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  1. Upvote
    Tri-Circle-D got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in February 2011 Trip Report From TCD   
    Just, Wow.
    I said when I started this trip report that I wanted to see it have at least a thousand views.
    We are now closing in on two thousand, and we are not even close to the half-way point in this report.
    As is my practice, I will be responding to your comments, but before I do that, I wanted to say that while some of you may have missed me, I didn't realize how much I missed all of you until I started reading your comments.
    What a great group of folk this is!
    And think about it for a minute.
    We have a guy reading along in Russia.
    And another in Texas.
    And a lady in Minnesota.
    And another couple in South Carolina.
    And, then there's a lady in New Hampshire.
    Plus a bunch of Florida folks.
    And, folks everywhere.
    All sharing a couple of laughs and enjoying a story about some guy's trip to Fort Wilderness.
    What a great site this is.
    To those lurkers reading along.
    Why don't you join and let us know you are reading along.
    You will not find a funner or friendlier group anywhere!
    So sign up!
    It's free!
    And, you can join in the fun!
    Now, back to the report . . .
  2. Upvote
    Tri-Circle-D got a reaction from AuburnChris in February 2011 Trip Report From TCD   
    Todd- I was very disappointed and a bit angry when I made that post. That is in the past, and I see no reason to discuss it. As far as I am concerned, nothing has changed except the address of the website where I post.
    And this place has awesome owners and webmasters.
    As you know, there are great folks here.
    One of the reasons I stayed away for a while is that I do not want to be a part of anything negative.
    So, i am not going to go there.
    The past is in the past.
    You ain't seen nothing yet.
    As I mentioned earlier, on this trip I ventured into a part of the Fort which even I have never visited.
    And found something pretty cool.
    Read on.
    Read on.
    See my response to Discamper, above.
    The past will stay in the past.
  3. Upvote
    Tri-Circle-D got a reaction from shoreline99 in February 2011 Trip Report From TCD   
    Thanks, Stephanie.
    Well put.
    So, this trip report was started just 24 hours ago.
    And, currently the stats show 796 views.
    Which makes it the second-most read trip report in the short history of this board.
    And gaining on the most-read trip report.
    Which is yours!
    I've got you in my sights!
    This baby is going way past the thousand view mark!
    Way to go Fiends!
    And, this report is just getting started!
  4. Upvote
    Tri-Circle-D got a reaction from Grumpy and Grandma in February 2011 Trip Report From TCD   
    I’m back.
    It’s really me.
    I was just taking a break.
    For those of you who are not familiar with me, I do that from time to time.
    In this case, I have taken a permanent break from the place where I used to post.
    That’s right . . .
    I quit.
    There are some things that I will not tolerate.
    Two biggies are ignorance and lying.
    And when those in charge of the place where I used to post exhibited both, it was time for me to go.
    So I left.
    That was in January.
    Since then, I have thought about not writing trip reports any more.
    I also received an offer to create a TCD blog.
    But, I have chosen to join the Fiends.
    And so a new chapter begins . . .
    The past is in the past.
    Long live TCD!
    Enough of that.
    This is a trip report.
    So let’s get it going.
    First, let’s make note of something.
    As I post this in new trip report in the trip report section of this new website, I note that there have already been some really good trip reports posted.
    But even the best of them has only been viewed less than a thousand times.
    That is not acceptable people.
    So, let me make a promise to you:
    This trip report will set a new record of viewers.
    And this is only the beginning.
    If you are reading along, you will be a part of history.
    This is where the Fort Fiends site will take off.
    It’s time for a lot of new readers.
    And a lot of new members.
    If you are a lurker, it’s time to join the party.
    TCD trip reports need comments.
    And tangents.
    And hijacks.
    But first, our story begins.
    A trip report should begin with an introduction. So, please allow me to introduce myself. I am TCD. I am married to Mrs. TCD, and we have three teenage daughters, two of whom are twins. And we have a dog, Rocky. He is an awesome Boxer, who just turned one. We live on the west coast. Of Florida. And we visit Fort Wilderness about six times a year. Sometimes for a long weekend. Sometimes for a week. We rarely all make it together for every trip. Lately, it has just been me and the TCD twins. And so it was on this trip.
    For whatever reason, the TCD twins had a school break on Feb. 14th. Usually, they get President’s Day off. But this year, they had the Monday before President’s Day off. Odd. But good for us. The greedy Fort management charges a premium for sites on President’s Day weekend. Luckily for us, we got to go the weekend before, and the rates were much lower.
    As usual, I reserved a partial hook-up site. We camp in a pop-up camper, and have no need for a full, preferred or premium site. I faxed a request to be placed on the 1500 loop. Since TCD is a VIP, I am always accommodated. Except for this time.
    We arrived at the Fort in the late afternoon of Friday, February 11. It was a clear and cool afternoon. The check-in area was not crowded. And, since it was the week before President’s Day, I did not expect the campground to be crowded. I expected to check in, get to our site on the 1500 loop, and let the fun begin.
    But it didn’t work that way.
    We had a nice young lady check us in. When she handed me my information, she cheerfully reported that I was assigned to site 2009. “Wait a minute,” I said. “Did you say 2009?” “Yes,” she said. I told her that there must be a mistake, and that I should have a site on 1500. I asked her to please check and see if a site on 1500 was available. She picked up the phone and called. She spoke for a while with whoever it was on the other end, and then reported that there were no more sites available in the 1500 loop, as a group had reserved most of the loop. Bummer.
    I am no fan of the 2000 loop.
    But, that‘s the chance I take when I reserve a partial hook-up site.
    So, we headed to our site.
    We have camped on this exact site before.
    In fact, we camped here on New Year’s Eve in 2008.
    It really isn’t a bad site.
    And, we had a great time.
    You know what?
    This report needs some pictures!
    And, as luck would have it I have a few.
    Well, actually more than a few.
    Maybe more like a few hundred.
    With me, it’s all about quantity.
    I leave the quality to the real photographers.
    So, I had better get posting, right?
    Here we are set up in good old 2009:

    I was a bit concerned when I arrived at the site, as there was a group just across from me. With a big fire pit right in front of their site. And a lot of noisy kids. This could be bad. But, we would be visiting the parks a lot on this trip, and since they had so many kids, they couldn’t party too much, could they?
    Here they are:

    As is our practice, the girls had run off to the Magic Kingdom while I set up camp. Just as I was putting the finishing touches on the set-up, I got the call that they were heading back from the MK so we could eat. So, I hopped on the cart and headed to the marina.
    On the way, I saw two deer.
    This one could walk on water!:

    This one apparently could not:

    I picked up the girls, and we stopped by Trail’s End for our Giddyap and Go. It is a tradition. And, it was good.
    It was Extra Magic Hours at Epcot that night. That meant Epcot would be open until midnight. So that is where we headed.
    It’s been a while since any of us have watched the fireworks show at Epcot (I call it Illuminations, but it may have a different name these days). We picked out a spot over by Italy and watched:

    What a great show this is!
    Lately, the girls and I have committed to experiencing some of the attractions that we have seldom or, in some cases, never visited. So, after the fireworks, we headed to the American Adventure. It has been years since I last forced the girls to watch that show. But, it was cold, and the park was crowded, and it was right there, so the girls really didn’t put up much of a fight. I remember the first time that I saw this attraction. How amazed I was! Now it seems very dated. And, kind of boring. But, it is still a great attraction, and it makes you proud to be an American. We ended up enjoying it. From there, we headed around the lagoon, and back to Future World where we enjoyed Soarin’ and Test Track, and headed back to the Fort.
    The partiers were still up when we got back. But, they were just huddled around their fire. Not a very lively bunch that night.
    As you might expect, I was up with the sun on Saturday morning, and headed down to Pioneer Hall.
    After grabbing my coffee, it is time to take a look at some of the Valentine’s Day decorations around the Fort.
    Which we will see in my next post.
    If you are reading along and know the answer, please let me know how many photos are allowed in each post. I had 25 in this post initially, but I had to keep on editing it so that I could post it. I have a lot of photos, so I need to push it to the limit so to speak. Is it 10?
    And coming up after that . . . we will explore a part of the Fort where TCD has never ventured.
    And we will take a look at some really cool things I discovered off the beaten track.
    I will also run into a few Fiends.
    And there will be a lot more photos!
    If you are reading along, please feel free to post a comment or question.
    Let me know what you think.
    It makes trip reports more interesting when folks chime in.
    So feel free.
    This post has been promoted to an article
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