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Posts posted by YENSIDCAMPER

  1. YC-

    You did a great job on this report!

    I am sorry that you got treated the way you did by that other board, but that idiotic garbage is what led to most of us being here. It is sad, but there isn't anything we can do about it. So no looking back. You are one of us now.

    Great job on the lost golf cart photos.

    I only wish you got a photo of Beverly yelling at you. Rookie mistake.

    I am looking forward to your next trip, and your next trip report.


    ThanksTCD! No looking back. Wouldn't have checked if Lou hadn't asked anyway.

    At least as a rookie I am showing promise and it means I am PART OF THE TEAM! I need some of Yuri's moxie and I will get the Beverly's on camera next time.

    Next trip June 1-12, maybe longer working on it...

    I am also reading your SBTR it is a hoot.

    That crap you brought from another site was one of the best things they had going in dunceville. Hi webmaster Kathy :wave1: :wave1: :wave1: :wave1: :wave1: :wave1: :wave1: :wave1: Glad you still like coming over and seeing all the good stuff you frickin CGW.

    Tell us how you really feel ;)..

    It was great to meet you Stacktester thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again in June.

    Donnie, you smooth talker, you.

    Lou, did you teach him how to use that Silver Tongue?

  2. We're happy you're here Eric.

    The online thing is just a part of FF.Net. It goes way beyond virtual bantar.

    There are real people that you can meet, get to know, and in a lot of cases, become friends with.

    Glad you are not still reading! FrIEND. Thanks for the links to the robotics!

    You're stuck with us all now, Eric. Glad you found us and we're glad you're here!!

    Glad to be here and wish i found my way sooner! Thanks!

    Couple things:

    1. We are glad you finally found us and migrated over here. Voldy's loss; our gain.

    2. That cart pic is hilarous!! The adventures of cart 609...wouldn't you just love to know the fun that cart had the night before?

    1. Thanks Dave missed your posts from the past. I am halfway done with your Thanksgiving post, look for a reply this weekend.

    2. I wish I had more time to really look at it. I wondered if the keys were still in there.

    Great story and updates along the way. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Of course that sharing comes with good karma, and new FrIENDS. The golf cart thing is hilarious. Atleast it wasn't parked in a pond, lake, stream. :rofl2:

    Thanks for reading and helping me find my way to port! You said I would probably get banned too and you were right.

    Not an Elvis moment for me--I am not all shook up-- for sure!

    Sorry I forgot--it must have been the alcohol. Ha!Ha! I remember that visit. Really enjoyed talking with both of you. Hope the bicycle ride back was ok. :wine:

    The ride home was a blast, glad we were on bikes and not in a cart though, we might have ended up like cart 609!

  3. Why would Beverly be giving you the third degree for taking pictures? Not cool!

    And I love your pictures of the grounds...so much green! I am still looking out my back window at naked trees :laugh: .

    I loved those pictures around The Meadows it was a beautiful day!

    Sorry we missed you. Hope to meet some day. Pictures are great. :bravo:

    Marilyn, we did meet. My wife and I stopped by and met you and Gary and your granddaughter one night after swimming at the pool. You shared some Rattle and Hum with us, which we still need to PM you to get that recipe. You guys were gone by the time we came back around on this ride.

    Sounds like Beverly needs some of that kungaloosh.

    Beverly needed a pitcher of kungaloosh or a serious boyfriend one...

    Once again, we are all enriched by sharing with other and enjoying being Fiends!!!!!

    Well said Carol!

  4. Time for the rest of the story so I can give Beverly a little love...

    As we neared the WL on the nature path we found this interesting sight...



    Now these pictures don't do cart 609 much justice it was pretty scratched up and dirty and although it doesn't appear far off the path it really is. If you look through the trees you will see the WL buildings. I wanted better pictures and as I was about to dismount my bike and go in for a closer look Beverly showed up and started asking me, in a very rude tone is that your cart? What is it doing there? I can't beleive this cart is here..

    Almost didn't take a breath she didn't and then she demanded again is that your cart?

    I replied no, I wouldn't be standing here stradling my bike if it was! She wanted to know why I was taking pictures. I said because I found it funny that some rich kid probably got drunk, hijacked this cart last night, and dumped it here. I said I couldn't believe she was just now finding it probably been here all night. I jumped on my bike and rode a way leaving her with her hands on hips and mouth frozen wide open. I wanted to leave before she could say anything else to me.

  5. I hope this post isn’t Taboo, but I have to get this off my chest.

    Well after talking with Lou over our last trip he asked me if I had been banned from Voldemort and I honestly didn't know because I began posting here and hadn’t checked there. Many of you have read about my Thanksgiving experience at the Fort where we received a spike from TCD. I posted about it over there before our Easter trip because I didn’t know where it had come from. Well I checked in last night and this is what I got.


