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Everything posted by lklasing

  1. Rockin' report so far! It's making me more and more excited about our trip in March.... :banana:
  2. I'm totally in! So jealous of 10 days at the Fort, but I can't wait to hear all about it! :clint:
  3. These pictures are all great, but the ones of your mom loving life are the best. She is too cute!
  4. Great updates! Love the camping Elvi! One year I've got to make it to the Fort for Halloween. Till then, thanks for helping me feel like I'm there!
  5. Yay - glad for an update! From someone who does not get to see wildlife at home, other than one lazy dog, 3 hamsters and a bunch of fish, I'm very happy to see your deer and owl pictures! Sorry you were feeling puny - hope you were able to recover and enjoy the rest of the trip!
  6. You still there, Liv? Hope all is well with you - I know how busy life can get but I'd still love to hear about the rest of your trip! :D
  7. Good couple of updates, TCD! A few thoughts: - Yes, 4 year olds at Disney are a blast. - Waffle sandwiches? And you skipped out on them? Shame... - All the teenage girls in my house love Nutella too. - Love the vomiting pumpkin! Not as unusual as some of the others, but I love it anyway. Lots of other good stuff in your updates, but those are my highlights. Can't wait for more! :pc:
  8. Ok, somehow I missed a bunch of installments, but I'm caught up now. First, AWESOME JOB on the race! I still can't believe you ran your first half-mary in the middle of the night! You totally rock. Second, I love the story about the GPS. I too would have totally freaked out without my watch, even more so with your race plan. Your family rocks for getting it to you just in the nick of time! Third, I can't believe you didn't have any fuel during the race and didn't pig out when you got done. (Losing count now...) More random thoughts - I love that breakfast roll you had! We have them eve
  9. Page 3 - that's better than my last several attempts. Like other sad fiends, I couldn't make it for Halloween, but I sure am glad to be able to read all about what happened in my absence. Bring it on! :usa:
  10. Yes, a Disney FF race would be awesome! :jumpforjoy
  11. Love all these. Your face is priceless. And, I'm a sucker for fun race shirts. Those are great. Hate that you're injured, but you'll heal. You can totally do a whole. You know how to train and definitely have the commitment and strength (physical, mental and spiritual) to do a full marathon. Let yourself get better, take your time, and then go for it! (Birmingham now has two great marathons, but I'm sure there may be a few in your neighborhood too. :D ) Can't wait to hear about race night! ETA - "you'll heal" is not meant to sound sarcastic at all. I just went back and re-read and wa
  12. Loving the report, but you're killing me here: First, no pics of the race? :gaah: And, it couldn't have been too much of a fiasco - I think I know "the rest of the story", but I sure am anxious to hear it all! :pc:
  13. Yay! I've been waiting for this trip report for weeks! Love seeing your family and hearing about your trip so far, and am definitely looking forward to more!
  14. I'm so glad you're doing this report! We're doing a FW trip in March, then a Dream cruise in August, so I can't wait to see everything you have to say. :) Love all the pics of a happy family having fun together! Looking forward to more....
  15. Well, this is a new low. I don't think I've ever missed a trip report until after it was already over. I'm so ashamed. However, I'm awfully glad you went and that we got a new view of a rainy F & W day. Glad you had a fun day with the twins. Looking forward to your next report as I wait on our spring break trip! (And yes, the cruise is still on too. Can't wait for that too!) Leslie
  16. I'm late again, but great report as always! Looking forward to the next one!
  17. Happy Birthday, on your official birthday! If I knew how to photoshop, I'd change this to say "Can I go to Fort Wilderness for my birfday?!?", but I'm not skilled like that. Hope you're having a great one!
  18. Well, as usual I'm late to the party, but I'm in earlier than page 9 like last time! Having said that, Happy Birthday, TCD! Great report, as always. Glad Mrs. TCD and Rocky could join you this time. Looking forward to more!
  19. Don't leave us hanging too long! (On another note, happily, the cruise doesn't replace the FW spring break trip! It will be a different trip with a new member of the family who has never appeared in any of my TRs before - my mom! :o I can't wait. I just haven't put it on a ticker yet as the girls don't know yet. They will be very excited (unlike reluctant DH), so I'm waiting for the surprise...)
  20. Wow - You're even better than I thought you were. I can't believe you remember that. Yes, I finally sold him on a cruise, but that's a another story for another trip report. For now, I'm enjoying yours. :suspense: (Just forgive me for my sporadic attendance - this cruise thing takes a lot of planning time!)
  21. Oh my gravy, I'm mortified. I've been tied up with work and a variety of things (happily, including planning what will hopefully be a big family trip on the Disney Dream next summer), but here I am just now tuning in to a TCD report on page 8 9 (even worse!). I'm appalled. Having said that, I'm so glad to have found this! Awesome report, and I'm especially happy to learn all about POR! I've pegged that as the moderate we would choose, so I'm very glad to learn all about it, renovations and all. Better late than never. Looking forward to more! Leslie
  22. Hey Kim! Still loving your report! So jealous of all the fun you had, especially at a GG, which I've never been lucky enough to go to! Love it! Very well said. Looking forward to more! Leslie
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