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fladogfan aka Gretchen

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Posts posted by fladogfan aka Gretchen

  1. We have a small hybrid 16' I think.  We use some of the ideas in the list already, good list, more ideas :) yay!

    In May we took a 3 week trip camping in PA and VA.  Was interesting as the two poms camped with us as usual. But we also brought our 17 year old cat along too.  Danielle had only ever been in the car to go to the vet's before, not a happy girl then for sure.

    She is so frightened to be left alone for any length of time so we thought, if she is going to be scared at least she would be with us.  She did fine after a bit of exploring of the camper.


    And that is why I'm posting this here.  She disappeared into a hole under the back bunk ACK!  OK let DH go visit the cousins while I wait for her majesty to reappear.  After an hour or so my brain says stick your hand in the hole with a camera!  OK.  Took pic!  No cat!  Took more pics!!  Still no cat! 

    The little explorer had headed to the driver's side and made a right turn towards the front of the camper.  I think she made it all the way under the refrigerator! 

    Well Dani finally came out of the little hole at 5pm...need we say that is dinner time for the pets?  Opening a can of human tuna helped too.


    So with her adventure I've found a lot of wasted space, at least I think it's wasted.  I want the DH to help me remove some of the paneling and make shelves under the bunk and behind the toilet.  The small space she first crawled in has the electric panel so wires off that and then under bathroom sink are pipes.  The wires and pipes need to be protected but really do they need that much space?

  2. FINISHED IT!! :)


    So maybe I'm mistaken and it wasn't on the 4th of July but the 5th.  But still remember hearing loud, loooooong and late fireworks that weekend. 

    Thanks for all the videos and photos and reports live from the scene. 

    TCD good for you telling the rent-a-cop "NO" !  Loved that :rofl3:

    To Mo, Jason and all the rest of you posters  big thanks.  You made me laugh out loud!!!!

    I'm a fireworks junky also, even just hearing them is a treat.

  3. OK now I am really sorry to have been away for so long.  Am half way through this thread aka page 16, but had to stop to say WOW!

    I wonder how else they spend money and what charities they help along the way.  Maybe the rest of the story will tell me ;)  lol


    We live close enough to WDW to hear the fireworks and this explains the looooooong  one after all the parks had finished theirs.  I had a really lame 4th watching PBS from D.C.  but did score an ice cream cone at Twistees.  


    Sure wish I had been here, I'd have tried to crash the Fort, but it's hard to get in there on the 4th.  Back to reading as soon as I fix dinner for the DH.

  4. Thanks for bumping this up again.  Reread it all, so much fun you had and stayed under budget too.

    I know a local family that takes the little ones to ride the monorail just because their kids enjoy that.

    They have to watch pennies also.  Makes sense.

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