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Posts posted by YENSIDCAMPER

  1. Here is the post that should have shown up this morning...

    This mug isn't the one I wanted but I thought I would get it anyway. It did a good job of keeping the coffee hot this morning for the ride over to Animal Kingdom.

    We went to DisneyQuest last night with the boys, I have a few cool shots for the next post and the animals were everywhere at AK this morning making for some good photos as well. I have a ton of good shots when I can sit down and post later tonight.

    In the meantime look at this mug and smile, There is at least one Happy Camper right now...YC :)


  2. Looking forward to the next update!

    Glad you all are having a good time and I am really glad your son's arm wasn't seriously hurt.

    Thanks for the response and good thoughts for my son. He is going to have a nasty little scar there for a while, but believe the Good Lord spared him the real pain.

    You may have read in the previous post my wife is from Ohio too!

  3. Following along on this great trip report, love all the pictures, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Glad you are enjoying. I tried to take more pictures today. Unfortunately I lost some pictures due to a card read error. I only had some good ones of Epcot from the monorail though. It wasn't too bad of a loss.

    YC, Thanks for letting us follow along on your vacation! Great Report! Loved seeing TYPHOON.

    I hope it is wetting the wistle of those who aren't coming to the Fort for a while. I know other's trip reports do that for me. BTW my wife is originally from Dayton, Ohio. Isn't that just a little north of you?


  4. If I read this TR, I would probably say that you're doing a great job. But I didn't, so I won't.

    Glad to see you are smart enough to stay away. The boys want me to tell you hello, but I won't

    Great trip report. It looks like you are having a good time, enjoy!

    We are having a great time. Thanks for reading along.

    We stayed at BLT about a year ago and I'm pretty sure there was no number 13 on the elevator buttons. I have a vague recollection of explaining why that was so to my youngest.

    Enjoying the trip report. Great seeing the Typhoon Lagoon pics. Have fun!

    I think this mystery is solved! Thanks for saving me the trip to BLT. We are loving the Fort this time of year.

    Great trip report :)

    Thanks for reading along and letting me know about it. It is so much fun when people respond.

  5. Great update. This may be a first for FFiends. Typhone lagon. :rofl3:

    The place is very lush and peaceful really, even with thousands of people around you.

    Pictures! Yes pictures!

    Hope these pictures were better. I have a few more for tonights post.

    WooHoo!! Great update!!

    Thanks Carol. We really enjoyed the water park.

    He-brews... :rofl2:

    Great update. Looks like ya'll are having a great time.

    I am glad someone gets my jokes. We are having a great time but it is proving way too short as we leave on Sunday. I need more time....

    woo hoo!!! :thewave1: great so far!!

    What a wave! Thanks for the vote of confidence.

    Thanks for the update YC. I don't know that I have seen reports from Typhoon Lagoon before. There is a first for everything. :)

    I am glad to provide a first! I may have more pictures to post when we get home.

  6. This is the morning mug. NOT a Disney mug because they were out of the cool Happ100_0229.jpgy Camper mugs I had planned to buy. I am not crazy about the metal ones but I guess I will get one anyway. This silver mug came with our insulated coffee maker. It goes with us on every trip and does keep the coffee amazingly hot.

    We are off to Epcot to finish the flowers.

  7. I woke up to a cup of coffee from my wife in my somewhat beat up All Star Movies mug, not as nice as her red one I used yesterday. Oh well at least she made the coffee this morning.

    Did you know it says in the Bible the man should make the coffee....Haven't you heard of the book HEBREWS. Get it HE-BREWS. I crack myself up.


    Well the picture below about says it all for our day.


    Typhoon Lagoon it was we were swept away to play.

    Here was the picture from the overlook entering the park. I had to turn around after dropping off the family to go get our underwater camera. It is a cheapy Kodak that actually belongs to our son but it took some great underwater photos today.


    We rode all the rides but loved the lazy river, but getting a float was cut throat man elbowing and boxing out was the rule. Four floats for the fam was hard to come by.


    I thought this was cool picture, but my youngest son said it just had to make him pee. I wonder why?


    Seriously, my kids loved the Wave pool an didn't want to leave it, however they both lost their goggles due to a wave late in the day. We rode all the slides and Crush n Gusher was a blast, but my favorite by far was the Humunga Kowabunga. My youngest and I rode it a couple a times back to back.

    The Shark Reef was was very cool. I will have to go back when i am not watching my kids so much. Here is one picture I took, I will post the whole video when I figure that out better.


    Finally it was time to go here is the exiting picture. I tried a 16x9 picture not sure how it will turn out but you should see no one is in the pool.


    And now the finale of the day...........

    LET THE......BEGIN


  8. YC- You are a guy after my own heart. I don't think there are too many people who notice that the Dumbo arms have numbers, or that there may be a number missing.

