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Hotmamac aka Misty

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Everything posted by Hotmamac aka Misty

  1. Don't worry Kim, we only have one day left, but we jammed all kinds of fun into it. And at the rate I'm going, it will take me 4 or 5 more posts to get it all in! LOL It was nice meeting you in chat the other night. Thanks for reading along. They are so big already. I didn't even realize that by the time we go next year, Wil is going to be the "adult" price!! Yikes!
  2. That girl was right. You ARE "the man"! Thanks for another great report. It's been fun!
  3. Awww...love your old pics of RC. I think I posted this somewhere else, but somewhere I have a pic of my mom going off those slides that looks very similar to the one of your dad. She's holding her nose and has her arm out sort of the same way. And gosh, am I the only one who thinks that your bro in that pic looks alot like Gabe? Total family resemblance. Can't wait for the rest of it!
  4. Otters!?! How awesome!! We have some river otters at our local zoo and I swear I could watch them all day! Seeing them free and au naturale like that must have been amazing! Great job on the pics!!
  5. Jungle Cruise makes me laugh every time!! Beautiful pics of a beautiful family!!
  6. At this point in our story, I was doubled over sick. It finally got the better of me and I made my way back to the villa. I have no idea what happened to me that day. No one else got sick, thank goodness and by the next day I was fine. But sadly, I missed out on the rest of the fun. DH, my mom and sister made sure the kids had an awesome time though! They headed back over to the Ice Cream Palace and there were elves waiting to read them a Christmas story! When they were done reading, the kids were allowed to take the book home with them! Then they met Mrs. Claus Then the kids came back to th
  7. Animal Kingdom day - part 2 So this was Thursday and every Thursday at GKTW is Chirstmas. EVERY Thursday...complete with Christmas dinner, Santa and presents! We finished up some of the big parts of AK and decided to head back to GKTW to celebrate Christmas a little early. By this point in the day I was really feeling sick, but I was determined to keep on keeping on. We had big plans for the rest of this night. We had scheduled to have Mayor Clayton come tuck Wil and Ali into bed that night after all the Christmas festivities. My mom and sister came with us. Earlier in the week (I can't reme
  8. I'd like to back up for a second here if I may. We started our AK day off with breakfast at the Gingerbread House in GKTW. Most mornings, we just had cereal in our villa, but we decided to have something hot for a change. This was another morning when Disney brought characters over to meet GKTW guests and on our way we ran into this lovely Belle. She was an absolute doll! She took forever with the kids and got down on her knees to talk to them. This is also the time Ali kept trying to say "poopy shit". Luckily, her speech was really hard to understand back then and Belle would just smile a
  9. Are you wearing your glasses? Hair dry and in place? What the fort? Even Stef said that pic was the reason she won't ride the Kali River Rapids. Believe me that hairdo was ruff dawg! And I lost an earring that day. Dang they were new too! About the pretty part.. well shucks, you made me blush. Garrrsshhh! Yes Kim...dry and in place. Considering when I come off a rapids ride I look like this: Compared to that, you look like you just stepped out of the salon :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
  10. LOL Judy...all saps welcome! I get sappy easily. Like those insurance commercials where they talk about people doing the right thing and passing it along. Those get me every time. I'VE BEEN TAGGED!?! Should I be this excited? I am!!! Yes Stef, EE scared the daylights out of me. Wil rode it twice!
  11. We were walking on air!! Heading in we saw the castmembers with cages of creepy crawly stuff. Surprisingly, both kids were only too happy to peek in the cages and listen to the castmembers talk about them. Ali is usually freaked out by a tiny ant, but I guess Disney bugs are different. Next stop...the safari! DH had been to AK on our honeymoon, but the last time in WDW for mom and Casey was before AK was even built. At some point, we found the face painting station. My kids are obsessed with getting their faces painted. Still are. This past Easter, the Easter Bunny brought them face paint
  12. This is Animal Kingdom day!! Now as I said, MAW and GKTW provide 3 days at Disney. If you've been playing along, you will note that we had already done our 3 days. DH, the kids and I were going to pay for this day out of pocket. My mom and sister had their hopper passes. We get to Animal Kingdom and meet up with mom and Casey. They take the kids to check out the AK Christmas tree while DH and I went up to buy our 1 day passes. There was a nice older gentleman at the window that we went to. While we were talking to him we told him we were there with MAW and he looked a little confused and sai
  13. We met back up with my mom and sister back at their resort, POR. We decided to rent one of those four person bikes that resemble a surrey with the fringe on top...minus the fringe. My mom wsn't so sure she could manage and threatened not to peddle. But then we got a call from my dad. He told her that her oncologist had called to tell her that the scans she had before we left all came back normal and that her cancer was gone. When she told us, my sister looked right at her and said "now, you're gonna peddle." This is one of my favorite pics from the trip Wil and Ali sat themselves right up f
  14. Now Lou...no threats of violence on my TR please. :rofl2:
  15. Yay!! I haven't even finished the Sea World TR and there's another one! I have to say, your first post was SO funny I had to read it out loud to my family. Great job!!
  16. Thanks Judy! I appreciate you reading along. My sincerest wish for my kids is that they can always be just who they are without worrying what the world thinks of them. I know that's always gonna be the case, but I can try. And I love the part about you leading the conga line!!! LOL If you're not leading the Conga line, the view is always the same, right? :rofl2:
  17. As I said before, when you stay with GKTW, you are granted 3 days at Disney, 2 at Universal and 1 at Seaworld. I'm a die-hard Disney fan and could not fathom what there would be at Universal that we would want to see. Originally. But, my kids are also fans of Scooby, Shrek, Dora and Spongebob. Plus, I can't imagine myself going to Orlando and paying for anything other than Disney, so we decided to give it a day. Well, a half a day. Alot of the rides in Universal seemed to require kids to be a bit taller than my kids. We're a short family. My mom and sister decided they didn't feel like shel
  18. Due to the insanity of getting ready to go back to school (well, the kids...not me lol) I have been terribly neglectful of my TR! But now... ON WITH THE SHOW!! This is DHS morning, although I must admit I still call it MGM Studios. And all the grumpiness from the day before had headed for the hills. Everyone is happy. The kids just got done riding horses and we are feeling fine! DHS was probably our most anticipated park because it housed three things that are much loved in our house...Toy Story, Star Wars, and Muppets. The kids couldn't wait. And by kids, I mean all of us! This is another o
  19. Ok, NO FAIR!! You come off of Kali all pretty and hair dry and in place??? Who do you have to pay to get the seat that doesn't get wet? Everytime I've been on that ride I come off looking like a total drowned rat! LOL Great pics!! And I can't wait to see the canoe pics!
  20. Doodle... I literally laughed out loud on this one cause I thought the EXACT same thing!!! :rofl2:
  21. We went to the big Shamu show the last time we were there and all my son could talk about was some big white bird that kept trying to steal the fish. I guess he missed the big black and white things jumping out of the water
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