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Everything posted by mgsmom

  1. In light of recent events, I would like to interrupt this TR for a very special picture. I took this picture much later in the trip, but I really want to post it now. This sighting in the parking lot of the Outpost completely reduced me to tears. And, right now, it has an even stronger meaning. This post goes out to all of you who make the ultimate sacrifice every day to protect and guard the rest of us. Thank you to the parents, spouses, and children who spend their days and nights dreaming of the day that they can "go get their hero", too. My way of life and my security is completely owed
  2. I never thought about that! Where does the boat dock at DHS? That's a much smaller park anyway, so it makes sense! I love getting tips like this!
  3. I'm not real good with food pics - but I think I have some prawn somewhere! LOL We enjoyed the camper - it is a really nice layout! Snark sent, and received! :rofl2: I gotta watch those run-on sentences... :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: Ditto! ;D
  4. After naptime, DD got at the table to color and DH & I discussed the evening activities. We decided to ditch “The Plan” (again) since we’d missed some things DD really wanted to do at Epcot the night before. We decided to load up and try Epcot again. So, once again “The Plan” is thwarted. The Old Plan: Fort Wilderness activities The New Plan: Epcot/Boardwalk 1. Living Seas 2. Find Marie (France) 3. Frosty beverages 4. Walk over to Boardwalk We decided on Boardwalk because we hadn’t been over there since my 30th birthday. Which, you know, was just yesterday so I’m sure nothing’s ch
  5. Oh, I totally forgot to mention Roaring Forks! That was an additional reason the chef went "above and beyond". After we got our food, we went to the dock to catch the resort boat and walked right by it! We looked at each other like "What the...?" The chef could very easily have said "We are closed, but if you follow this walkway around to the left you will see Roaring Forks..." But he didn't. Isn't that double-amazing! Will definitely keep RF in our back pocket for next time - you'll see more why later in the updates. And yes, the photos are out of order - going and coming back from CR.
  6. Thanks! We were so impressed with the chef! And DD's animal collection is about to groooowwwww - starting on the next update! I know what you mean! It takes events like this to restore our faith in the human spirit! There are tons of good people out there - we just have to bump into them once in a while! We were stunned that they wouldn't take any money. Wouldn't even accept a tip. Isn't it great when someone does something nice like that? I wonder if they have any idea how much it means to the person they are helping? I hope so! Oh, goodness, she would love it! But... no we live i
  7. Then, we decide to go to CR for lunch. Boat ride pics (I won't pretend I know what all this is. Please chime in if you know!) This is part of River Country? I couldn't figure out what this was - it looks like it might be one of the old cabins I hear about? DD is pro-Disney transportation - we all are! We both had salads and DD had chicken nuggets. No food prawn yet – sorry – I did remember later in the trip. The salads were great! My only advice would be to request an extra empty bowl. The bowl was SO full of salad and goodies that I had a hard time mixing it all together. I wishe
  8. We get up the next morning and enjoy some leisurely coffee and breakfast in the RV. After a bit, we get itchy to go “play” so we get on the golf cart and do some looping. We make it down to the Settlement, and I’ll be quiet while you look at the pics: Can someone explain this to me? We thought it was a really strange place for a hoop. Now, DD is currently really into horses and birds. She always talks about riding a horse. Well, here is her chance! This is Tonka. He must know we are laid back – he stopped for a nice long drink. Finally, DD said “Okay Tonga, that’s enough!” and h
  9. Okay, where are we? Oh yes, DH and I get off the bus at WL in hopes of scoring some food! We are relatively anxious about it. Granted, we have food at the camper. But a dinner of cookies, chips, and yogurt is not appetizing. A bowl of cereal maybe? We certainly won’t starve, but would love to have something with a little more substance. We enter the WL and look to our left and there is the Whispering Canyon restaurant. My memory tells me this is a TS place, and we see people at tables to maybe we’ll get lucky. DH goes to the hostess and, unfortunately, she tells them they closed at 10
  10. Yes, I have been wanting to do it for a long time - we have just now gotten to the place that I can do it. It's a lot of work, but I'm really enjoying it. I'm doing it in Mathematics Education. My BSE was in Elem Ed with a minor in Math, so I have enough math hours already that I'm certified K-12. This is just icing on the cake, so to speak. And a raise. :banana: Thanks! I'm glad you're joining in! I like the name - ASOVC. I be most men would be members. I am not anti-makeup either, but I sure enjoy when I don't need it! I'm not sure I would know what to do at Disney when it's coo
  11. I'm so jealous! I :heart: Richie! I've seen them a few times, starting in 1987, and they always put on a good show. Kim - What a great report! You have so many great pictures! Did the boys get to see the talking trash can? I think it's a Tomorrowland trash can, isn't it? The boys look like they are having a BALL out at Tom Sawyer's! :dance: Okay, now I'm really going to study...quit distractin' me...
  12. Thanks TCD! I asked a CM who was guarding one of those roped off areas before fireworks and all she said was it was "a group of foreign people, I think from Brazil." I dunno - she didn't seem to be that knowledgeable about it. I wish I had asked someone else - my investigative skills were NOT on point! I blame the margarita... I'm glad to put it out there this year - let's just say I feel much more comfortable over here than elsewhere. Crazy people make me nervous. I am anti-crazy people. Well, thank goodness it was only an eardrum! I bet it seemed like maybe a stroke or something!
