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liv luvs disney

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Posts posted by liv luvs disney

  1. Why would you be flamed? No one said that trip reports HAD to be from the Fort. I posted one from Crystal River, and plan to do so again this summer! I just never end up finishing them! :rofl2:

    You can always finish it! My first FW TR was never completed and my last FW TR took at least 2 months (possibly 3)to complete. I'm planning on sending this year's pics to Lisa and have her do it all for me.

  2. Loving your report!

    And not to go off on a scooter tangent, but does anyone else find the irony in one of the largest scooter rental companies in Orlando being named "Walker Scooter Rental"?

    Dave, since you're family and all, I thought I'd answer this for you. (Not to metnion, it appears everyone is ignoring your wit.) Yes, yes, I do find it ironic that one of the largest scooter rental companies in Orlando is called "Walker Scooter Rental."

  3. I've been a stay-at-home-mom for 13 years and I've always said I would never go back to work just to have "things." However, recently I have said I might have to go back to work so we can put gas in the vehicles, but so far, that hasn't happened. ;) As far as gas goes, DH fills up every pay day being as if he doesn't go to work, he doesn't get paid. Then I fill up or get as much as is left in our gas budget. (We are Dave Ramsey followers and try to live by our budget.) With me being home and homeschooling our kiddos, we can pick and choose what we venture out to do. If we have the gas for it, we go. If we don't, we don't. It's that simple. Now that we are really, really putting cash away for our upcoming Fort trip, we are choosing to stay at home...A LOT! ;D

  4. My mom showed me how to fold a fitted sheet years ago (she's the neatest, tidiest, most organized person I know -- traits I definitely didn't inherit -- and when she came to visit us in our first home, she opened the linen closet and about passed out, lol...and then we had a little sheet-folding party). Ever since then, I STILL get happy that I can make the fitted sheets fold as crisply and in the same folded dimensions as the flat sheets.

    Everything else in my house may be in a state of total chaos, but by goodness, my sheets are folded neatly!! :banana:

    :rofl2: I do the best I can with the fitted sheets, but it has never met up to my expectations.

    My Mom is the antithesis of your Mom which may explain my OCD and germaphobic issues. :rofl2:

  5. I just buy the top sheets only that way you can wrap the mattress more easily. Much easier to work with. I just learned how to fold a top sheet earlier this year and that really was cool. Doesn't take much to make me say wow lol.

    WHAT?!?! The flat sheet is the easy sheet to fold. It's the fitted sheet that drives those of us who are OCD insane!!!!!

  6. Where do I start?

    I want to snuggle up with Mason. :heart:

    Happy belated birthday to Nathen. I don't think I looked that young at 21. He's a doll!

    You weren't kidding about being short. Okay, so I am taller than you. I'm glad I finally got to put a face with your cute little self! :hugs2:

    Your pics are amazing and your writing is fantastic. :yourock: So, what are you waiting on? Carry on! :suspense:

  7. Liv, you were with us in spirit! Christy and I talked about you on our infamous Wal-Mart excursion... She can get you there quick but you'll take the scenic tour coming back! :rofl2: She even played a CD of your hubby singing for me. He sounded remarkably like Taylor Swift. :rofl2: SORRY CHRISTY! YOU KNEW IT WOULD HAVE TO BE SAID!!! But at least, as promised, no pool pics were posted. ;) But I do wish I'd had my camera when the lady asked you to feel her lap band port. :rofl2: :rofl2:

    Yep! You heard it here. KFK witnessed campingchristy feel up a total stranger at Stone Mountain. I was caught right in the middle. :bugeyes: I know this was my first GG but I've got a feeling this wasn't business as ususal. :rofl2:

    When Gage was little, someone at church asked him if he was going to sing like his Daddy when he grew up. As serious as he could be, he looked right at them and said, "No, my Daddy sings like a woman." :rofl2: As you can imagine, it's not a compliment for a man to be told they sound like a woman, so I'll not repeat to him what this post says. As of now, he likes y'all. :rofl2:

    I wish you had had your camera too! Of all the people at SM for that to happen to...Christy! Oh lawsy, I bet she 'bout died! :eek:

  8. For some reason, I'm now craving Oreos. :lol:

    My family LOVES Oreo balls. Crush a package of Oreos or put them in a food processor. Mix with a room temperature 8 ounce package of cream cheese. Roll them into balls. (I use the medium size Pampered Chef Scoop.) Then dip them in Almond Bark, white chocolate or what I have found to be the easiest is Candy Quick. It comes in a handy paper tray that you heat it in. Then when you're finished, just throw the tray away. These things do not last 24 hours in our house!

    I have never seen these GIANT Oreos at Disney, but I can assure you it is now on my list of things to do/eat for our trip in October!!

  9. Personally, I think they are fine within a certain limited realm. The trick is finding a good one, around here, there's on every street corner. I had a lot of lower back pain for many years which is an occupational hazard. A chiropractor I knew fixed me up in 2 visits, gave me some exercises to do and I am good to go now. There is no doubt they can do some serious damage, and in fact have been known to paralyze some people when operating outside their realm of expertise. I am glad you are going along with the advice of your neurosurgeon. I like a physician who is traditional but open minded. Best of luck with your situation.

    I have an appointment with someone on Thursday who was recommended by both my MD and my neurosurgeon. I would be thrilled if I could get away with 2 visits and excercises to do at home. However, my life NEVER works out like that! Last weekend we were in Atlanta for a homeschool conference. For lunch on Friday there were 2 vendors: Chick-fil-A and Papa Johns. We had eaten Check-fil-A the day before so we opted for pizza. I told the family behind me I hoped they weren't starving because they would run out of pizza when it was my time to order. They asked me why I would say that and I informed them it was just the way things go for me. I am happy to say I was wrong. They ran out of pizza while the woman ahead of me was ordering! :rofl2:

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