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Everything posted by Tigger

  1. Didn't make it through all 16 pages but don't think this is in there.
  2. This site has more photos and some information about Wonderland Amusement Park http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/12/chinas-abandoned-wonderland/100207/
  3. Never could get used to that thing between my toes :dogsnicker:
  4. They didn't need a pool back then you could swim on the beach
  5. I have walked by the gym a couple times and it looked nice but after walking around all day I couldn't find the energy to go in.
  6. Personaly I think they need to use these if they chip them 100 oz of total enjoyment
  7. I haven't had a chance to pull last years mug out of the MH and check but I sure thought they were 12oz
  8. It's kinda sad that it has come down to this since a local theme park near us has free unlimited Pepsi products to all park guests. We pay $15 for a mug and wost people drink about $1 worth of soda out of it. I do know that if they chip the mugs and include the 5 min waiting period I won't be waisting money on one. In the 90 deg heat fill it up take 3 swallows and then stand there for 5 min to get more :facepalm:
  9. Ok if you say so but they seem bigger. Then they need to come out with a 20oz mug if they are gonna chip them and limit your refills.
  10. I wouldn't so much mind the chip idea if they would return the mugs back to the original size. The new ones are a joke about 3 drinks and they are empty and if I have to wait for the chip to time out the cup would be worthless.
  11. Thought about this myself a few times but once I got there and walked the park all day I didn't think about it anymore.
  12. I downloaded this from the Android Store for my Sprint phone. It works great and I can't wait to use it in the parks. I did have to force stop it while I'm at home because it kept pinging my GPS.
  13. I read on another board that this may work into a pay to watch in the future. One of the posters even said that since they were staying at a deluxe resort they should automatically get these as a perk. I think that between things like the advance fast passes , advance dining and now this they are beginning to take the Magic out of a Disney trip. Lets get it down to he who has the most money gets the most Magic :panic:
  14. I saw the pictures of your damage in your other post. First let me say I didn't see $4500 but I'm guessing there was more than pictured. Also it was mentioned about poison I wouldn't hesitate to throw a handful of the rodent blocks into the underbelly. I put several in places when making structural repairs with my MH. More than likely nothing will ever eat them but would rather look for a dead rodent than have one eat up my MH and food again.
  15. Disney is not the place you want to be when news like that comes in. We were in Epcot last year when I got the call that my mom had died suddenly back home in Indiana. We still had 3 days before we were scheduled to leave the fort. Since there was nothing we could do back home and the funeral wasn't until Wednesday we tried to make the best of the remaining days. Even though she wasn't a Disney person she knew how much I love it and that's what she would have wanted.
  16. I can't speak for this place but in the case of my former employer the $4500 would be for the visible damage and an educated guess as to what might be behind that. But at the same time the insurance was also on notice that we may find further damage once it was opened up and the estimate would go up. As I stated earlier replacment parts from manufacturers can take time to get and from your picture you have a Keystone Outback. I have actually had Keystone units sit on the back lot for months waiting for body/wall pannels. So I am sure the shop wanted to get the money authorizes as quick as pos
  17. I agree that if you aren't happy with the service take it elsewhere just make sure that they haven't already ordered a bunch of non returnable parts. Since it can take a long time to get parts from the manufacturer (I have waited weeks and on a few occasions months) most shops will order the parts as soon as they get authorization from the insurance company.
  18. Trust me I spent 5 years of my life rebuilding these things and there are certain things you have to do before you can get the big picture of the damage. One thing is to fix all the big leaks before you can look for the small ones. Also the service writer will give the tech a list of what the initial estimate is for so if you see more damage in the beginning of the job you can stop and contact the insurance company.
  19. More than likely they will use compressed air after they fix all the obvious damage. As for your squirrel problems how is he gettin in? I'm not sure what the under belly material is on your unit but if that's how he is gettin in you might want to talk to the people fixing it about installing aluminium sheets on the bottom while they are workin on it
  20. More than likely they will use air to pressurize the system after replacing any obvious damage. At least that's the way they should do it
  21. They did have one guy who was rumored to make much more than everyboby else but he had a lot of problems wearing holes in the knees of his leans. :facepalm: Sad thing is I got most of his work because he was slow as dirt and I got the job done right and got it out. Oh well I don't work there anymore but they did ask me to come back with a $6 pay cut from my current job. And yes they knew what I am making now before they made the offer :banghead:
  22. Only if he owned the place or worked for a better place than I did. They charged almost $100 but only paid the techs $12 to $13 an hour.
  23. The repair costs may be a lot higher if the place doing the repairs doesn't have any competition. The place I used to work for would bid everything really high because they are the only shop in the area that can handle big jobs. They pretty much got anything over 1or 2 years old totaled.
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