  13. Alright, so we have done well with #1 and #2. DD fed, check (and Mommy & Daddy snacked on leftovers!). WS beverages, check! Next up, where will we go for fireworks? It is about 8:40, so we start walking toward the front. We figure we will stand on the walkway between WS and FW. We might not see everything, but we should be able to see enough. We will be at a good escape point. And, with DD's aversion to loud noises lately - my Mommy instinct tells me we won't make it. We stopped at Mexico to watch the ducks (again) and learned that fireworks were not until 9:30! Because of the spec
  14. Okie dokie, so here was the Epcot evening plan: 1. Go to Nemo exhibit 2. Feed DD 3. Find Marie 4. Have a frosty beverage while strolling around WS Not too much to ask, right? Thought we had a lay-up coming. Not so much. There was a very special group here tonight. Because of the very special group, the entire Nemo exhibit was closed, along with Innoventions. The Land was very crowded - duh! Nowhere else to go! There was also a problem with Marie. According to my info sheet I picked up, she had already called it a day. Dang. This is not good. The 2 things DD had been talking about
  15. Well, I'm so happy some folks are reading my TR and commenting! Yay! :banana: :banana: Where did we leave off? Oh yes - off to the Fort for some rest and then out to Epcot, according to The Plan. We were all pretty pooped and when we woke up from our nap, we weren't terribly motivated to get going. My girl loves to color: So, we took off later than I thought to get to Epcot. I think we left around 5:30. I was previously thinking it would be around 4-4:40. But, no big. We decided to try the boat-monorail combo to Epcot. We had never done it, so what they hay! We decided to do the
  16. Wait - I missed the important part here - you were at the ER? Is everyone okay?
  17. I hear you on the shaving! I did find it difficult to shave in the RV - I will have to figure that one out a little better for next time! Thank you and I agree - I think we are our own worst critics! I did take makeup, but didn't use it. It was just so hot, and I had on sunglasses a lot anyway. Speaking of which - that visor and a few headbands kept the hairdryer in my duffle bag too! :banana: Thanks Rita! It really is fun seeing it through their eyes. They ask the funniest questions and notice the smallest things! Awwww! Thanks! I didn't know we had an adorable-O-meter! We ne
  18. Okay, so I lied because I forgot so much already! We did NOT go back to the Fort right after lunch. We walked over to Tomorrowland. We didn't really have an agenda (I love those parts), but thought maybe we would catch Buzz Lightyear. We ended up on the Peoplemover. Alert: Tired, sweaty, makeup-less picture coming up. Oh, and DH does not shave on vacation. Or Saturdays. Big mistake. We LOVED the ride, although DD got scared in the SM part. But, now we had just sat on a slow-moving ride in the a/c (I'm quoting KFK there) with full tummies. I'm surprised DH didn't fall asleep. We got
  19. Hi Kim! Thanks for joining in! Yes, I'm very pro-young at heart cm's! I hope everyone finds me as endearing when I get to be young-at-heart! Hi TCD! Thanks for coming to read my TR! I thought about asking a CM about the blocks, but it was pretty busy and I was pretty lazy. :rofl2: I had no idea it was a Jenga game! We try to pen her in between us in the rockers and the fence, so as not to trip GAG carriers. Hey - I wonder if that guy IS part of Fort security? Nah, probably not. Thanks! There will be a TINY bit more right now, but the rest will have to wait until tomorrow.
  20. Great update! Love the sombrero pics - and the Feliz Navidad card is a great idea! We love Mexico, too - too bad DD still doesn't like the darkness of it! I need to do more hat pics - I saw a lot of that around when we were there last week, but didn't take part myself. DD tried on ALL the princess hats, though. I should have gotten pics of that. I can't believe you saw a Bon Jovi tribute band! I would love to see them - but, all the groups we've seen at Epcot have been good, so I can't complain.
  21. Thanks! But don't tell her that - her head will get too big. When she gets dressed in the mornings, she can't wait to "Go show Daddy how pretty I am". Oh brother!
  22. After that, we headed over to the Peter Pan ride. Neither DH nor myself have ever ridden it. We really liked it! No wonder it needs a Fast Pass! Here's the nice young fella helping everyone on the ride: I thought he was the sweetest thing. He made sure DD was holding my hand before we stepped onto the moving sidewalk, and gave her a wink. I love nice people. After that, we walked across the "street" and rode It's a Small World. I know, you can hear the song now! I don't have any pics of that - I wonder why? Maybe because DD was enjoying it SO much and pointing out every little thing -
  23. Okay, so that was the arrival day. Now, we're off to Day 1. The Plan was MK in the morning, midday break, then Epcot in the evening. DD has shown us this summer that she is up to staying up later, so we are hoping to do some fireworks at MK later in the week. AM Plan: Princesses, Dumbo, Pooh, Peter Pan, and lunch. Anything else is a bonus. We are not good with mornings, so we decided to make this first morning our early "get up" day. We were excited and ready, so it makes sense. PLUS, the night before MK had late EMH. So, maybe everyone else is sleeping in. A little hazy, huh? Or may
  24. What a great report! Great pics! A++! :banana: :banana: Thanks for posting - I know this takes a lot of time.
  25. Got plenty of butter? Thanks for reading along! Thanks Cherie! We hope she stays cute a long time! Hi Judy! It's those big cheeks - and she's got dimples too - always has people reachin' for those cheeks! Yay! Thanks for reading - I'm going to try and post as often as I can! And try not to drone on and on and on... as I sometimes do. :rofl2: It's my fellow Carolinian! Glad you're here! Thanks for following along! I hope I don't disappoint! Oh, I only wish! I'm shooting for a MH since we have a Jeep Wrangler that would be perfect for pullin' behind. I liked site 1724 - had a bi
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