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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2012 in Posts

  1. If you have ever read a TCD trip report, you are familiar with my use of cliffhangers. I am going to go against the grain for this TR. We will go right to the money shots: Those photos were taken at 7:02 pm on 11/3/12. In the MK. I was in the first group of non-castmembers to (legally) drink a beer in the Magic Kingdom. The Magic Kingdom has been open for 41 years now. And for 41 years, not a drop of liquor was sold or consumed by a paying guest. Until 11/3/12. Ultimate Bragging Rights! I could stop this report right here and it would still be awesome. But, I have to tell the whole story. Fr
    1 point
  2. Beer at the MK? Dislike. Dislike very, very much. [TROLL RANT ON] Walt very explicitly and emphatically said, "No booze at MK!" What can't the jackholes running the joint honor the man's wishes forever? [TROLL RANT OFF] Make no mistake -- I like my beer. But I like tradition better. Poor Walt...there he goes, tumbling like mad in the Maytag front loader.
    1 point
  3. Doodle can vouch for me I sent her a PM with my guess.
    1 point
  4. TCD, your trip reports are fantastic. Used to lurk and read them on another site (not sure if I can mention names or not, lol). I'm glad I found FF, not least because of your consistently great posts. The idea of beer at the MK took me a minute to get used to, but thats partially because I'm more of a fruity drink guy (much to my embarrassment). Since it's in a restaurant at dinner I don't have any worries about Princesses Gone Wild or anything...
    1 point

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