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halloween 2011 tr...

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paula it was great meeting you guys-pam and family, pezval,jennifer, steve and family, and so many others i can't remember all right now.. we had so much fun! now to try to post a few pics. some are from my cell phone-my camera batteries died on me, so these may be dark or blurred. lol

but, here it goes.

the pups are all set and ready for the road. they travel so good.


we get all set up and decide on monday we will go to mk. love the lamp post decorations.


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we got in line for pirates and the ride stopped just before we could get on it. we waited and after about 10 or 15 minutes a cm is leading the front of the line out the exit near us. time for us to exit and go to something else. so, we head over to tom sawyers island.



got a pretty neat pic of thunder mountain from the island.



dh decided he needed to protect the island from all the children.. lol



i even went across the barrel bridge.. lol


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we headed back and did splash mountain. wandered around a bit and headed back to the fort. it was really busy this day. there were extra magic hours so we decided to head back over later.


and don't forget when you are on the rides-we will have none of this! lol


before we left we got our pic taken on dumbo.. yay!


we hit a few more rides and watched the fireworks before heading back.



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tuesday was a laid back kind of day. finished putting decorations up-i know we didn't do a whole lot. but, we had to put up some lights and decorate the gc.



we went over by judy with bob and kathy one day and bob said he needed chicken to go fishn. so, judy said she had some and walks over the garbage can to get the garbage she threw away.. lol


and bob decided to help her find the chicken skin..


but, bob gave up and ordered his Giddy Up and Go.


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we hung out at epcot for a while but, it got stupid. boyz2men were playing and the place was getting busy. so, we escaped with our lives while we could and headed back to the fort.

the rest of the trip just kind of all ran together...lol so, i will post pics but i couldn't tell you what day it was. :)

we went for pizza one evening. it was a great night with bob, kathy, lorna, richie and the kids. tj and the others got lost in the traffic by gf because politics can't stay away from people on vacation..


another day we went hotel hopping.


i love this floor. i am thinking about putting this in my kitchen and when i re-do my bath, i want it like the fort comfort stations. is that wrong?? :rolleyes:


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there was a lot of tree trimming at the fort while we were there. this tree was cut down a few sites away from us.


bob was surrounded by cheeseheads! lol these folks were having a tailgate party and invited us to stay but, we had things to do. when we got on the monorail to hotel hopping bob said "who on here is from wisconsin?" yup, the folks in our car were. :P


and of course a pic of the pups looping with us.


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