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Posts posted by LONE-STAR

  1. 2 hours ago, h2odivers...Ray said:

    “They try to limit access when lot is closed”

    what lot is closed?   The resort lot?  Or the parks, parking lots?

    it would make sense for the guards to be on high alert if the parks are full.


    ive gone to the several resorts during the busiest time of the year, Christmas and said we are going to take pictures or walk around  and we’ve never been turned away.

    I mentioned swimming pools are reserved for resort guests and forgot the fitness center. Your right the fitness center is for resort guests only.  


    I've been turned away at the Contemporary and the Poly and we're staying at the the Fort.

  2. 36 minutes ago, PGHFiend said:

    Late to the party.  

    Here at the Fort. Today was an amazing day; Trails End breakfast, horse barn, bike riding, nap under the awning, dog walking.  A few sites open in every loop, over 25 open in the 2000, saw 2 or 3 Prevost buses and a few other big ones. Mainly campers like mine and many older ones, like cousin Eddie style.



    Value to cost?

    Unmeasureable.  But for us, worth every penny. 


    Will be there soon, sounds like a great day, I hope you have several more. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Starbuc71 said:

    Wow, didn’t expect that kind of response from you. I’m not looking at the glass half empty. I have been very Cordele about what and how I said things on here and most are true even if they are my opinion. You sound more jealous that you can’t be a fort weekend warrior like we used to be.  I hate the negativity about Florida people on here.  There is a difference in definition between Floridian and locals when dealing with the fort.  All the more reason why I’m happy not to be a camper anymore.  Probably my last post now 😡

    Sorry I really didn't mean for that to be offensive.  Actually just trying to get you to look at things more positive.  Were still here if you want to post.

  4. 10 hours ago, Starbuc71 said:

    Wow. This is the most response I ever got on a topic I started. I’m proud of myself.  LOL. I have to say, besides the fort prices, the price of park tickets etc., we still think camping at the fort is not like it used to be.  As more and more people have found the hidden treasure at the fort, it’s become more crowed and not as relaxing. Large groups or groups of friends come together more often and like most of  the people nowadays, they have no respect for other campers and only care about themselves.   Many times last year on our trips, small children were not being watched while the parents sit and consume beverages, golf carts are being driven recklessly by both adults and underage drivers, people are constantly cutting through your site knocking things over, more and more non resort guest are taking over the amenities and the pool you could cross walking from head to head.  I guess because we used to go so frequently we notice these things vs people who visit once a year or so.  How about the campers that pile non garbage things like patio blocks, broken camper parts and chairs etc. near the trash cans.  one time we saw a recliner next to the trash can.  It’s a shame it’s not like it was. Wait till the abomination II gets built next door. You will have all those guest looping on rented golf carts, surey bikes and whatever else they can rent to look at all the camping folks. I’m sure this thread will have more comments and agreement when that happens. Security is a joke. Every time they get a good head of security that enforces the rules but is not a jerk, they get promoted or quit.  

    You are looking at a glass half empty instead of half full.  You are complaining about people and not the Fort.  You also looked at the Fort as a weekend getaway cheap campground, which it's not and was never ment to be. Walt made it as a economical place to stay at Walt Disney world on a family vacation.  Not to go every weekend.

    Anyway don't be upset about change, life is all about change and if you look at it the right way, life may be a little more fun.

  5. 11 hours ago, ImDownWithDisney said:

    It really is amazing how well new trucks do with trailers. My 450 literally handles 17k lbs like it is not even there. I know you like a SRW. Have you looked at a Hensley Arrow hitch? If you don't need the payload of a DRW I would think a SRW 1 ton with a Hensley would be rock solid with your trailer.

    Pay load I am fine it has a little over 4,400 lbs of pay load. The Hensley may be good idea if I have any sway issues. It's pulled good on all the trips we have taken it on accept coming back on the last trip. There were 30 to 40 mph cross winds so I had to keep it at 65 mph to keep the sway down.

