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mommy rainbo.....Bo

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Posts posted by mommy rainbo.....Bo

  1. Our last house was in a development with an HOA. Never again!!!!!!! They told us it was against the rules to put up a flat pole with the American flag flying on it. You don't want to know what my husband told them they could do with their HOA. We have since moved and do not have an HOA. I will never live in an area that has an HOA again!!!

    I can see why they got upset. A flat pole you say, why you have some nerve.

    Just kidding. HOA SMB!

  2. Your Chip and Dale photos are wonderful.  What a way to remember your trip.  They look like they had fun too.   I love the photo CD.  I did the photopass+ last time we went since we had a bunch of charater meals.  It was nice to not have to jump up and take the picture or worry about not getting it at the resturant.  I just wish we had stopped and had more pictures taken. 

  3. lol, this is coming from a guy who's met more of us than most. I'd believe him if I were you.

    If you see me running, you'd better run too because something really big & nasty is chasing me... either that, or they just opened the Disney Dooney marathon purse sales! :holysheep:

    I suspect you missed the point. Think of those limited edition marathon purses!! :stars-shower-smiley:

    you mean as they pass Uptown Jewelers and see the Disney dooney & bourke purses right?? :smug:

    did I mention there are limited edition DD&B purses for three of the marathons? :dogsnicker:

    Do I sense a theme here....

    Edited due to iPad eating my comment.

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