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Posts posted by SCTigerCock

  1. Wrekless, Welcome!

    There should be two spiguts. One with a green hose attached, which is for cleaning hoses, and one for potable water. Well that is the set up on the full, preferred and premium sites.

    However, since you are on the 2000 loop, where things get crazy a good bit and I believe a partial setup, things could be different.

    I suggest, you either head up to the Front desk, or contact maintenance via the house phone at the confort station. Probably maintenance would be the best plan since they would know more (hoepfull) than the front desk.

    Hope you enjoy your stay!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing!

    James Island County Park is dry too. However, I have noted there is A LOT of beer cans/bottles in the recycling bins. Campers are an amazing group I tell ya. To be dedicated recyclers and bring in empty can/bottles to the park. Amazing.

    I guess that is a very easy way to evict loud obnoxious folks that don't conceal thier stash well.

  3. Matt,

    Glad you had a wonderful time! :jumpforjoy

    Welcome Matt!!! Thanks for sharing your trip experience. I agree with most if not all of your comments. I find the TE pizza to taste just like a frozen rising crust pizza from the grocery store. I have one suggestion for you if you ever order it again. It does seem to taste better after several beers. Not sure why, but it does. Throw a couple of Mai Tais into the mix and it becomes pretty much the best pizza ever. Don't ask me how I know that.

    How do you know this?



  4. DW wants to go to Savannah so I will be calling on you for the must do list someday!

    Ya'll will not be disapointed!

    And Savannah is a family friendly town. So if you end up taking the kiddies, it isn't like you can't do anything.

  5. OK- but somebody send me a reminder maybe in October or so.

    I admit that I know nothing about astronomy, but won't the sun be lined up in the same place at another point of the year (like when spring is turning into summer?).

    No, the Sun is a different distance from the Earth each day of the year. No two days are the same.

    You have shorter days in the Fall and longer days in the spring due to that difference in distance.

  6. Someone didn't put on their listening ear (Notice I said ear, singular)

    The #2 team won the championship, and as I said before, they had a great year! That includes the entire team and Brad, as a driver.

    Brad's mouth, is what lost him a lot of fans.

    When JR, who was Brads ticket into Nascar and one of the least eloquent speakers, says:

    "Brad says stupid stuff that he knows nothing about. His place is behind the wheel, not the microphone"

    you know things are bad.

    The two most recent ones that come to mind are

    "Nascar should ban all meds, performance enhancements, and even Flintstone vitamins"

    Spoken from a 27 year old who obviously has had no health problems, or deficiencies.

    Let's not forget his infamous press conference after Texas where he dropped 20 F-bombs because "those guys acted like idiots and are trying to kill each other"

    IMO, Brad doesn't have the experience or clout to wipe the sweat off of Gordon's brow. Jeff handled things as he saw fit, and ultimately paid a price.

    Gordon's Daddy didn't threaten to

    "Put my firesuit back on and take care of business" when Carl and his boy didn't see eye to eye.

    That goes back to "Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"

    After taking a ton of flack for each of these incidents. he apologized and back pedaled, when confronted.

    I would tell you what we call those kind of folks, but I'm pretty sure it's a filtered word.

    My original point was that I used to like Brad, as a person, now I just think he's a hypocrite (and you know how I feel about that)

    Again, as a driver and team, they did a hell of a job and deserved the championship!

    Huh? Did you say something?

  7. I think Brad did pretty well backing up his mouth this year. He is the champion.

    I'm not saying I agree with all of his mouth, same as Kyle's. But it is nice to see someone else as champion. Even though I ended up pulling for JJ at the end of the year.

    My prediction for 2013....JJ/Chad have the advantage. New cars, new rules package and they are the best at adapting on the fly. Penske did well adapting to the fuel injection, but they will have a brand new engine to deal with.

    They had an interesting discussion on Sirius this AM, did Dodge leaving the sport in 2013 hurt Dodge or Penske worse. I.e, hindsight being 20/20, you would think Dodge is kicking itself for finally winning the champioinship the year they are leaving NASCAR. But will Penske lose out, since they will be with Ford and have ot share any finding they find? And since Penske is running Rousch engines, this could get interesting.

    I'm just waiting to see if Kyle resigns with Gibbs. And curious how RCR will fare in the long run. Especially with Kevin leaving after 2013 WITH the Bud sponsorship to SHR.

  8. Awesome Rocky Picks! He's georgious!

    I showed the pics to Tony, and he agrees with me, no way our Savannah is coordinated enough to play tether ball. She would end up just chasing Rocky.

    And Savannah still thinks she is a lap dog, in fact she always gets to "sit" in Tony's lap in the truck while I drive....

    Glad the whole family was there, even for a short while!

    Will Rocky ride up front in the Explorer? When I had mine, Clemmy "owned " the whole back with the seats down. But she would not ride up front. Just curious.

    And like I said, Savannah now "owns" the front passenger seat of the truck.

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