  6. 3 hours ago, ImDownWithDisney said:

    Well after considerable thought about joining DVC I'm not into it right now. My main reason is the Fort has become our #1 draw for a Disney trip. Using points for a site isn't a good deal. Also another reason we considered DVC was for quick trips. Owning a new F450 makes pulling the camper a non issue. It's no more stressful than driving down in our suburban. We've done a few short trips already without feeling any negatives of taking the camper. We may buy in at a later date, but for now we are still campers. 

    Same here buying a modern diesel made all the difference in towing, and the Fort is Disney to us. I may get a drw 3500 on my next truck depending on how our next trip to the Fort goes. It will be our first trip going that far with the new trailer. As long as there is no sway I will stay with SRW other wise DRW here I come.

  7. 9 hours ago, Starbuc71 said:

    Unfortunately, I work 60 hours a week and don’t make enough money to enjoy the fort like we used to.  I know times have changed but it seems to me the prices with everything always increased but not as fast as they do now. You never heard of people complaint about fort prices until about 5 years ago.  I also understand that you need to spend money to make money and in order to have the money to spend to increase your business, it comes from the consumer/ customer. Like I said when I started this thread, I’m not here to bash Disney and their prices.  Their financial model just does not fit my wallet anymore. And for those of you with disposable incomes, well to do retirees, and people who have mega time off,  God bless you and yes, I’m jealous.  I will die before retirement.  

    I can't remember what you do for a living? 

  8. 1 hour ago, GaDawgFan.....Kelly said:

    As a fellow travel agent, I have a huge problem with you bashing Jason like that. Before becoming an agent, he was mine and always took care of my family. When we look for availability, we're basically looking for people to cancel, so it is completely unfair for you to blame him that people didn't. I also know from personal experience that he doesn't promise things like that. While we may me technically "competitors" in some sense, we support each other, and what you are saying is completely ridiculous. 

    I thought you  were a teacher.  And I also know Jason does not promise, he has tried for me before and got the dates and some times he couldn't. But he never promised,  he just said I will see what I can do.  And one magical time he got me a reservation with out me even asking, but that is just because he is the MAN. Thanks again Jason 

  9. 10 hours ago, DaveInTN said:

    Until I see otherwise, I am giving Disney the benefit of the doubt with this resort.  Let's face it...the Fort of our youth has been gone for over a decade, if not two.  The peacocks, train, trams, River Country, etc are never coming back.  But what will exist once this construction is all over in a few years might not be terrible.  While it's becoming clear that the Settlement and Clementine Beach will be significantly altered, I have yet to walk around a single resort at WDW where I thought to myself "good Lord this is awful!".  I believe they will create a beautiful place.  Different, no doubt, but probably pretty darn nice.  I too grieve the loss of what was a peaceful Settlement, where I enjoyed sitting on the porch with a drink while the kids played.  But I have other peaceful places in my world.  And I'm hoping we will see a nice combined area with enhanced amenities for the benefit of both resorts.  This talk of "our beach will become their beach" rings hollow with me, because I don't see Disney running a fence through the Settlement with razor wire to keep us out.  I imagine additional areas to walk around, like at many of the other resorts.  Yes, there will be more people.  That's a given.  But hopefully it will be nice to visit additional shops, grab a beverage at new bars with outdoor dining areas, and still have our peaceful campsite to relax at (and possibly some additional amenities to come in the Meadows area).   

    Well said Dave I agree and hope it all works out. But did you find a cinnamon roll from main street bakery or something? How did you get so Disney positive?

  10. 14 minutes ago, ImDownWithDisney said:

    I swam many times down there at the beach. I would swim out to the ropes and back. Good times. 

    Same here. I have always preferred that side of the beach. The best place to view fireworks at the Fort is at the old cabin behind the 300 loop. So if they would just open that back up it would be nice.

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