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Posts posted by sherryberry

  1. I am in! Love the HP pics!


    Nice set-up! And I love all the food pictures!!! I hope you'll add them to the restaurant threads when you get home.

    Enjoy your trip!!!

    Thank you! I will definitely add pictures to the restaurant threads!

    Welcome aboard and thanks! 1500 has been pretty quiet, which is what we like! I'm really hoping for no bad storms, but we always experience storms when we're in the tent! Thanks for following along!

    We were in 1510 for Halloween in our tent instead of pop-up.


    The first night it started raining and it sounded like it was pouring 1/2 the night.


    Got up the next morning and only a few things outside were slightly damp, most were dry including the picnic table!


    Guess it only rained on the tent itself.

    I love the sound of rain on the tent! Having to clean up after rain, though.....yuck!

    Love me some 1500!  Thanks for sharing your pictures!

    You're welcome! :)

    Nice set-up.  How long does it take you to put it all up?

    Thanks! Total it probably took about four or five hours to set up (we split it between two days - just got what we HAD to have done the first day). But that's with us not hurrying and laying everything out beforehand and getting organized after.

  2. Following!!! Love TP

    Welcome aboard and thanks!

    1500 is a great loop.


    I would love to tell you how great your tent set up looks, but I won't!


    My work pc blocks this sites photos, so I can't see what it looks like.


    I'll check them out when I get home.


    Tampa is in for rain and cooler temps starting later today and thru Saturday afternoon.  Hope the storm system stays away from you.

    1500 has been pretty quiet, which is what we like! I'm really hoping for no bad storms, but we always experience storms when we're in the tent! Thanks for following along!

  3. Looking forward to your updates!!   Your tent set-up is nice :)


    Have a MAGICAL time!! :)



    Oh.... BTW, I'm first  :bf-birddancingsmiley:

    Thank you and good job on being first!

    In my opinion the perfect trip report.. Cut right to the food photos.. :rolleyes:

    Yeah, Buddy! There will be food pictures every time we eat in the restaurants! :)

    I'm in.


    I've camped in that very site a couple of times.  Can't beat the location!



    It really is a great location! We hear everything around us in this tent, though. There was a group of college-aged kids here the other night and when they were at our tent, the girl said "man, those people are in a super-tent". One of the guys said "yeah, it looks like a caterpillar". Guess what we call our tent now?

  4. After lunch we headed back to the campsite to hang out for a bit and then headed back to the Magic Kingdom that night to ride a few things.

    Yesterday, we went over to Universal Studios for a bit. I love the Harry Potter stuff and wanted to hang out back there for a while. We rode Escape From Gringotts when we first got there. Kenneth also enjoyed a beer on the Hogwart's Express (he had an "Old Speckled Hen"). We looked at the menu for Three Broomsticks while we were in Hogsmeade (in Islands of Adventure), but took the train back over to Diagon Alley and had lunch at the Leaky Cauldron. We ordered bangers and mash (sausage and mashed potatoes) and fish and chips. We shared both meals because we both wanted to try each of the dishes.










  5. We're back at the Fort! We haven't camped here since last May. The last couple of times we've been here it has been brutally hot, so we really wanted to be here at a cooler time. We booked a partial hook-up site for this trip (last couple of times we stayed in 1700 so the dogs could hang with us). We were assigned 1501 (right behind the bus stop) and so far we're pretty happy with this site. It gets a bit noisy at times, but not enough to make us want to rip our hair out. The dogs are staying at Best Friends and we try to visit them every day and play for a while. Sometimes we put them in the stay and play group (a four-hour playgroup), but haven't done it yet on this trip.

    *This probably won't be a very detailed trip report. I'll probably just throw pictures in here as we go about our day.

    We checked in on Monday. We left our house a little after 5:00 am - much later than originally planned. Here's the temperature when we left home.


    Brrr! When we made it to disney property and got the dogs checked in and settled, this was the weather report.


    Much better! We knew there would still be some cool nights down here so we packed a space heater, electric mattress pad, electric blanket, and flannel sheets. We also brought a fan to use during the day when it's a little warmer. Here is our site, before we started setting up.


    And here we have the tent.


    This tent actually has a vestibule on the backside once the rainfly is on. We also have a "garage" attachment that goes on the front. We use the garage for storage. Our bikes and cooler go in there, along with some other things. So once everything is attached, this tent ends up being pretty long. We also put up a gazebo and covered that with a tarp, since it's pretty cheap and not waterproof. Here's the whole setup after we were done.




    And here's the inside.



    After getting set up on Monday, we rested for a bit and then headed over to the Magic Kingdom. We had a fastpass for the Mine Train from 8:00-9:00, but also wanted to have dinner at Columbia Harbour House (they have the best salad on Disney property). We got to the Magic Kingdom right at 8:00, and CHH was due to close at 9:00. So we headed straight to the Mine Train and did that with time to spare for dinner. The broccoli peppercorn salad:


    I think after dinner we rode the Haunted Mansion and browsed in the gift shop, before heading home.

    Tuesday was another Magic Kingdom day. We headed over to have lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern.




    Pilgrim's Feast:


    Pot Roast:


    Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake:


  6. Still loving this trip report! You are very good about getting food pictures! I think I'm usually so hungry that I just dig in - no patience. I've patched up stuff before, just to get a picture. :) We used to head over to Kimonos pretty often (can't remember if that's in Swan or Dolphin). It's been a long time since we've done that, though. The last time we went, it was karaoke night and super loud in there.

  7. I love the Harry Potter areas of US and IOA! I have trouble with the rides with screens usually too. The ride in the Hogwart's castle made me sick the only time I ever rode it. I refuse to get back on now. The Gringott's ride didn't bother me at all. I also can't do Simpsons and Spider-Man, but I do fine with the Transformers ride. Maybe they've gotten better with this technology and the rides are just so much smoother? I don't know. We've got annual passes for Universal, along with our Disney passes. So, we try to work in a trip or two to Universal when we head down to Disney. I have the cheapest annual pass (has block out dates - doesn't matter because we go in the off-season) and Kenneth has the pass that includes parking and discounts. I've also heard that that part of the park is less crowded later in the evening.

  8. Glad to see Rocky making an appearance in your trip report. Disneyland?! That's awesome! Seeing the aftermath from all of that rain nearly gives me a panic attack. We've been in some heavy rain, in our tent, but overall we've been pretty lucky that it wasn't enough to destroy our stuff. We requested the 1500 loop for our January trip. I'm really nervous about ending up in 2000. I've never set foot in that loop, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to end up over there!

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