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Posts posted by sherryberry

  1. Dim sum looks good. How was it?

    To be honest, I wasn't that crazy about it. But not because it was nasty. My mom was Japanese and made all of that stuff when I was growing up (the steam buns, gyoza, siu mai), so I went in expecting it to taste just like her recipes. It didn't taste the same as hers, so it threw me off a bit. I think Kenneth liked it okay, though. :) If I hadn't grown up eating that pretty often, I think I would have had a different opinion.

  2. Love the safari pictures!!! and your puppies are too cute :)

    We were really lucky with the safari. We saw more animals than we usually get to see. Maybe it's because it was in the afternoon (we usually do it first thing in the morning)? And those pups - we love them more than words could describe. For the sake of my allergies I shouldn't be hugging and kissing them (especially after Buzz rolls around like that), but I just can't stop myself!

  3. Nice. Up to the minute, well alomst TR. cool

    It's hard for me to do a trip report when I get home. It's kind of hard to keep up, doing it live, but much better than trying to recall things later. :)

    I've never heard of that game either.

    Man, my sister is so into it! I had to grab a Tsum for her too.

    I'm not actually a huge fan of Universal... but I do think the Dr. Seuss area is cute, along with the animal shows and (I think) a Curious George water/sprinkler area on the other side :)

    The Dr. Seuss area is very cute! I love all of the colors there. We don't really do anything in that area, but I always feel the need to take a picture of it! :)

    We did photos with the grinch- he was HILARIOUS!

    I bet he was good!

  4. I've never heard of that game either.

    Man, my sister is so into it! I had to grab a Tsum for her too.

    I'm not actually a huge fan of Universal... but I do think the Dr. Seuss area is cute, along with the animal shows and (I think) a Curious George water/sprinkler area on the other side :)

    The Dr. Seuss area is very cute! I love all of the colors there. We don't really do anything in that area, but I always feel the need to take a picture of it! :)

  5. This morning, our plans are to go to Animal Kingdom. We woke up at around 3:00 am because of the wind and rain. We checked the hourly forecast and decided we should probably wait until after park opening to head over to the park. I went into the Disney app and changed our first fastpass (Safari at 9:00 am) to about 12:25. So the earliest we have to be there to cash in a fastpass is around 11:00 (the end of the Everest fastpass). This means we can wait until after the rain is done to head out.

    And, thank goodness for our toilet in here! There were some periods of heavy rain and really strong winds. I really did not want to trek over to the comfort station in that! :D

  6. We went back to Universal Studios today.


    We rode Despicable Me first.





    And we rode Transformers.


    We also rode the Mummy, which is an awesome ride - but at that point, I was feeling some motion sickness. I needed to chill out on the rides a bit, so we headed back to Diagon Alley, in the Wizarding World.










    We needed a snack so we went to the ice cream shop and enjoyed our ice cream, while looking over Diagon Alley.


    We then got on the train and headed over to Hogsmeade, in Islands of Adventure. I was feeling a little bit better at this point (ice cream always does the trick), so we rode Flight of the Hippogriff.







    We headed out after riding that.



    We needed to head over to Downtown Disney, before heading back to camp. Anyone familiar with the Disney Tsum Tsum game? I first heard of it from my sister and then she got all of her friends hooked on the game. Well, one of those friends needed a Snow White Tsum (she's doing a Tsum Christmas tree this year) and she never got a chance to look for one when she was here last week. So Kenneth and I needed to see if Once Upon a Toy still had them. We also wanted some Earl of Sandwich today. Here's the display of Tsums.


    They had Snow White and the dwarfs as well. We went over to the Earl and got some food to go. We decided to get sandwiches for lunch and wraps for dinner. For lunch I had the avocado BLT and Kenneth had the Original. Dinner tonight will be a chicken caesar wrap for Kenneth and a chicken bacon avocado wrap for me.

  7. That's Not Bad At All. Looks Like A Beautiful Ride Too.

    It's a very pretty trail; peaceful too!

    If you're lucky you will see a deer or two and maybe some turkeys.

    We've seen a deer on that trail before, but none this time. And I looked and looked. We are seeing lots of deer by the road. We saw about five on our way out this morning. I just love them. Last night after eating at Trail's End, we were waiting on a bus. Someone said something about a deer and then some brat went chasing after it. Poor thing ran for it's life! I secretly wished it would turn around and chase him!

  8. Love the HP pics. We will be visiting it in June and I can't wait! Your dogs are cute. :)

    Thanks! I hope you have a great time in June! They did a fantastic job with the Harry Potter stuff!

    Love 1500!!!  We were in 1520 marathon weekend.  We had been in 1520 before and it is our favorite - lots of privacy but still near the bus.  Enjoy!

    We were looking at the sites on that side the other day. They do seem like they would be very private!

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