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Posts posted by SCTigerCock

  1. Thanks everyone for the well wishes, responses and such.

    We had a wonderful time and enjoyed having 3 great nights before I felt to bad to go another night.

    Awesome food, great beer and wonderful people. We had several nice things happen this trip that just capped off our anniversary.

    Now just waiting for Savannah (the dobe) to get her bath and ready to be picked up from the kennel.

    Feeling a little better, at least I ain't running continuously to one specific room in the house.......Now if Kyle would have won and not Harvick that would have been better. But since Tony is a Harvick fan, all is ok. maybe.

  2. I'm not much of a rosemary or ginger person. The rest sounds good. Did you try doing the "aromatics" part of the recipe?

    We aren't rosemary or ginger peeps either. We prefer hot spices and garlic.

    We've fried before too. You can make your own seasoned butter to inject if you want. We do.

  3. Not a turkey, but we brine chicken before oven frying it. Delish!

    We use 1 part salt to 1 part sugar and add hot peppers too. bring to a boil, let cool, then throw in the chicken to brine for 4-5 hours.

    We rinse our chicken after coming out of the brine otherwise it is to salty.

    Check out Food Network, Alton Brown has a great receipe that we started with and then adapted.

  4. Tony


    Somebody stole my likeness. Going to sue for copyright infringement


    He's so proud


    Man Down, Man Down


    In case you missed the first one


    Distillery, Beer lovers (and there are some on here) a MUST TRY



    Fried Asparagus




  5. This will be short and sweet, just like Tony.

    Tony and I celebrated our 10th anniversary with our annual trip to Savannah.

    Had some awesome seafood, beer and even a cigar. The trip was cut short since the head cold I had is now into my chest. So we came back today so I can be sick in my own bed. Yippee for me.

    Some of these pics may appear to be a repeat of last year, but hey if it ain't broke don't fix it. And if the beer is cold, drink it.

    One new place we tried was the Pink House for lunch. Awesome! I had the fried green tomato (mayor) salad. And Tony had the fried chicken wtih collards. Slap your moma happy we were.

    Another new spot was Angel's BBQ. This was featured on Heat Seakers from Food Network. Oh my was it good and hot! Definately a do-over place.

    Actually both are.

    We missed Love's seafood once again, since we left early. But the Good Lord Willing, there will next year.

    Kevin Barry's












  6. Oh I thought the prank was pulled later on, not when you went to DTD earlier in the day! I did not think you had driven.

    Listen, I am not one to talk! When I am allowed out, all bets are off……"some" doesn't even cross my mind!

    And I am 110% with you on the driving. I have zero patience for people who drink and drive. I post a lot of cocktails on FB and in my TR's here but it is b/c I am camping and never set foot in a vehicle!!

    Ditto. Go RH racing team!!


    psst, "some" is a relavent term...

    Have you heard how much I hate Jimmie Johnson? He sucks. In the future please say go RH teams except Jimmie or I'll run over Steph's JJ corn hole boards just for spite. Got it?

    Go Donnie Go!!!! I DARE ya!!!! :rofl2: :flush2: :rofl2:

    Give it your best shot big boy. I'll put you in a head lock too. Got it?

    You can DO THIS DONNIE!!!!!! :jumpforjoy

    She's all bark with a little munchkin bite. It don't hurt to bad


  7. Well, you gotta give them credit for trying. It's not so easy to be clever when you've been downing PBR's…...

    I am confused as to how your son can wear KB pj's then cover up with a JG blanket??? Which one is it? If it's the latter, give him an "atta boy" from me! (sorry Genia)


    Just to clarify something, Yes we consumed "some" PBR's, however we were responsible adults, Nate and I were both stone cold sober heading to and from DTD getting cigars. Nate drove because he wanted to check out my car, and I needed a break after the drive the previous day. And Trev was nice enough to be the DD on the way to and from the concert. And nice enough to teach me a few things about my own car :rofl3:

    I enjoy my beer, however I never play around unless I know I have a DD, at my site, walking distance or some other form of transportation home. :clint:

    As far as the drivers, at least there wasn't any Harvick crap envolved. :rofl2:

  8. Why is it always booze related with you...and me?

    Because we are beer/booze connoisseurs and officioinados, not the teatotaler type? :beer:

    Or was this one of those rhetorical questions? :rofl2:

    We need to organize the Spartacus Fiend Invitational Scooter Dog race around the Fort. Down the WL trail and back. Winner buys (my dog is too easily distracted!)

    Am SO IN! But can we do it on a golf cart? Cause if we use a scootter that is like exercise..... :clint:

  9. Why I drank tequila, I will never know…

    I can tell you that it made packing up (waking up for that matter) a tough go of it.

    Nothing a little Egg McMuffin can’t fix.

    Preach on MD, Preach on!!!!

    LOL about the scooter being pulled by Josie. Brings brack memories of my late Doberman Clemmy and a kids regular scooter. She could pull and pull, but like you the turning was a ...........

  10. I never heard of the $20 per person rule for the Front of the Line deal. That's kind of steep.

    I wonder what they put in that Armadillo Juice- those photos really did get blurry after that.


    Yea, but seeing Stef get her "you ain't stopping me from BBS attitude on" Priceless

    Armadillo Punch

    Grey goose vodka, triple sec, sour mix, cranberry juice, and sprite

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