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liv luvs disney

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Posts posted by liv luvs disney

  1. Guys thank you so much for your feedback. My NS is supposed to call me tomorrow and let me know what he thinks. I completely trust him. I know he could have already operated on me, but hasn't. He explained to me that because of my age if we operate now, there is a greater chance of another surgery in the future. Like I said, because of my last 2 surgery experiences, I'm quite spooked of any surgery. So, we'll see. I have been investigating Chiropractors for a long time now and have several references for some "good" ones. I've mainly been investigating those on my insurance list. The fact that my insurance and HSA will actually allow chiropractic work has completely shocked me!

  2. As of now, we'll check in 9/29 and check out 10/8. Other than running (or should I say attempting to run) the F&W 1/2 marathon on 10/1, we have no other plans. I'm thinking we'll go with 4 day PH with the WP option, but don't know for sure. We'll probably do most of our eating at the camper since DH is FINALLY coming along with us! I'm excited, but if gas prices go through the roof, I'll just have to lose my $ on the 1/2 and nix the trip. I sure hope that doesn't happen!!

  3. Please, please, please!!! If you have herniated or bulging disks, DO NOT GO TO A CHIROPRACTOR!!! They cannot help this situation. Continue to go to the neuro-surgeon and ask for rehabilitative therapy, instead. Depending upon how bad the disk is bulging, therapy combined with rest may help it return to normal.

    My DH's disks (L4 & L5)were made worse by chiropractic manipulation and he ended up HAVING to have surgery. His went smoothly and he is relatively pain free today. His surgery was in 2005.

    These are the things I need to know. Thanks Deb! Neurosurgeon told me I could do massage therapy, but insurance won't pay for that. I realize m.t. and chiro. work are 2 different things which is why I have called my ns for his approval. I'm 99.999% certain he's going to tell me no and now that I've read this he had better tell me no or I'll know he's needing some money. :rofl2:

  4. Good thread, I have been debating visiting one myself, you get so many conflicting opinions. I have not near the problems that you do but I'm just soooo uncomfortable in my neck and back area, not sure why, just feels like "stuff isnt where it should be" :rofl2:

    I hope you find a way to feel better soon! :heart:

    I've yet to talk to someone who says don't do it, but there's always those people whose neighbor's mother's cousin's next door neighbor went to a chiropractor and was ruined for life. So, :rolleyes:.

  5. Not sure if this is the right section for this, but I'm curious how you feel about chiropractic care. Three years I was involved in a bike accident resulting in 3 bulging discs with degeneration. The neurosurgeon wants surgery to be the very last option and considering I have hemorrhaged during 2 previous surgeries, I'm not exactly wanting to go under the knife again - EVER! I have had physical therapy, traction, neck brace, complete bed rest, meds, you name it. Right now, we are at a stand still, just waiting until I can't tolerate the pain another day. I experience some level of pain every day. Some days are doable, some days are very discouraging, while some days I want to drive straight to the hospital for surgery! I have a call in to my neurosurgeon about going to a chiropractor. He may very well tell me no way, no how and I'll have to live with his decision. But I am curious if any of you have ever been to a chiropractor? If so, were you satisfied? Do you continue to go? (I have been told it's a life-long thing.) Any feedback would be much appreciated even though in the end, my neurosurgeon will ultimately make my decision for me.

  6. Not sure if this is the right section for this, but I'm curious how you feel about chiropractic care. Three years I was involved in a bike accident resulting in 3 bulging discs with degeneration. The neurosurgeon wants surgery to be the very last option and considering I have hemorrhaged during 2 previous surgeries, I'm not exactly wanting to go under the knife again - EVER! I have had physical therapy, traction, neck brace, complete bed rest, meds, you name it. Right now, we are at a stand still, just waiting until I can't tolerate the pain another day. I experience some level of pain every day. Some days are doable, some days are very discouraging, while some days I want to drive straight to the hospital for surgery! I have a call in to my neurosurgeon about going to a chiropractor. He may very well tell me no way, no how and I'll have to live with his decision. But I am curious if any of you have ever been to a chiropractor? If so, were you satisfied? Do you continue to go? (I have been told it's a life-long thing.) Any feedback would be much appreciated even though in the end, my neurosurgeon will ultimately make my decision for me.

  7. We've stayed at Hanna Park many times.  In fact, we'll be there in a few weeks. :rofl2:  I agree with what Donnie had to say about it.  Long ago, it used to be packed all the time.  Not so much anymore.  It's a very short walk, bike or car ride to the beach, but no pool to dive in when you get back.  I do wish they had a pool.  It is very shaded, which is a + in the FL heat!  The Happy Camper store is a joke, but they do have good ice cream, though we have discovered for what we pay for one ice cream treat there, we can go to the Food Lion right up the road and buy enough ice cream for the whole trip.  The kiddie water park is nice, but my kids are too big for it. :wiz:  There is a lake... with gators.  In fact, a couple of dogs have been eaten by the gators! :banana:  There are all  kinds of warnings NOT to get in the lake!  The staff is not very friendly and the bathhouses are pretty yucky, but we continue to go every year, so....

    And yes, the local seafood places are WONDERFUL!!!!  Whether you stay for one night or one week, you MUST eat some seafood! 

  8. Are greens a Southern thing, or do others get to enjoy them too?  We have them often, either cooked as described above or cooked then frozen for later.  And the SWEET cornbread with lots of butter makes for a real meal.  8)  Don't like them cooked with bacon that falls apart and tastes fatty.  :)

    We have some friends where she is from CA and he is from NY, but they've lived in TN for about 7 years.  Not too long ago, she asked me what was this "green thing" our family is always talking about.  :banana:

    We love us some beans, greens, and cornbread!  I'll admit I don't make greens as good as my Mama makes them, but they'll do. :banana: 

  9. When faxing in your request, make sure that you include at least three spots you need.  While they won't guarantee this, this will try based on what they will have available.  When our new content portion comes live soon, you will have a much easier time picking out what site you need.  You won't even need to leave the comfort of your home either. :banana:

    YAY! :banana:

  10. I like to hug, lift, and put on the counter top and... Wait, what we talking about again?  :rofl2:

    Wait, what if there's no countertop? Will a picnic table do?  :rofl2:

    So let me get this straight, first I'm gonna get hugged, and then....oh, nevermind.  I think I'd rather be surprised.  :rofl2:

    Be careful, it sounds like there could be some banjo playing going on in the background!

    Banjo?  I've heard of a banjer before, but I'm not quite sure what a banjo is. ???

  11. Wow.  I'm not feeling the love here, ladies.  Not at all.  :(

    Y'all owe me some MAJOR hugs now!  :rofl2:

    Oh Dave, someone has some serious problems if they don't love you! :banana: 

    All I give is MAJOR hugs.  I'm not into the little patting on the back thing.  :)

    Well, doesn't that make him just belch instead?

    It depends on hard the pat is.

  12. Nice thread Bob. I knew you had it in you.

    I'd post a fish foto if I had one. But there's always Photoshop.

    I must admit though, it does remind me of another guy who loves FW and fishing.

    What I choose to believe is that space aliens abducted him and took over his body. I suspect that the aliens will return the original though. Of course if he does return, he won't know anything about what the alien did and things can get back to normal.

    That would be fine by me. :)

    Lou, I'm curious to see what kind of photoshop fish foto you can come up with.  (hint, hint)

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