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CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

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CCIntrigue...aka Gwen last won the day on May 20 2022

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About CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

  • Rank
    Hero Fiend
  • Birthday November 19

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    I live for WDW trips.
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  • Location
    : Piedmont NC - 630 miles from the fort

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  1. Arrived at the Fort on September 25. Got evacuated on the 27th to POR We were finally allowed to return to the Fort yesterday. I think there are a few other Fiends who will be at the Fort while we're here. Would love to see you. Please stop by and say hello!
  2. Monday morning the weather wasn't great, but by lunchtime it had improved. We went to the Magic kingdom for the last time this trip ... always a sad visit. Neither of us was in the mood to stand in a long line, so we went to the Country Bear Jamboree just because a show was getting ready to start just as we went by. Then we saw Goofy's cavalcade again. That seemed to be the one that came by way more often than any of the others. A little while later another cavalcade came by. Does this float look familiar? Next we went to the Hall of Presidents.
  3. Saturday morning weather wasn't the greatest. It was cool with a misty rain. After breakfast we drove over to DHS ro ride the skyliner over to the new Riviera Resort. It was the only way we could figure out to see the resort because Disney was being very strict about letting us on properties other than the Fort. I had hoped to get some good photos from the air, but between the rain and the black film on our skyliner car they didn't turn out very well; Anyway, we weren't very impressed with the resort. Then we went over to EPCOT. By the time we arrived the rain had stopped.
  4. Congratulations! Yes, if we get to make the trip we will be in a cabin at the Fort. Driving down Monday, February 8, and driving back home on Saturday the 13th. Wish we were staying for 2 months! What campground will you be at?
  5. Hey, y'all! I'm back! And my little finger is working better now, as you can tell. I have about 4" of incisions on my elbow, I had a severe case of ulnar nerve entrapment in my elbow that was corrected. Basically I had the same thing as carpal tunnel syndrome, only it was in my elbow. I ignored it too long, and it was to the point that it was either surgery or lose the use of my hand. I'm 10 days post surgery, and you wouldn't believe how well I'm healing. I was unbelievably blessed with a wonderful surgeon, no pain, not even having to take pain pills after surgery, just everythin
  6. Thank you, thnk you1 yes, surgery went well. cAn't type to gret yet but am getting there. sorry i didn't get tR finished before surgery but life got in the way. Hd lots of ernds to run to get ready for surgery. by the way my little finger that types the A is the one most involved in my problem. I hve to stop nd use nother finger to type an A. becuse I think it's working when it isn't.
  7. David tried to make a funny remark, but apparently this person was humorless. Isn't that the only restroom on the 4th floor? I'd hate to be a parent with a young child who suddenly thinks they can't wait. Right now I'm just hoping that Trail's End will be back again. This just didn't feel right ...
  8. I have no idea. I went back and looked carefully at my photos of each of the 12 trees. It appears that the only 2 trees missing lanterns are the main Disney Springs tree and the one inspired by Pluto. The Pluto tree may have had a lantern on the opposite side ... I'm just not sure. The one for HM looks fine to me too, but the rest of them are just plain odd.
  9. Friday was our second MK day. And it was finally in the low 70s, beautul, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. We rode Peter Pan's Flight and Haunted Mansion, walked around awhile, had some popcorn in the shadow of the castle, and left. It was time for us to visit the horse barn. Wow! This horse's name is Owen. He was being groomed for an event at Golden Oak that evening. The groomer said he's young and a little hard-headed. He listened to her pretty well. She would say 'Owen, put your head down,' and other things like that, and he would do i
  10. Thursday was another non-park day for us, so we went to Disney Springs. We arrived around 11;00 and made our way to the second floor of the parking garage to get in the long line for our temperature check and then the security check. It took a good while to get cleared. There was a long line waiting to get in World of Disney, so we skipped it for the meantime. We had lunch at the Polite Pig and did the Christmas Tree Stroll. I took pictures of all the trees, I won't post all of them here unless someone requests them. Here are three of the most unusual ones. The Lion King:
  11. On Wednesday morning we had breakfast again at Whispering Canyon Cafe. i'm sure you all know that the shenanigans there have been discontinued because of COVID. Instead our server decided to provide his own entertainment. As we came out of the Cafe, we had greeters: Then we drove over to EPCOT. It was another really cold day. We got in line to enter the temporary MouseGears. The store is small. This picture shows about 25% of it: It's pretty much just a warehouse experience right now. Not the fun stop it used to be. But it was warm in there! This wa
  12. The next day was Tuesday, December 8. It was cold, cold, cold. Even David was cold. It was our Animal Kingdom day. When it's hot, AK is really hot. We found out when it's cold, AK is REALLY cold. And with all the shows closed, there's no way to stay warm without going from one restaurant to the next. We rode the safari, walked both trails, and ate at Flame Tree in the small sliver of sunshine we could find. Here's a few photos: DID I SAY IT WAS COLD?
  13. I thought Runaway Railway was great too, but David not as much. I think the long wait really got to him. It was so much easier for me since I was sitting in my scooter. The next day was another no-park day. David develops what to me is a weird affliction while at the Fort. He has an allergic reaction to the Disney bubble. The longer he's in contact with it, the worse his reaction becomes until he just has to escape for awhile. But to me, once inside the bubble, it's almost heresy to even suggest I extend even one toe outside that bubble. And we'd already ventured out three times --
  14. Well, guys, I found out this afternoon that I will have surgery on my elbow a week from tomorrow, 1/19. My surgeon won't know how extensive the work will be until he actually gets into it. I'm praying for the short version rather than the long version and the much more complicated recuperation it entails. Anyway, I'm going to try and get as much of this TR finished as i can before Tuesdsay! The next day was reserved for Hollywood Studios. The one attraction I really wanted to experience since it had opened since our last visit was: We waited about 50 minutes in line, wh
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