    Good job!


    I guess since you spiked me I must have become your Padiwan learner of sorts. (Sorry again it took me 5 months to figure that out.) Six years of reading your TRs must have rubbed off a little. I am honored to have your approval.

    I was thinking today that maybe Disney skipped the number 13 on the orignial Dumbo. Is it possible that Disney Imagineers are superstitous? I haven't been to Bay Lake Towers and only once many years ago to the California Grill, does Disney not number the 13th floor? I iwll have to stop by the Contemporary this week and find out. I am not even sure those buildings have 13 stories. What do you think?


  9. The morning started bright and early, see the mug photo from earlier. My wife really enjoyed this mug, three of her favorite things: Mickey, Gardening, and Coffee all in one spot.

    We got to the bus stop at dark-thirty hours but saw some great sights




    We entered the park just a little past rope drop and began with some pictures in front of the castle then off to ride Space Mountain three times and Buzz Lightyear before heading to check out Fantasyland.


    We really looked forward to riding the Barnstormer again as one night when the kids were younger we rode it late one EMH night over and over without getting off. The kids have missed getting to ride it. Here is a pic I took standing in line to ride it.


    We of course rode Dumbo. If mom is around you ride Dumbo even if you are a pre-teen.


    While standing in line I noticed something funny. See the number on this picture..


    The arms are numbered 18-33 which is 16 arms. Now when the second Dumbo opens, assuming they are rough copies of each other then the arms would be numbered only 1-16. Where did 17 go? It will be interesting to see how they are numbered. I think I remember counting them one time and there only being 16 or roughly 32 passengers. I was trying to figure out when we were in line one time...I know, only a mathematician would do such a thing.

    I hope the second one is open when we come in June so I can solve this mystery, but if anyone can solve this before then please post.

    After Dumbo we made the rounds, but in the middle of the day had to stop for some Dole whip floats. My youngest son had the one on the right with rootbeer in it. YUCK!!! but he liked it.


    We finished with Splash Mountain and then back to the Fort. I wonder how those kids were allowed to swim in the Lake. Anyway it looked fun to us.


    We are off to Blizzard Beach or Typhoon Lagoon tomorrow. We will decide later tonight after letting the kids look at the webiste for a while. Look for another mug in the morning to get your day going right.


  10. Have a great day! Wish I were off to MK today.

    CCIntrigue, wish you had been here too! However the place was as full as I can ever remember and we always travel at peak times. Touring Plans had it at a 9.8 out of 10. We still had a good time but came back to the fort around 5:30.

    I took this photo for all the Fiends who aren't here now!

    Wishing more of you were here now! (Please disregard the romantic overtones of the picture) It is the other thought that counts!


  11. Getting up again this morning was tough tried to make rope drop at 7am at HS but didn't get there til 7:45. Here is one of the morning street plays.


    We stayed in the park until about 2:30 and then came back to the Fort where I got the treat of talking with Lou for almost an hour! What a great guy.

    We all went to the pool next and I shot this video for all to experience the fun of going down the water slide. It was my first trip down actually. (Link to video not working the way I would like, I will get it figured out soon it is a good video)

    After that my wife and i took bike ride and went by Kimski and Billski sites but they weren't home, and then to GADawgFan, but they weren't home either. We left a YC in pinecones next to your Fiend sign incase you were wondering. We went by Itch's sight but they too were gone, and finally made it to Partially confused Marilyn's site.

    Let me tell those are two nice people! They gave my wife and I some Rattle and Hum concoction that was out of this world good. I didn't think my wife was going to be able to pedal home. We had a great time getting to talk and know about them. The Fiends are made up of some wonderful people.

    We went back to the camper and ate dinner with the boys and then finished the night watching Bolt. It was a great day!

  12. Enjoying your TR have a great day

    Thanks Lornaduck, Got to meet two Fiends today and enjoy the pool and movie tonight. Not to mention the Rock n Roller Coaster!!!

    Never mind, I should read posts in order.

    Lou, it was great to meet you today. My son hasn't stopped talking about Robotics. It is so fun to get to know more about people when you get to meet them. Visitng with you was a highlight for sure!

    I love the live report. It means at some point this morning I will say to myself "Just think, YENSIDCAMPER is at HS right now and I am stuck here at work." Oh well, it's nice to know a fiend is there enjoying the magic!

    I know about the being stuck at work thing. I didn't think last week was ever going to pass! Dreaming by reading this board is what gets me through sometimes.

    YC is a funny guy!! :))

    Enjoying the report.

    Glad that you're having a good time.

    Hey some guy PM'd me, to ask what I was doing up at his wife's crack. I assume she was named Dawn! I explained I was a little discombobulated due to lack of sleep. OOPS...

