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Posts posted by YENSIDCAMPER

  1. We love to sneak back in that little alley and use those tables to eat stuff from the bakery.

    Great detective work! My wife swears she saw the guy that controlled the sword in the stone. She pointed him out to me and I think she was right. We were waiting for the Magic Portal by Sir Mickey's when she spotted him. Rookie mistake on my part again failing to get a picture. I love how many things there are to keep us entertained.

    The way our Volunteer team has played the last couple of years the guy probably figured no one would pay attention to the Power T any longer and he could just blend in and not be noticed.

    Great job by Yuri, loved his work at RC.

  2. Hey Eric, didn't I say that my vote should count for more as I am the only professional illustrator, that means I got paid for it, in this bunch of amateurs?

    My hand drawn technical illustrations are hanging in the Louvre in Paris. Ok, that's a slight exaggeration.

    I did win the medal for the best drawing, by far, Mickey head on our recent DCL cruise.

    Well if you had voted for mine, I would agree with your extra votes!!!

  3. I hit High School just right as I joined the Marching Band in 8th grade and was able to attend the band trip to Florida to play in the Magic Kingdom. 5 Years later as a senior I got a second trip to WDW to play in Epcot! Two wonderful experiences I will never forget. There were some great perks to being a band geek!

    I first thought you were going to say...

    "One time at Band Camp we...played George Michael's Greatest Hits Hit"

    Yeah, sorry about the Wham reference.

    But it wasn't me who brought up George Michael.

    It's Dave's Yensid Camper's fault!


    Sorry TCD, I just brought up George Michael snarking the CM, you added the song title and the band name---Wham!

    BTW, MJ's Thriller came out in 83. I am getting old....

  4. Ray is from the Princess and the Frog

    Thanks, Carol. My two boys haven't wanted to see that movie since they are soooo grown up and way to old to watch a girl movie.

    Thank goodness I had them watch the classics before they came to know more than I do.

    I vote for 1. Something about the ears.

    Thanks for your vote!

    Okay so now we have a tie. Anybody willing to break it?

    I guess if you want one of the classic characters like Mickey, your odds are better earlier in the day.


    I think you are right about that.

    Our Artist said he only draws a character once and this was his last shift so we had two to pick from...Pluto and Mushu.

    Pluto won easily.

  5. Keep the votes coming. The tally so far is

    Sketch 1 = 4 Lou's vote only counts for 1 vote... but the artist is flattered.

    Sketch 2 = 0

    Sketch 3 = 2

    Sketch 4 = 5

    Thanks to all who have responded! Dave, Cherie, Gwen, Carol, Stef, TCD, Heidi, Lou, and Yvonne and her girls.

    We just tried this for the first time too. Unfortunately we got a character we were unfamiliar with ... Ray!

    What movie is Ray from?

    We were left at the doors and were the first in for Pluto, but we found out we just missed Sorcerer Mickey.

    We like Pluto, but Sorcerer Mickey would have been even better.

  6. I read this before anyone else got to comment but couldn't post, so here I am on page 2. Oh well at least I am getting to read another TCD report.

    Thanks for bringing us more reports!

    Check out this beard on the guy trading pins with my kid, now that is facial hair. I thought George Michael was in the house.


  7. Monday of our vacation week took us to HS. We usually follow what touringplans.com suggests. I find them to be more accurate than Disney's projections for wait times.



    The scenes dashing to TSM...






    It was off to RnR and ToT...We love RnR rode it three times in a row here are some pix. Yes we were too cheap to by the actual pictures so this is the best we could do.





    Some more fun shots through the park...



    The Artist Studio was one of our favorite activities..



    Vote for which one you think is best. This will break the family tie..

    Naturally we all voted for our own, how narcisistic of us...






  8. Cool pictures. Looks like you guys had a good time.

    We had a blast! Our year at Disney will end soon, but I think our friendships developed here will bring us back a little sooner. Maybe a GG sometime.

