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DramaMama .......... Janet

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Posts posted by DramaMama .......... Janet

  1. Yeah, but the name on my name tag reads "Mr. Snuffleupagus".

    Easy to remember.  Hmm.... are you as invisible as the original?  or can only Fiends see you?  Doesn't that make the passengers nervous to see their bus driving all by itself?


    Thanks to GG and other photos posted here I have an idea of what you, TJ, and Devores look like.  Just gotta. track. you. down.....  :smug:

  2. who am I kidding, we are just as excited but we hold it in better!! :jumpforjoy

    Nope.  In my case it is about to bust out all over.  Probably gonna be messy.   

    I am about to choke on my hypocritical words to my sons that they have 3 more days of school before we leave and they have to focus on that.  Meanwhile, I am trying to get everything done in my own preschool classroom early because I KNOW I won't be worth ANYTHING Friday!

  3. I wish I could get over my fear of electric blankets and mattress pads!  It would sure make life warmer.  I know that they are made much safer now, but about 20 years ago my parents' electric blanket caught on fire with them in the bed.  Thankfully they had not gone to sleep yet and were able to extinguish it quickly.  I am sure there are far more dangerous things in my house right now, I just can't shake that memory!

  4. I have booked Test Track and Soarin for December 13. Hoping they don't change anything. Was I not supposed to be able to do that?

    The system is still fairly new and like the Disney site in general, has its quirky times. Some people have had no problems while others have no luck. Stay positive. We have set up fastpasses for our trip in a week and a half. We will let everyone know how that works out. Keeping our fingers crossed...

  5. Welcome!  I second the campfire sing-a-long/movie, fireworks and water parade, and pony ride for the little one.  If the weather is warm enough for the pool (and it should be) the kids play area at the Meadow swimmin' hole is fun for both kids and they have a really shallow square pool as well as the regular one.  There are a few playgrounds around where my boys love letting off steam.  Even if you don't do the pony rides be sure and check out the stables at Tri-Circle-D.  Depending on the construction there right now, you can usually see the beautiful horses in their stalls. 

  6. Oops, that is what I get for posting with my phone!

    Anyway, the manatees have been there for quite a while. The animals themselves may change as they only include manatees that have been hurt and are in The Seas because they could not survive in the wild because of their injuries. Occasionally they can rehab one and place it back in the natural habitat. We love them, too. We bought a stuffed manatee toy there in 2004 when we were expecting our first baby. We had been calling the baby "manatee" because pics of early stage fetuses can look like manatees!

  7. Not yet.  Will get it after Saturday morning when the kids leave.  Tomorrow MK, Saturday morning at DTD for a few hours.  While we've loved our time here with them. we won't be sorry to see them leave.


    I chose to not be at the fort for Halloween.  It was a hard decision.  But I thought we needed a week at the fort after the kids left.  I think I made the right decision.  


    Matthew said that he won't bring the family back until everyone is at least 48" tall.  That's gonna be about 4 years away.  


    This has been a hard trip so far.  IMHO M/E have pushed the kids too much.  No downtime, no back to the hotel for naps.  Just go, go, go til they drop.

    I understand the desire to see/get the kids to see as much as possible since it may be a while until you get to go back.  We have been blessed when we are there with my in-laws that they will take the kids back to the Fort or hotel while Thrill and I stay in the parks.  Our boys were more impressed with bus rides and Fort playgrounds than the parks up to this point.  The last trip they were aged 6 and 3.  In 2 weeks we go back!!!!  At 8 and 5 now they are really excited about doing the parks.  We have measured their height and talked about what rides they can do (almost all!)  Of course, I am hoping that Thrill and I will be able to take advantage of Magic Kingdom 1 - 3 am while the kids snooze with grands at AoA!

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