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Posts posted by HappyCamper...Deb

  1. Great job. Please keep us posted. Do you have the research and build up of the system posted somewhere?

    This is a trial run at a hydroponic system, Jiggity. Once we witness it's success, we will surely share the details of the set up. My DH and I LOVE the ride at EpCot (and since my DH works in the plumbing dept at HD), he decided why not give it a try? (Much of the growing research was online)

    When I can make pesto, prep a salad, pick our own tomatoes, I'll get him to post his plans.

    In the meantime, keep yer fingers crossed.... ;)

  2. We're very happy to have my parents joining us for a trip to the Fort in June. :yay: I've called and reserved a cabin (ADA one) and am currently researching the best deal out there for a scooter for my dad. He's a vet with disabilities related to agent orange and, of course, old age.

    Anyone have a direction to send me for cheap rental?

  3. Since I have an AP burning a hole in my purse...and my DS12 would love to take a class...AND a darn sickness ripped me of the last couple of days over Christmas...

    I'm looking to sign up for one class but see that we need to be in Disney before the day of the class. The class is on a Monday. We arrive on Saturday night. Does advance pick up mean on the weekend too? (there is NO way we will make it by Friday, an there is only one class offered)


  4. Great TR so far. Glad to see pictures INSIDE of Be Our Guest. We never made it past the "guards", since we could get a reservation for 12 during the holiday. (Yeah, we waited and lost out). I love the gargoyle guy poles across the bridge too. Very cool!

    Tattoo brain guy? Probably needs to advertise, in case his actions speak otherwise.

    Oh, and thanks again for the Spike!! Still think Lou is an imaginary fiend...Keep hearing that he was "just here"....yeah, ok... ;)

    Keep the photos coming. :yay:

  5. Not in trouble at all!!! Glad you didn't catch this mess!!!

    Well, Jen, I teach as well...and ended up with a stomach virus while there. So much for a strong immune system! My 1200 mile trip down ended with the shivers, shakes, and the shhhh...

    Carol, despite the crud, you took some great photos. I hope the next time we meet, we're all healthy.

  6. We're managing a group of 12 here. 4 in loop 1500 and 8 of us on 620. My sis and bil plan to take a handful of the younger crew to Legoland tomorrow, so it's in my plan to sneak away with DH and meet a few fiends. (Carol was just a blip in the night as she magically appeared with her air mattress)

  7. Thanks, Aaron. My dad is being admitted with a bacterial infection and a close watch in his liver.

    My DH is back to work with restrictions but definitely feeling WAY better...

    Flight 93 sight will take your breath. It was my daughter's senior year tour. Watching her stand in silent salute as a memorial wreath was placed at the crash site will forever be imbedded in my head. Watching her hug a member of a victim's family right after will stay in my heart forever...

  8. Aaron, this is a stitch of a TR!

    A few things...

    #1- your DW has great taste. She and I have the same 31bag/pattern. (I'm sure ths matters to you)

    #2- I am craving cream cheese cinnamon rolls.

    #3- living in the home town of the Daisy Rifle Factory, I was glued to each of Ralphie's home photos.

    #4-I know exactly where my DH and I will spend our 23yr anniversary!

    Keep it coming....

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