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Posts posted by Starbuc71

  1. I guess anything with wheels can break down, even a toyota. I agree that a 1/2 ton whether it be a toyota or what not can not compare to a 3/4 ton or 1 ton pick-up. I think if Toyota got a little more serious with the Tundra, offering either a diesel or a 3/4 ton and improved on the gas mileage, more people would take them seriously. For a 1/2 ton though, I think it's a damn good truck. I had a tacoma before this and loved it also, but needed th towing capacity

  2. Being that I switched to the "other" side about 10 years ago from a die hard Chevy fan to a Toyota fan, I wish nowadays Toyota would get thier heads out of thier a$$ and do something about MPG with the Tundra. My Tundra is the best truck I have ever owned, hands down. I don't know why many people don't consider it a contender with the big 3. The truck can pull a house down in my opinion and being only a 1/2 ton I'm sure it could carry it's weight against an F250 to a point. I'm lucky to get 10-11 in the city and if i'm lucky about 13-14 on the highway. Until Chevy can build a vehicle that won't start falling apart the day after the 3/36000 warranty is up, I will stick with Toyota. I have never been a Ford fan, but I have to say thier new stuff look impressive. Poor Dodge has the looks but the resale and reliablility is like comparing apples to oranges with the competition

  3. We love this restaurant but in our opinion breakfast is terrible. We have tried breakfast twice and got totally bad service. My wife was offered coffee and I wasn't and before I could say coffee please, she was gone. Finally brought out mickey waffles for the kids after we were done with the whole breakfast. And to call the taste of the food mediocre was really pushing it. I have worked restaurants all my life and I understand a bad day, but twice with the same problems, no way. For $76 for four people I could have cooked one hell of a breakfast at the camper. We were expecting something special at Ohana's not your usual trails end selection

  4. I have been to Oahu twice. Once as a small kid and second on our honeymoon. We didn't realize the wonder of Hawaii until we spend the 5 days on Maui. My wife had never been and I figured traveling all that way, it wasn't right not to visit Pearl Harbor. We were in Oahu for 2 days and Maui for 5. I can't explain how beautiful Maui is. I am more of a mountain type of guy and log cabin, but Maui made me speachless. Oahu in my opinion is so touristy nowadays. Maui is pure relaxation. Here are a few of our favorite pics with the fist one being the view from our room





  5. Lucky you. We are stated to head back to Hawaii in 4 years for our 10 year wedding anniversary. We went there for our honeymoon and fell in love with the islands. As everyones says, "if you could afford to live there, you would" Hope you had a great time

  6. We are very fortunate to have a storage facility that allows our camper to be stored inside, so I have really never thought about a roof leak. We have a 2011 and have actually camped a few times in the pouring rain and it has been fine. I guess my question is that I am the type of person who always says,"if you want something done right, do it yourself". That being said, my opinion is that most TT are built very quickly and sometimes craftsmanship is sometimes over looked. We have I believe a rubber roof that is calked all around the edges. If I wanted to buy some Etrnabond and make sure myself it was caulked right, should all the old caulk be taken off or can you re-caulk on top. I also believe the saying, "if it aint broke, don't fix it.

  7. Kim,

    I finally got the time to catch up on all 33 pages. What an outstanding job! I envy people like you that carry the camera around all the time and get all the good shots. My last trip report I had to remind myself to grab my camera so I could put something together worth while. As all of us, relaxation is the #1 thing on my mind no matter where we camp. It looks like even though you had some rainy weather, you all still made it a wonderful trip. I hope someday me and my family can figure out how to stay at the fort for 2 whole weeks. That would be awesome! You have so many things in this report I wouldn't know where to add my 2 cents...lol I loved your trips to the parks, your pro-poncho point of views, our similar comments, good and bad on the older attractions and the latest bike ride. Since we bought herbie, we have gotten really lazy with the bikes. The bikes can sometimes take you places the golf carts can't including the wilderness lodge. As the kids are getting bigger and they learn to ride the bikes, I am hoping to go back to our roots and use the bikes more. We are heading the fort in 4 weeks and herbie is actually dead as a door nail and I hate to fork out $600 for batteries. The bikes might make the next trip :) Keep up the great work.

  8. I'm glad, I was about to post some kind of "let's get along" quote. I'm glad I don't have to go find one. I have definitely had to develop a thick skin here because some people at times can go a little beyond snarky to hurtful without realizing it or meaning to I hope. Bottom line: "I'm glad you're here!" I enjoyed your TR and hope to read more!

