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DramaMama .......... Janet

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Posts posted by DramaMama .......... Janet

  1. How many sandwiches can it make? I am going to do some pinterest searching tonight. You have really peaked my interest and inner cook.

    Depends.  Ours is pretty big and could do 4 sandwiches.  My parents have a small one that would only do 2.  I guess it is really like the old George Foreman grills except with the lid attached side centers it doesn't squish out your toppings.  Have fun!  Don't forget burritos!

  2. My last tent camping trip ended in rain that turned to sleet and then to snow. My fingers hurt by the time we got done packing up.



    Great report.

    Ragland Road you had to mention Ragland Road

    Heaven on Earth - Baby back ribs tossed in a Guinness glaze. Our favorite "sharing plate", getting harder to "share".

    Thanks.  I had the bangers and mash with beef stew.  It was amazing.  Andy had this platter o'meat that was divine.  He'll have to pop on and elaborate on it.  All I remember right now is that it had black and white pudding.  Blood sausage tastes so much better than it sounds!



    Z loves the sand in the dark too! Why is it so much cooler than sand during the day?


    Thanks for sharing with us.

    I think I had fussed so much at them about getting dirty at the site right before we were going to go eat or shop that they enjoyed just being let go. (Why do I feel the need to find a mini Elsa to put here? Must fight urge.....)  


    Just Caught Up And It Is Over, Bummer. I Am Curious About Your Paninni (Sp) Maker And How You Use It And Meal Ideas.

    Our panini is a Wolfgang Puck so it is great quality and heavy duty.  Someday when we have a camper we will cook more, but for now with limited space, the panini is the best one trick pony for quick, cheap meals.  When we are camping we buy frozen croissant, egg and sausage or pancake sausage type sandwiches and keep them in the cooler.  They thaw, but stay cold.  With the top and bottom heating at the same time it crisps the outside and perfectly heats the inside.  It also works well on frozen chicken patties.  We have to put a plate under the drip spout (lost the cup thingy) when we do the precooked hamburger patties because of meat juices. Once they come off toss on buns for a minute to toast. One time my MIL brought a leftover English pastie they had gotten at that British place in Kissimmee - threw it on - perfect.  Reheats GAG chicken, too.  It is just a really good sandwich maker/toaster.  I just don't recommend using it to toast peanut butter and jelly.  Serious mess!

  3. Back to the report!


    Sunday was to be our last night at the Fort that trip so we had a few more things to accomplish.  We shopped at the Settlement and the boys played on the playground.  Then we went to the beach and chilled (literally) until the fireworks.  The boys loved playing in the sand in the dark.  We stayed for the Electric Water Pageant even though we had to run to the tree line to get out of the rain.  It pretty much rained the rest of the night.


     Our tent stayed nice and dry inside, but everything outside was really wet for our Monday morning pack up. We loaded everything up and stopped by the Meadow on the way out for a few last souvenirs.  We had a good, if sad because of leaving, trip home.  We spread everything out in the garage to dry.  It rained at home for the next 3 days so it took a week for everything to dry enough to be put up.  Not sure when we will get back to the Fort, but whenever it is, it can't be soon enough!

  4. I'm in.  Better late than never.

    Welcome!  Hey, the trip report is late.....


    I'm in.  Great job so far.


    I love the boys' "Run Dad" t-shirts with the moustache.  Very well done.  Did you make those yourselves?



    Thanks, TCD.  The shirts were a group effort here at home a few years ago.  That year Andy ran with a mustache themed shirt and hat.  My shirt says "Run Andy".  The florescent shirts make us easy to spot.  In fact, we were standing in direct sunlight that first year outside AK waiting for him to run by and some other spectators either moved or shielded their eyes from our glow!

  5. Count me in too!

    Hi Jason!


    These trip reports make me miss tent camping! We are doing the 5k in a couple of weeks. We waited too long to register for the kids fun runs, but my wife, daughter, and I are doing the 5k together. My mother-in-law will stay in the room with our 2 year old son. Pretty amazing that Andy could do a 1/2-one day and the full the next!