    Actually, that was last night (or this morning, BEFORE I went to bed) I usually doze on the couch for awhile, then check the puter for a few minutes then off to bed.

    Well if you get up and read this tonight, I appreciate your responses and I hope to not disappoint.

    Loving the live report!

    Thanks DisneyZombie, I am trying to keep up but it is really hard. Tomorrow morning it is MK at rope drop 7AM! The alarm is set for 5:30 is this really a vacation?

    Hey YC- I usually avoid pre-trip reports.

    I don't really care about anyone's plans.

    I want to hear how much fun they had at the Fort.

    So now this pre-trip report has turned into a trip report.

    Great stuff!

    Congrats on your campsite.

    I like that little corner of the 2000 loop.

    Your camper looks great- what do you use to clean the outside? I wash mine with a carwash product every now and then, but it doesn't look anywhere near as clean as yours.

    It looks like you are in for some great weather this week.



    Thanks TCD, we are having a blast. My wife has been reading your TR's on my phone while we wait in lines and running my battery down. I hope mine provide some interest to others.

    We love this corner of 2000, I am glad our request was heard. It is very quiet and somewhat private. We may try 1500 in June but we love the shade back here.

    I just use a car wash soap I think by armor all. Last season we used Magic Eraser on the sides and it did a number on it that is lasting so far. We wash the outside at the beginning of every camping season.

    The weather was great today can't wait to hit Blizzard Beach on Wednesday.

  13. Let's get back on track with our morning mugs of coffee, Saturday morning we were in the Country Inn and Suites in Cordele, GA. We used the house cups and while I meant to take a shot of the cup, I just didn't before they were thrown away. This morning was a little hectic as we slept in and had to rush to EPCOT. So I used old trusty. There is a hidden Mickey or two on there I am sure of it.


    We slept in late to give DS1 time to sleep off his traumatic injury from last night. The kid never complained today and didn't need the $25 bucks in burn cream I got him at Walmart last night. Solarcaine and others are loving my donation right now.


    This next picture give you an idea of what we drove through to get to the Fort on Saturday.


    We finally got set up on the site and then headed to Walmart for groceries.


    We got back, cooked a pizza, burned my kids arm, went back to Walmart for burn cream and a water hose. Came home typed a little report and went to bed.

    Epcot was a lot of fun today. It wasn't terribly crowded. We have tons fo flower festival pictures but AuburnJen's post really did a great job so I won't repeat here.

    Saw Snow White just for DaveInTN.


    Had dinner at Biergarten in Germany, it was great and a lot of fun. Here is a shot of the polka-ish band. You can see the great themeing if you look carefully.


    We left in time to ride test track and took on last obligatory shot of SE.


    And lastly I decided to use this picture for profile. I am a beast who married a princess.


    Good night, tune in for tomorrow's cuppa!


  14. Finally settled in on site 2023, it is one we sent in on our site request :) We were verry delayed getting to the Fort due to almost constant rain and traffic like I had never seen before. It was packed and everyone would speed up to 60mph and then come to a complete stop. The van is at its limits and it doesn't do very good from a stand still. It was like this from Lake City to Ocala. The toll both was really backed up but moved really well.

    When we got back from getting supplies at Walmart, we cooked a pizza and as my DSs were sitting down to eat, my younger one dropped his pizza and bumped the table so hard it knocked over the propane latern, shattering the hot glob which flew on my oldest son's arm. He now has some pretty yucky burns on his forearm. It has been one tiring night. I have pictures to upload in the morning, but the trauma of the burns have tuckered me out. I am going to bed. Tomorrow is Epcot for my DW who loves the Flowers!

    I hope to get to meet some Fiends tomorrow.


  15. Itch.

    We got in much later than expected. The rain slowed us down and then from Lake City to Ocala was crazy busy, we were delayed over two hours because of it. We are in site 2023 -- no Fiend sign haven't gotten one yet. AuburnJen is mailing us a sticker to our site so hopefully we will be showing our colors soon. Sorry about the game I love baseball sounds like it was good while it lasted. Hope to see you soon.


  16. The morning had finally arrived… Travel Day! So I broke out a travel mug…


    Last nights packing was pretty fruitful…



    But then it was time to go to work. Would 2:30 ever get here??? When I got home, my hardworking DW had the van all packed.

    Nothing left but the hooking up… the van to the camper, that is! (get your minds out of the gutter!)


    Fort Wilderness, Here We Come!


    We remembered the DS's Easter baskets and look what was in the bin with them…

    We had to bring him along!


    Currently we are stuck in a traffic jam outside of Chattanooga.

    That was not part of our plans, but at least it makes this post a little easier to compose… HA!


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