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Posts posted by wak648...Bill

  1. Can I add that the kids sat pretty much perfectly for the movies? I don't know how we got so lucky but I don't know who panicked more when the first one went off, the kids or the adults scrambling to get another one on before we lost our peace and quiet.

    I found it funny that the kids where yelling at the adults to keep quiet cause we were interrupting the movies.

  2. Aaron's wife is going to have to make more cookies or put names on them to keep fights from breaking out from parents and children *ahem Bill* 



    What is it with portraying me in such a negative light in this trip report?  First I get accused of assaulting Mr. Whip with a beer bottle when all I was doing was defending myself.  Now you make me look like a ruffian because my kid was hording the cookies and trying to strong arm me to give me one.  When all I did was ask him politely how he planned on getting home from the campground.


    I am a good boy...... most of the time.

  3. OKI did not get any pics of the food, but it was delicious.


    DW's Snarky and Easter Egg cookies were consumed in a matter of only a few minutes.


    The older kids put together an Easter Egg hunt for the younger kids; hiding eggs, candy, and other goodies at the row of campsites adjacent to fiend row: 


    I got the pics:


    Beckers Corn bread



    Johns Lasagna




    Mrs. DBLR's home made mac and cheese




    Pam and Starlas Shrimp




    Chreyls Chilli




    Jerry's Taco soup




    My Deep fried turkey





    And Aarons wife's infamous cookies




    I am missing a picture of Jason's Potato salad.  Let me tell you it was delicious though!

  4.  He could have poked my eye out with that overly sharp fork!  I at least threw an empty beer bottle that was cushioned by a foam cozzy. He  took the first shot and I gave the final salvo.


    Besides With out pictures, than I am innocent!!  

    I believe the beer bottle incident occurred right about this point, but alas I have no pictures.


    Picture in your mind Whip throwing a plastic fork at Bill.


    Then without hesitation, picture Bill throwing a beer bottle at the back of Whip.


    It was unexpected, yet funny. 

  5. Anyone know if you need a fishing license to fish in the bass lake or trout pond at granite hill?

    Since private property i was kind of doubting it but i want to make sure.

    If you do need a license, would the kids need them too?

    Kids can fish free here but unsure on PA law.


    As long as you are with you child, you are allowed to assist him in casting, setting the hook, and minimal assistance in reeling the fish in with out a FL

  6. I picked up a thing of Tattoo filled eggs for the hunt - When are we planning on doing that?  I also got a bunch of light rings for the kiddos - that should be fun.  I think I am going to make this for breakfast one day: 






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