    Good for you guys!  I enjoy a good walk, but the only running I do is chasing after my 3 "boys"!

  6. I'm in. I'm in.

    I wish I could talk DW into going tent camping again. Even if it was just for a weekend at the lake. Our tent hasn't been unpacked for over ten years. I wonder if it would still work? Waterproof? Material still intact or rotted away.

    Its cool that the boys took part in the marathon weekend.

    Keep it coming.

    Glad you're here!  I did not grow up camping.  My parents, sister, and I went once and it was miserable.  We had no clue what we were doing.  Andy's family had a pop up and used it for 30 years at the Fort and even cross country.  I am learning/getting mad skills every time we go.  In fact, I have had such a feeling of accomplishment after these last 2 trips that staying in a hotel would feel like wimping out.


    I'm in!  Wow... did I read this correctly, half marathon one day...followed by a full marathon the next?  Wow!!

    He did.  Of course now they have a 5K on Thursday, 10K on Friday, Half marathon on Saturday, Full on Sunday.  People who do all of them get the additional Dopey medal.  Andy did the 5K, half, and whole a few years ago.  Now it is just soooooooo expensive there is no way we can afford to take off work and pay for the races to do it all.

  7. The next morning Andy headed off to do the marathon about 3:45.   I dozed off and on and then got the boys up about 6:30.  We ate, dressed, and headed out to try and catch transportation to do a little race cheering.  


    Now, for those who haven't chased a loved one around the World on marathon weekend, it can be tricky.  The runners can get transportation from the resorts to Epcot early in the morning and back after they finish.  However, if you are a spectator and are relying on Disney transportation you may have trouble getting away from your resort.  The areas where you can see your runner are on Main Street of MK, all by T&T, outside Animal Kingdom, ESPN, Hollywood Studios (inside if you have park tickets but the runners run out the gates and all along the sidewalk/benches/grass after they exit), and Epcot (in the park and in the parking lot as they cross the finish line - really hard to see unless you have purchased a cheering pass and sat there all morning).

    The race starts around 5:30 am but with 25,000 or so runners, they do it in waves.  You need to know when your runner starts and how fast they are projecting to pass each spectator point OR just get Runkeeper or another tracking app on your phones.   ;)


    Last year my in-laws were with us so they kept the boys.  I rode in the truck with Andy to Epcot, caught the monorail to Contemporary, walked to MK and entered at 5:00 to stand on Main Street and watch the sunrise.  It was a lot of fun, if a little tiring standing on the asphalt for 2 hours.  But hey, I wasn't doing the running!  After I saw Andy run through I caught a monorail to T&T, a bus to AK where I saw him, then a bus to HS to check on him, and finally a bus to Epcot to meet him as he finished.  


    Since the boys would be trekking with me this time we simplified.  We planned to meet him at AK which was around the 13th mile.  We caught a bus from our site's stop, but had to wait for a long time for a bus from AK to come.  Then, with all the road closures and traveling to just about the farthest point on property, it was a really long ride.   We made it to AK and to a viewing spot with about 15 minutes to spare!


    We had on our florescent shirts (so Andy could find us) and had signs so we could cheer him and all the other runners on.  

    After we saw him we snapped a photo at the tree (glad it was still up)!




    At this point I should probably admit that I did not take one single picture of Andy running.  I had my hands full with 2 boys, 6 signs, and crazy crowded areas.  No problem, though, the runDisney people took a few dozen great photos of him that we can purchase at the cost of a few arms and legs.  Hopefully Andy will jump in add more to this TR!


    We headed to Hollywood Studios and found a great place to cheer on a bench out away from the crowd.  One of my students' dad even spotted me as he ran by!  I missed seeing her mom, but in some areas the runners are in groups of 20 or more and it is hard to notice all of them.  I had a hard enough time just watching for Andy.  At this point it is around mile 23 so many of the runners are hurting and struggling.  I had saved our more encouraging signs for this time and had about an hour or so to wait for Andy to come through.  It was very moving to see the runners read our signs and then say "Thank you so much for being here", "You guys rock", "We're going to make it because of you".  Our boys high-fived and fist pumped many runners.  One lady even stopped and handed our youngest a Stitch pin.  We had to move to a bus stop overhang because of rain but we were glad to be there for the runners.  