    Gorgeous pics!!

    Would you believe these were made with an iPhone, an old Minolta 5mp point and shoot, or old Nikon 6mp point and shoot. I want a new camera but really these are easy and do a pretty good job. Wait till you see our fireworks pictures they will suprise you.

    Great family picture in Paris!

    Thanks, sadly, probably the closest we will ever get as a family to the Eiffel Tower. Of course the dumb water fountain shut off while he was taking the picture. :(

  9. Is there a story there?

    Yes, my wife and I booked a room through one of the travel sites many years ago. The goods were not as advertised. When we drove across the Mississippi River the world looked barren and devoid of life all of a sudden. The place we ended up staying was awful and there were a lot of shady characters hanging around. We left the next morning and must have not seen the crime scene tape when we came in the night before but a whole floor was shut down. We did not go back even though we had paid for the second night.

    I'm with Dave, honk as you drive by. I will hear it too, Dave and I live in the same "neck of the woods" and Bob lives just south of that.

  10. Finally reading and catching up on this great trip report. Love the big family trip! Thanks for sharing your trip and family with us.

    As I often tell INC, if our kids are annoying or angering us, it's not their fault. It just means we aren't drinking enough.

    Dave, your single line of advice here could have saved me a lot of therapy fees....Now you tell me.

  11. Sunday it was off to Epcot for the Flower and Garden Festival

    Just of few of the pictures we liked.


    I Love Sorcerer Mickey from Fantasia, it is where my name and Avatar originated from Yen Sid

    That is Disney backwards. Since Disneycamper was taken I used YensidCamper or now just YC.





    I love when the boys are being boys


    No matter how big they are the playground can always be fun



    And the YC gang goes to Paris



    And the way home...


  12. I love how even in the rain, coming upon those signs is a wonderful sight!

    We actually started taking pictuers of signs on the Florida Turnpike but this report is too long already.

    The signs always get our blood pumping!

    Great pictures!!

    Thanks, just trying to share some of the ones we didn't have time to share during the trip.

    Cuttin' it a little close with the gas weren't ya? :rofl2: Talk about riding on fumes!

    When I am trying to get to the Fort nothng stops me. Ask the boys, I threatend to make them pee in a bottle; once we hit the Turnpike there is no stopping.

    Truthfully we usually have about 2 gallons of gas left at this point. The guage hasn't been the same since the squirrels chewed on our fuel and electrical lines. See the earlier posts. Those squirrells haunt us forever now.

    Great report!! :bravo:

    Thanks T.J. Sorry we didn't get to meet durin the Easter week when you dropped by the Fort.

    A pre-trip and now a TR. I might have to read this one. Nah, just kidding.

    Good thing, I might get nervous if a Fiend of your stature was reading along.

    By the way we never miss Fantasmic when at HS.

  13. I think we have decided that we are not going through Atlanta on our first ttrip down with the TT in Oct. Instead we'll head through Alabama. I am estimating that we will stop our first night just north of Nashville. Anyone have any recommendations for a campground around there?

    I-40 straight through TN. We may do that drive in two days (leaving Friday evening) but DH hasn't decided yet


    I am a little confused, if you are going through Nashville to or from Alabama you will be going North and South on I-65, if you are going through Nashville on 1-40 you will be going East and West i.e. Knoxville to Memphis. I grew up across the river from the campgrounds mentioned above and live just south of Nashville now. The Music Valley Drive spots will put you right in the middle of the tourist areas for the Grand Ole Opry, Gaylord Opryland Hotel, and OpryMills Mega Mall. They are just north and I mean just north of Nashville and about 5 miles off of I-65.

    Edit-- Atlanta on the HOV is much better but you can get in stop and go traffic. If you come through Nashville at rush hour get ready for a smaller Atlanta traffic situation. By smaller I mean fewer lanes, but just as much stop and go.

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