great report! Loved it! Z is sooooo cute! My boys aren't into the princesses at all. But they love Tinkerbell! And your trip gave me a great idea - renting a camper. When we come next it will be with 3 kids and if we haven't bought our own camper by then, that may be our best option. 3 kids in a hotel at Disney is kind of hard to do.
  15. I'm not sure how long that room has been like that, but it was just like that in April of 2010. They have kept it up though. It has a few rough spots but it had been redone since our visit then. I'll try to post some from then too. I think it is the only place they are together. We would love if they would do a Toy Story character meal. They would have families with boys lined up out the door to eat there. (And I know some little girls that love Toy Story also). Meals for boys are lacking big time. Think about it - princesses out the wazoo, Alice in Wonderland (my boys aren't fans)
  16. Thanks they turn out good in there because of that big window. Oh they love those guys! It is a really cool room. You should try it! :) Pure joy is right! Thanks!!
  17. And here they are!! These are some happy boys. And honestly I know it is strange but Fowl has always loved Buzz and Fish has always loved Woody. And I'm going to work on photopass pictures hopefully tonight. They are so much better than mine here!
  18. I know so cute! He really liked them. I love those shirts! They look so cute. If there is ever a girl in the Vick family I hope there are princess dress versions of these tshirts. I'm not a fan of those awful hot itchy looking things. I know bummer.
  19. On to ToT. Of course Fowl loved it. I hadn't ridden it since I was in high school and it was just as fun as ever! Then to TSM. They loved it and sometime or another we rode it again. I'm not sure what we will do when we go next time and can only get 3 fastpasses. We probably had at least 5 paper fastpasses and 3 fastpass+. I had no idea they would take them away completely. I always thought it was just going to be a perk to staying on site. I know we all sort of make fun of folks who show up knowing nothing about DW and don't plan at all. But I just think
  20. Thanks for the sweet comments! The allergies aren't to hard to deal with. We are used to it! And I have the memory of a gnat also (and I say that all the time too) I don't even know my own cell phone number. :)
  21. UHHHH! I rotated those pictures and they still messed up. I'll try to fix later!
  22. Okay on to Friday of our trip! Hollywood Studios. I'll be honest on our last trip this was my least favorite. So I really wasn't looking that forward to it. I'll let you wait and see if my opinion of HS stayed the same. And I would really like to call it MGM thank you very much. So here we go. To start out there was no rain that morning. Hallelujah!!! My cuties were pumped about meeting Woody and Buzz. We headed to see them first. The line was very long though and we had FP+ for Disney Junior. So we decided to try it and see what happened. Well it
  23. Thanks so much! We are very excited! Thanks I know you understand! And as you know we are very sure that we will be the ones that are lucky. :) Thanks we need lots of prayers!
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