    After we saw Andy we left HS and headed to Epcot.  We knew we wouldn't catch him before he finished but we had other plans!  The boys were ready for a snack and were a little bummed about not getting monorail or boat rides since we weren't doing parks.  They had gotten a few bus transportation cards and wanted the other types.  We got apple fritters at that little kiosk under the monorail (wow, they were good) and grabbed a monorail back to T&T.  We had to take the launch to MK because there was a monorail down on that track.  By then it was raining and this adventure was taking a good bit of time!  At MK we got to the Fort launch waiting area and watched the tractor push monorail teal off the track.  Then we got the boys their boat ride to the Fort.  After a bus back to the site it was time for lunch and rest!  


    That afternoon we rested, worked on homework, and enjoyed a visit from Grumpy and Grandma!

  8. One thing that will help more than even the heater is electric mattress pads on those air mattresses. Makes all the difference!

    Have to remember that! We are hoping to have a pop up within a year or so and I am sure they would help even in there.


    Hey, that heater is the same as what we're using in the tent right now! It really heats it up in here! I think it's great that your kids are running races too!

    It IS a good one!  We have used it in the garage since we came home as we unpacked stuff.  It's a keeper.


    Love that the kids did a race. Cute!!!

    They love it.  I think this was their third time to do it.  We are thinking we may not be able to pull them out of school next year, though.    :( It gets tougher as they get older.

  9. The next morning the boys and I stayed at the site while Andy did the half marathon.  We ate breakfast and then snuggled back in the tent with our new heater and the boys worked on their homework.  The down side of taking them out of school for a Friday and Monday was that the classwork and homework would be due when we got back.  For the 1st grader it was no big deal, but the 4th grader had a ton to do.  It didn't help that he had no interest in doing it at Disney!  After Andy got back from the race and boiled a little in the hot tub we headed over to Downtown Disney.  


    Our monkeys waiting at the bus stop.



    The boys had been waiting for this trip to the Lego store for months!  We let them look for a long time and spend their Christmas Disney gift cards.  The youngest picked out a Star Wars set, but the oldest wanted figures and to get a large cup of the odd, cool pieces.  There were a bunch of kids saying, "Ok, that's good" and a bunch of us parents going "No, wait, if we shake it and combine some we can get more in!"   B)


    We FINALLY got to eat at Ragland Road!!!  We had tried before, but it had been closed for a private event.  Yum!  The food was amazing and the entertainment was wonderful.  Even our kids were impressed.  Of course it isn't everyday they get creme fraiche' with their pancakes!  









    We headed back to our site to rest a bit.  While Andy napped to prepare for another 3 a.m. alarm and 26.2 miles, I took the boys to the Meadow to the playground, shopping in the the Trading Post, and the campfire sing-a-long to see Chip and Dale.  It was crowded so we only got to see Dale.






    Then it was off to bed on a slightly warmer night.  The boys and I needed to get up a little early the next morning!

  10. Ok, I had to take a break - my battery was down and had to plug in the laptop- but that was ok.  I needed to recover from laughing at the Weird Al song Andy was listening to about working on the Jungle Cruise.


    After breakfast we headed to ESPN Wide World of Sports for the marathon weekend expo and to pick up Andy's packet for the Goofy (the half and whole marathons) and the boys' Mickey Mile packets.  We looked and bought merchandise and heading down to the fields for the kid races.  


    I have to say I really like how they handle these.  They have the same kid races for 3 days.  There is a diaper dash (they let babies crawl on a mat), 100, 200, 400, and 800 meter dashes, and a one mile race.  The kids have a race bib that has a claim ticket the parent has to pull off before the race.  You can't take your kid out of the finish area unless you have the ticket in your hand to claim them, even if you ran with them.  The kids get a t-shirt, medal, snacks, and a high five from Mickey himself.  The youngest DS did better than usual but the eldest did worse - he felt like he was coming down with the cold I had.  Thankfully, he felt better later.




