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Posts posted by mrstnbob

  1. I thought Desoto was a beautiful campground but I am hoping for maybe a little later in the year for 2015.  It was just a little to cold and wet for me to enjoy all the park had to offer.  Although this winter was out of the ordinary for us, maybe next year will be better.  But with some leaves on the trees to start the camping season would be nice.  The campsites themselves were really big and lots of space between each site.  The cable was really good too with quite a few major channels.  As you can see by Carol's pictures the bath house was new and very clean as was the laundry. 

  2. I'm shooting for around 3ish myself, a new Statement of Work fell on my lap this morning so getting out early maybe a little harder than originally planned, I've already told the kids coaches Saturday isnt happening they are obligated to a higher authority (AKA fort fiends) Kathy, I may take you up on the facuet proposal, I'm having a heck of a time finding one that fit, will try Home Depot tonight, checked 2 Lowes yesterday with no love. 



    Judy, I have already put Bob's basin wrench in the camper just in case.  He said he has no problem putting in a faucet for you. 

  3. David told me to get to I-81 we have to go through Fancy Gap, VA, and that is a bit of a grade.  I'm a big chicken coming off the mountains in a car, much more so in the moho even though we have a two-stage Jake brake.  I usually shut my eyes and pray until we're off the mountain.  Same thing for long bridges over water.


    When we have some spare time we'll take my car through Fancy Gap and decide if I can handle it in the moho.  Would love to meet you all there and also in Gettysburg -- we'd have to take the same route to get to Gettysburg, just go north on 81 instead of south.

    You could just take the I40 thru Asheville to Knoxville then I75 south.  It's about the same distance and going through Asheville it beautiful.

  4. Bob was reading me your post and the tears just started streaming down my face.  I was seeing Kellen in my  minds eye when she turned and saw her daddy.  I am so happy for you and your girls to have him home, even if it is for a short time.  I know for a fact you are going to have the Merriest Christmas imaginable.  Please tell him Thank You for all he has sacrificed to keep us safe.

  5. Well well what is going to happen next.  Yesterday had to install a new kitchen faucet, we ran into a snag trying to fix the old one.  Today while eating an egg on toast I lost a cap or should I say didn't lose it cause I know where it is...I swallowed it.  I am afraid to see what else is coming my way since things seem to come in 3's.

  6. OMG you have no idea how excited I am, and Bob said it was only for 3 days or so, he would never drive all that way for only 3 days.  Who is he kidding.  He has been wanting this just as much as I have.  We are on a roll here so maybe our luck is changing.  We have had this John Deere tractor for quite some time and he finally did some work to it and put it all together with the rototiller, blade and deck and put it on craigslist.  We also had a Earth Stove wood stove that we have been trying to sell for about 4 yrs.  He put that on craigslist too.  Both sold within 2 days of being on craigslist.  They say things come in 3's, so maybe this is a omen that the house will sell.  Anyway that is how everything came together so that this short (10 day ) trip came about.

  7. OMG you have no idea how excited I am, and Bob said it was only for 3 days or so, he would never drive all that way for only 3 days.  Who is he kidding.  He has been wanting this just as much as I have.  We are on a roll here so maybe our luck is changing.  We have had this John Deere tractor for quite some time and he finally did some work to it and put it all together with the rototiller, blade and deck and put it on craigslist.  We also had a Earth Stove woodstove that we have been trying to sell for about 4 yrs.  He put that on craigslist too.  Both sold within 2 days of being on craigslist.  They say things come in 3's, so maybe this is a omen that the house will sell.  Anyway that is how everything came together so that this short (10 day ) trip came about.

  8. OMG you have no idea how excited I am, and Bob said it was only for 3 days or so, he would never drive all that way for only 3 days.  Who is he kidding.  He has been wanting this just as much as I have.  We are on a roll here so maybe our luck is changing.  We have had this John Deere tractor for quite some time and he finally did some work to it and put it all together with the rototiller, blade and deck and put it on craigslist.  We also had a Earth Stove woodstove that we have been trying to sell for about 4 yrs.  He put that on craigslist too.  Both sold within 2 days of being on craigslist.  They say things come in 3's, so maybe this is a omen that the house will sell.  Anyway that is how everything came together so that this short (10 day ) trip came about.

  9. Well the Tennessee chapter of A Pup's Tale is coming to a close.  It was short but we packed in as much fun as we could.  If you go back to the pictures from this chapter you will see Fiends doing what Fiends do best, EAT.  There was the first night with Rick and Carol joining us.  Then there was brunch, didn't get any pics of that.  And finally O'Charley's for dinner, oh and it was free pie Wednesday at O'Charley's, they must have known we were coming.  As I said it was short but when it comes to Mike and Doodle I will take any time I can get.  As with all the Fiends I have met so far, my door is always open and the coffee will always be fresh.  Mike and Doodle have a safe rest of your trip, Love you both.  

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