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Just Beachy

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Posts posted by Just Beachy

  1. My Maggie.  Such a sweet girl.  I adopted her from a shelter.  We think she's around 5 yrs old.  Shelter employees guessed she's a cross between a Rottweiler and a Sheperd.  Maybe.  I don't really care.  I just love that she has her tail!  lol  She is extremely timid.  She is afraid of everyone and everything, except me.  We have tried so many different things, but she is still, after 4 years, deathly afraid of my husband and most everyone else.  Very sad.  Like I said, she has a beautiful soul.  I just love her.


  2. Come on fellow Fiends, we need more to so up!  So far only 2 of us have made ressies, we need more for a better variety of personalities!

    I agree, but I'm not sure if I should be sort of insulted by this comment...?  ???  :rofl2:

  3. PS.  I am getting curious about the otters?  Can someone explain that one?

    Sure!!!  Otters are semi-aquatic (or in one case aquatic) fish-eating mammals. The otter subfamily Lutrinae forms part of the family Mustelidae, which also includes weasels, polecats, badgers, as well as others. With twelve species in seven genera, otters have an almost worldwide distribution. They mainly eat aquatic animals, predominantly fish and shellfish, but also other invertebrates, amphibians, birds and small mammals.


    Oh, wait!  You mean the stuff on HERE about the otters!!!  Well....we should let Deb tell ya about that!!  :rofl2:

  4. Jim, I know you mentioned Drummer Boy in Gettysburg.  That's ok with me.  My only real requirement is that they have super clean bath houses.  So, where ever everyone wants to go is fine with me.  Let's just get it planned!!!  Come on....the more, the merrier!!!  :popcorn:

    And Roger, you gotta catch us to pull us over!!!  :yay:  :)  Seriously, call out of work.  It's gonna be a good time.  We'd love to meet you and the family.

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