    All of this occurred in cloudy, windy, cold, upper 40 degree weather.  We decided to head back to the Fort and have some yummy late lunch at Trails End.  Delicious as always!  Afterwards we went to the tent to rest a while.  


    As the evening approached we saw the forecast had changed and would be getting cooler instead of warmer.  The night before had been cold.  Andy rolled up in a sleeping bag on the smaller mattress and I was sandwiched between the boys on the bigger one.  I didn't sleep much, but I could make sure they stayed covered up.  Andy suggested we hit the Kissimmee Wal-Mart in search of some more food and a bigger heater.  We figured it would come in handy at home, too.      

    Success!  This bad boy did the trick!



  11. Continuing on....

    The next morning we got up and set up our canopy and fixed breakfast.  

    IMG_1857_zps0b6ca96c.jpgThis has been a really good tent.  We had to patch a spot on the bottom that had come unsewn, but nothing major.  It has made several trips!


    IMG_1858_zps9c458df6.jpgOur general set-up. 



    Love our Cars' and Mickey lights!  I tried the camping trick I had read about using badge clips to keep the lights where you want them.  Other than them rusting a little from all the rain, they were great.






    And here is another vital part of our camping experience: our panini!  It works great for those breakfast sandwiches, chicken tenders or patties, pre-cooked hamburger patties, grilled cheese, etc.  


  12. Well, I guess it is time to get around to doing a trip report before I forget what we did!  We have been pretty busy since we got home, but I have a little free time, so here goes!  


    Andy (Thrill Shakespeare), our two sons (the Shakespearelets), and I had been out of town all during our two week Christmas break only to head back to school and pack for a camping trip in less than a week.  The weather in central Georgia was cold (for here anyway) in the twenties and thirties so the Fort's forecast of forties and fifties sounded good - except that whole part about tent camping!  I figured I would pack every available blanket, but our usual system of queen air mattress for Andy and me while the boys did sleeping bags on each side just worried me.  I opted to go ahead and buy a twin air mattress to add to the mix.  We packed the little heater and the box fan.  In Florida you will most likely need both in the same trip, if not the same day.


    We packed the truck on Wednesday night so that only left packing the two coolers the next afternoon.  We headed out right after school.  We made decent time with only a few bathroom stops and a Bojangles biscuits-to-go stop. Before long I was queuing up our WDW/Fort entrance music on the ipod (Mickey Mouse March on Oh, Mickey, Where Art Thou?) and cheering our way under the purple gate.  


    We all went in to check in and, for some strange reason, surprised the CMs by cheering when we found out we were not only in 1500, but in 1520 - our favorite site.  The nice lady at the desk pulled out the map to mark our way, but was a bit slow in finding the path, so Andy pointed it out to her.  She was a bit chagrined.   :unsure:


    We headed over to our site and started setting up the tent.  It was around ten o'clock so we tried to keep the boys quiet in the truck watching a video, but they were so excited to be there it was a losing battle.  We got the tent up, the air mattresses blown up, blankets everywhere, and heater going.  Ready for a chilly night!

  13. On this last trip our boys got into asking for the transportation cards.  This led to me telling the nine year old he (and his dad and I) had ridden up front in a monorail and why they don't allow it anymore.  So sad.  I understand it from a safety and liability issue, but after all the OSHA and upper level Disney safety guards where put into place after the accident it seems safer to me than standing near the front of a crowded WDW bus.   


    I know we got a special monorail card for our son when we rode up there, but he was two at the time.....  what in the world did I do with it??? 

  14. We saw it on Dec. 26th. My review is coming from a "love the musical, stage managed it" point. I really liked most of it. I missed some of the original bits, but understand why they could have left out without confusing the viewer. I really liked their choice for letting the princes play "campy". It showed how truly fake their characters are. Some exposition was actually helpful.

    Having said that, if you are not a musicals type person it may not be for you. Several friends' husbands hated it. They wouldn't have liked ANY musical movie anyway.

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