    I find it laughable that I was banned for innocently looking for answers. I also find it ironic that this is the group of people who banned the Fiends because they were supposedly being exclusive or snarky. It is funny they are now being exclusive and ugly! Not one single one of them in the 5 years I was on the boards ever PM’d me or contacted me at the Fort. Groups like that will die out.

    On the other hand because of the 1 post I made to the Fiends after seeing the signs at the Fort, I was sought out and presented with a token of friendship and invited into the group. That type of group grows and endures!

    I just want to say to the Fiends I am glad I found you all again. I wish I had been more aware of what had happened during the split (I went off line for a while at that time) because I would have left a long time ago. It has been a blast getting to read TCD’s, DaveInTn, Mouseketab, BradyBz, MagicBus, AuburnJen, Lornaduck, Stacktester, and so many other’s posts I had grown accustomed to reading. I have gotten to meet a few Fiends… Magic Bus Lou, Stacktester, Partially Confused Marilyn and family, GADawgFan and so many more of you have been kind enough to post to this lame TR and send wishes for my son’s arm to heal.

    I am looking forward to many years of happy posting!


  6. TiggnTaz

    Sorry about your troubles coming down. Glad you were able to continue onto the Fort. My family and actually waved and yelled at you on the 2002 site about your popup being a Utah and ours a Bayside. I believe Donnie had stopped to see you then too. If I had known it was you we would have stopped and talked, we were on our way to a late night park run.

    We also had traded posts on the other site, about a month ago. I am now banned there for the spike question I posted. No sleep lost over that one. We really appreciate the videos you took.

    We noticed on the 2000 loop that week there were at least 4 sites with small dogs. When we came back from a park one night security had responded to one that had left their dog in the tent and when he fireworks were going off it barked the whole time. I think they were only there a couple of nights. Makes little difference to us but there were some campers giving the security people the what for about it.

  7. Well after the break in, we went exploring the Fort on our bicycles and here are some of my favorite shots of the grounds.





    After exploring The Meadows we headed up past the 1400 loop to check in on GADAWGFAN and then to 400 to check in on Partially confused Marilyn, and then on to 300 to check in on Itch. They were all gone or checked out, what a bummer, never got to meet Itch but enjoyed meeting PCM and GDF earlier in the trip.

    We headed down the path along the canal behind the 300 loop the sign did not say No Bikes only No Carts. We saw 2 guys fishing on the "dam" to the canal and then we ran into this guy.



    I am not as fat as my shadow makes me look in this picture!!!

    IRCC, I believe this was very close to TCD's favorite picture spot.

    We left there and ran into a yellow shirted, bike riding, security guard just as we were coming off the path by The Settlement and can you believe the sign right there says NO Bikes! The guard didn't say a word but ironically we were right beside it when we passed him.

    We then went on around by the MBYBBQ area and then over to the stables


    We took the paved path over past the service road to the 2000 loop and then back across the road to pick up the nature path along Bay Lake towards the Wilderness Lodge.

    This is when I knew someone had way too much Kungaloosh and I ran into Beverly a Wilderness Lodge Cast Member.

    She gave me the third degree for the pictures I was taking...

    More tomorrow and the couple of pictures I snapped before Beverly showed up.

  8. I hope Pam doesn't read about the squirrel. She'd fly off into an uncontrollable rage.

    Glad you made it home safely. You made good time...at least compared to us. Takes us 14 hours.

    Do not mention squirrels around Pam, they still have issues that were not taken care of!!!!!!!!!

    Great Report and I am Sure pam is gonna just love the ending! She still has not found her little friend yet!!

    Okay, I don't know the story about Pam and the squirrels. I will do some searching tonight, but does anyone want to tell the story?

  9. Aaaaw, those dang squirrels are getting really bad!!! DON'T FEED THE SQUIRRELS!!!!

    The little ones were the most fearless. You would think they would be the most skiddish, but nope. They have probably been fed since birth by campers.

    I don't think your definition of relocating would be the same as mine with all that damage. I like squirrels, but the rule is stay out of my house, garage, barn.

    I have a trap and an air rifle, the trap is a better shot :) If I trap them you have to take them 8 miles or more away and preferably across a water barrier to prevent them from returning.

    I hate the Fort squirrels!! They weren't even intimidated by our dogs! :argh:

    I agree Don't feed the squirrels!!

    I would have at least thought the dogs would have kept them away. We will be bringing some ROPEL to spray around the camper next time.

    I don't think a cat would be intimidated by the little ankle biters.

    I don't know the boys and I hit them the pine cones and they really didn't flinch. We tried some sticks and that some better effect but they were right back.

    Wow! I can't believe a squirrel tree rat chewed through your bungee cord and got into your camper. That stinks!

    And to think of all the times I braked when one of those ingrates ran in front of my golf cart while I was out looping.

    Maybe I won't be so careful in the future.


    I don't know TCD I wouldn't want to bring the wrath of the tree rat on you. I just wonder if it was smart enough to know that chewing that particular bungee would allow him access or if it was just luck.

