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michele j

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Everything posted by michele j

  1. :jumpforjoy Lovin' this report. I feel like I'm there! More pictures the better. Love the furbabies too. cute cute and cute
  2. Thank you Genia for the info. Looking at right now. If you can, please let me know how Daytona goes. Sounds like alot of fun. I would love to do Daytona and then the Fort. Hopefully some day. :) Michele
  3. Great trip report. You guys really know how to have a good time together. This is why I love camping. And the pictures of the furbabies :heart: :heart: :heart:
  4. Can't wait to read the rest. How far in advance do you need to get a spot, tickets etc? Not sure which race track. Would love to go to Daytona some day, but I'm sure it is $$ Hopefully the Las Vegas race or one down south. Michele
  5. Thank you so much for this trip report!! My husband is a huge Mark Martin fan (thanks for the picture hehe) and we want to go to a race someday in our RV. I am so excited to see all your pictures. I never knew anyone who has gone to a race in their rv until now :jumpforjoy Sorry for all the rambling:) I don't have a favorite driver yet, but I do like Jimmie Johnson because he does alot for animals :heart: Michele
  6. Wow! Great update. Love all your pictures
  7. How about when I come down to the fort(hopefully beginning of next year) I bring lots of VT maple syrup for everybody? :wave1:
  8. Thanks for sharing all the pictures. I could look at fort photos all day.
  9. yum pie. I'll take the pie. I can be bought :)
  10. Wow! What a great update. Informative, funny and touching. It has it all Sad to see coming to and end. boo
  11. Another great trip report. :heartsmiley: You're last picture of the castle was excellent. You take great pictures as well. Thank you for sharing. Michele
  12. woo hoo! I love reading about the fort Mason is such a cutie :heart:
  13. You're right. It IS good to be TCD. I think it's time I spend my winters in fl. I want to be like TCD too Michele
  14. Looking foward to more. Did you like Walker Mobility? We might need to rent one when we go someday
  15. WOW! What a great read. I couldn't stop,read the whole thing tonight. This is my goal in the near future(after our first trip to the fort). My husband & I want to travel around this beautiful country in our RV. Thank you for all the wonderful information :heartsmiley: Michele
  16. I thought it was called Burny because you burn wood it in :rofl3: Michele
  17. Excellent TR. I've gotta get me a Burny for camping to. Love it
  18. I never get bored looking at Fort pictures :heartsmiley: Thank you for sharing
  19. Love your pictures. I haven't been to Disneyland in about 10 years. It's great to see it again.
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