    No need to worry... I have thick skin also. Just need to pick and choose on what threads to respond to. Everywhere there are people who think they know everything. It's all good.

  9. Thanks again for joining FortFiends, and for posting in this trip report.

    I hope that you become an active member here, and that you post a trip report for everyone to enjoy after your next visit.

    And, that reminds me, Heidi, you still haven't joined and posted.

    Come on.


    Of all the castmembers in WDW, I have never found many dimwitted bus drivers. The repository for dimwit castmembers is Fort Wilderness. They can hire anyone to drive around on a golf cart and harass the paying customers. But, bus drivers have to study and pass a pretty challenging test to earn a commercial drivers' license. Dimwits need not apply.

    I like using the buses, but I will drive if I want to be at a park for rope drop.


    ...Just don't call the cast members who direct traffic at the fort "Minimum wage" dim witts. It pisses off the bus drivers :rofl2:

  10. I agree with this!! Personally, I think the parking lot should be put back the way it was, OR put some type of gate into the loops area. If they would do that, AND monitor the pool, then I would feel comfortable about it.

    I don't mind folks visiting the Fort, but just like the other resorts, the pool should be off limits to non-guests, and the loops should be off limits to non-guests vehicles. I don't think too many folks wander the room hallways of the other resorts, why should folks be allowed to wander our "hallways" in their vehicle!!

    Thanks Carol. I personally thought I would catch hell for my post ;)

  11. Why do they do this just on the holiday weekends? I know there will be more people there on a holiday and of course more freeloaders, but we need this all the time. Freeloaders and local abusers are just that. Fort Fiends who want to visit friends will always find a way around this and get in which is fine. It's the people that abuse the fort is the ones we should keep out. If the crappy Fort Managment thought of this on a daily basis, we could enjoy the pool more, the picnic shelter more and have less people who just don't belong. The $7.35 an hour traffic people at the intersections kill me though. I suppose Halloween night would be an exception with all the traffic. You couldn't catch me dead there on th 10/31, but that's my opinion. Not to keep riding a dead horse but we pay big bucks for a cement pad and a rusty grill. We should at least get the decency daily of the secuirty keeping abusers out. Please don't get snarky Lou....lol

  12. Ouch, no RV, that hurts.

    If you must know, I came down with lung cancer, suffered a heart attack, have a brain tumor the size of a watermelon, caught gangrene and had one of my legs amputated, and need a liver transplant, so I had to get rid of it by donating it to the home for homeless RVers.

    Now don't you feel small for bringing it up?

    Just had to throw some snarky back at cha :banana:

  13. Lou, you're alright in my book. I do like the fact that you tell us all how it really is working for the mouse. 70-80 hours a week does sometimes feel like part time when you have a 5 yo and 3 yo at home when you get home from work. I agree with you on the monorails. I think they are all show IMO. I caught myself in laugh when I said boat captians. Should it have been barge mongers? lol

  14. Oh boy, an excuse to be snarky. I love it when that happens.

    Hey Starbuc71, you been living under a rock or what? Our Queen of content, Monique, has been slaving over a hot computer for months in order to bring us all that stuff right here on FF.Net and you're sending Fiends over to the competition.

    How are Jen & Chris supposed to become millionaires if you're sending people to another web site?

    Just about anything and everything that is going on at WDW can be found in the "WDW And Disney Parks Discussion" and in the "Fort and Disney Construction" forums.

    ...and to throw a snarky one two punch, do you even own a RV any more? :dance: Again, all fun

  15. Oh boy, an excuse to be snarky. I love it when that happens.

    Hey Starbuc71, you been living under a rock or what? Our Queen of content, Monique, has been slaving over a hot computer for months in order to bring us all that stuff right here on FF.Net and you're sending Fiends over to the competition.

    How are Jen & Chris supposed to become millionaires if you're sending people to another web site?

    Just about anything and everything that is going on at WDW can be found in the "WDW And Disney Parks Discussion" and in the "Fort and Disney Construction" forums.

    O well, I knew I would run into someone being snarky with me. Living under a rock? I told myself when I returned I would not spend as much time on here. I work 70-80 hours a week and need to be on top of my game. Kudos to Monique. She does a great, great job on keeping us informed. I wouldn't consider any Disney site being competetion for us except the one I won't mention. Some have new info i'm sure Monique would be surprised at. I have been checking that link way before this site was around. I just wish I could find the link to the site on how wonderful the Electrical water parade is and how the boat captians of the parade are secretly undermining a way to have Disney buses become totally automated without bus drivers....lol Than I guess you could spend more time being snarky around here.. It's all in good fun :)

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