    I got stalked by a Fort squirrel last month ... hate those little critters!

    What was that like?

    When we were camping one time a squirrel bit through the hose from our propane tank to the grill (a$25 hose). The whole campsite stunk of propane and the sound whistling out of the hose was very loud. That would have been a dead squirrel if I had ever found him. Hope he got high on the fumes and stepped in front of a moving vehicle!

    The ones here at home have chewed the lines from my tank on the camper and on our grill on the deck. I have replaced the ones on the deck 3 times already. What gets me is they chew the gas lines on car and lawn mower should that kill them when the gas comes out surely they swallow a little bit of it.

  10. Just want to do a little clean up and respond to some posts I missed in the transition back to the working world.

    Oh no!!

    I hope the rest of the story wasn't so bad, but my youngest was freaked out that the squirrel had been in his bed. It was really funny to listen to the tough little boy whinning about a tree rat.

    Glad to hear you made it home safely. Hate to hear that your camper was broken into. I really enjoyed your live TR and want to thank you for allowing us to join you on your family vacation.

    Thanks for reading along Yvonne! It is tough to do a real time TR, I had no idea how tough it would be to upload pictures and complete posts each day. However, I am not done and am looking to write the final verses the next couple of days.

    Aren't there always traffic issues in Atlanta? ::)

    Nice job on the cliffhanger! I hope it sounds worse than it was.

    Atlanta was better than it ever has been we were very happy about it. I hope the cliffhanger was worth waiting for.

    Yeah what Stef said.

    Thanks Jeff, your help getting me to the Fiends is much appreciated!

  11. Good morning Fiends! Here is the morning mug to get us going.


    Here is the rest of the story on the break in...

    We came back to the camper to rest and my wife noticed these in the bed and began giving our son the third degree over eating in the bed, and cookies that he must have snuck without asking.


    He began to protest as he always does, but this time it really seemed he didn't do it since the crumbs weren't on his side of the bed.

    We looked around and found this...


    Look carefully at the bag, it has been chewed on. We knew Mickey had a sweet tooth but never imagined a rodent would have gotten in the camper..

    So I began looking and found this on the ground...


    and then this...


    A squirrell had chewed the bungee chord in half and climbed up under the tenting to get the cookies and bread that were left out of the plastic food box we usually store our food in...I couldn't believe how resourceful that little bugger had been. He also raided most of the food the tenters beside us had left out on their table.

    Now our family has had problems with squirrels chewing on our fuel lines in the cars and lawn mowers and proprane grills at home to the tune of $1000 damage to the van.

    When I got home and went to mow yesterday, guess what, the fuel line on the mower had been chewed while we were gone and the new hose I had put on last fall on the grill had been chewed as well. Needless to say we are trapping and relocating those little tree rats....

    Now you know the rest of the story... Wait till you hear what we saw on bike ride through the trails around the Fort and to the Wilderness lodge. Let's just say someone had way too much Kungaloosh the night before.

  12. CC, DaveInTN, Annie, Steffa, Heidi, and Cherie,

    Thank you all for the well wishes going home. It worked! We made it with only minor traffic issues in Atlanta otherwise it was good driving. We left at 10:20 Orlando time and arrived at 10:00 on the nose Nashville time. We had the usual stops plus one more to see my mom in South Atlanta.

    The week went very quick with only one minor snag. A break in occurred at our camper! See my next post for details!

    I also plan to continue my mug shots in the morning till this trip report is complete.

  13. After PW and EE, we headed over to Kilamanjaro Safari. It was a short wait and we saw more animals than we ever had before.









    I left you with a couple of pictures of camper themed items... here are a couple of more shots I found around AK.



    That's all the road will let me do right now. We will pick it up later... travels have been good so far other than driving through a forest fire. It's never as fun going home as it is going down, huh?!?


  14. Let's take a step back to Thursday the 5th. It was a lazy day for us. We got up late and then took the boat over to MK and picked up a new set of Sorcerer cards and then took the Monorail over to Epcot to see a little bit more of the Flowers. We ate some Pizza at Via Napoli and tired some Japanese counter service. I had some pretty good shots of the flowers but due to an SD card overload have lost all those pictures.

    I took the boys to Disney Quest. That place is unreal. If I had thought about it I would have taken more shots. There are 5 floors of video games and simulators and much more.


    We then finished the night off on the beach eating take out from Trails End and watching ELP and Wishes.

    Friday dawned early but not too early. We made AK at 8:00 and headed straight back to Expedition Everest.

    Before I show you EE pixs take a look at this one. We were probably one of the first 100 cars to park and we had to park on the grass. Weird.




    Expedition Everest is one of our favs, we rode three times in a row.




    We then rode Primevil Whirl


    Have you ever noticed how many camping themed things there are in AK? Here are two..



    There are more but that is all I have time for this morning.

    Err this evening now. We came back for a short rest and are going back tonight for the shows and some more Sorcery. If I am not too tired I will post some before going to bed.

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