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DramaMama .......... Janet

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Posts posted by DramaMama .......... Janet

  1. Yep, I missed out on that trip.  While Andy was dashing through Disney I was home - and 8+ months pregnant.  Thankfully his mom stayed with our two year old and me back home while his dad followed him around property.


    Maybe that I why I was so keen to throw caution to the wind and go to WDW when the baby was 7 weeks old..... :unsure:

  2. Exactly, as just one of the locals that has the opportunity to meet Fiends face to face on a regular basis at the Fort, it's nice to have a real name.


    It's also, among other things, what makes the FF.Net website unique. The fact that members will probably meet seems to dictate how we behave towards each other. There's no hiding behind a screen name.

    And although we may be snarky at times, it's always, always, in fun.

    Looking forward to it, Lou!  Well, here goes........  Gotta go update my name......

    Gee, I feel so accepted!

  3. We took a morning during a trip to WDW back in early 2011 and did the DVC presentation.  It was very interesting and we enjoyed the special treatment though we told them we would not be buying anytime soon if at all.  After looking at the lowest buy in we decided it would be far more sensible for us to buy a small camper since we would want to be at Fort Wilderness anyway and could use it on other vacations.  Still working on that...

  4. We had a player that was "excused" from the team last year...one of his online classes was Public Speaking. How in the fort do you take public speaking online??

    I asked the same question when I took a speech class online a few years ago.  Answer?  You have to make the speech in front of a a certain number of people and it must be videoed - audience included - and then put on YouTube sending the professor the link.   It wasn't bad.  I passed.  ;D

  5. So, does anyone have a real picture of what this bamboo creature will look like?  I know I am opening up myself to the talents of fiend photoshopping, but seriously, I can't picture this.  DeVine, yes, she paints herself green and looks like she has vines growing all over her.  But skinny bamboo stalks?  In Africa?  I think of Asia when I hear bamboo.     


    Ok, I took a break before posting and did a bit of research (well, let's be honest, Wikipedia) and found that bamboo does indeed grow in sub-sahara Africa.  Hmm... learn something new everyday.  At any rate, she better stay away from pandas and lemurs......

  6. If I could talk them into a cruise, it would be a Disney cruise.  We don't gamble and we don't drink, so any other cruise line would be a complete waste of money.  It would be all about the food.

    Close to us....  My family would love to cruise.  I don't drink or gamble and get seasick VERY easily.  Doesn't matter how good the food is if.... you know.  The Disney part is all that would sell it for me.  Soooooo, this is your chance - convince me!

  7. We have started looking online at pop ups because we know that is the route we will go maybe next year.  I think I want a new one that hasn't been abused or weathered, but worry about more recent workmanship being not as good (as an earlier poster said plastic instead of metal).  My in-laws had one for 40 years that we would still be using had rodents not gotten into and destroyed. 


    BUT I see so many pop ups in RV lots all open all the time.  Does any dealer actually leave some closed?  Isn't it getting sun weathered before it ever gets bought???  Anyone have thoughts on this? 

  8. It has been a while since I have seen SpectroMagic.  My foggy recall is one of the parade being mostly about people wearing lights.  Hmmm...   Oh yes.  It would make perfect sense to put live actors wearing lights out on the lake every night.  Very cost effective to do away with a mostly mechanical parade.  They could, instead, cheaply make several barges full of animatronics.  Sounds very legit to me!    :rotfl6:

  9. How's the grapefruit cake?

    I remember it being OK but not as good as hyped.  I don't mind occasionally paying the big prices for amazing food or memorable character experiences for my kids.  This was neither.  We like that we can check Brown Derby off the Disney restaurant to-do list but feel no need to go back.

    I have heard some people say they like the atmosphere in there because it is like they aren't even in a theme park.  Hmmm.... personally I relish every moment in Disney theme parks!

  10. We have been once and DH and I both had the cobb salad and grapefruit cake because of all the reviews we had read.  When the salad was served, the waiter asked if we wanted it mixed.  We said "sure" thinking, why not?  The salad was really tasty - for the first 20 bites.  The problem with getting it mixed is that every single bite tastes all the same.  Though good, we tired of it quickly.  It would have been much better not mixed. 

  11. You can find lots of info about Whispering Canyon's atmosphere.  Like Jason said, it is more fun when you play along.  We have been as a couple, with  our kids, and in a bigger group, too.  All of our servers have been great.  If you are willing to join in on the act they actually go a little easier on you.  We never eat ketchup so we haven't gotten that attention.  My DH did get the huge mason jar one morning for breakfast because he slurped down his diet soda so quickly.  (Of course we both got chided for having soda for breakfast).  When my youngest son turned 3 they brought him a big cupcake and then ate it in from of him.  They immediately brought him another, though, as is their style. 


    The last time we ate there it was near the end of the lunch serving time.  Our waitress started out kinda crusty, but when we happily joined in, she became like a grandma and was so sweet to all of us.  She even sat down and visited a while getting to know us.  It is a little pricey, and the food ranges from good to really good, but the atmosphere is so family friendly.  I don't worry about my noisy boys bothering anybody.  Always a good time for us.  We also love wandering around the resort gift shop and grounds a bit after we finish before boarding the boat back to the Fort.

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