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Posts posted by jmaul

  1. Oh come on.


    Don't you want to tell us about if you have Publix Subs or toll roads in Joisey?




    I am just happy the word 'sub' is in there for it is the proper term. And yes, I have had a Publix sub, tho not called that at the time and not up here as we do not have Publix.  They are tasty.


    Every major road and bridge is a toll in Jersey, but we all know that.  Funny that on the bridges is it's free to come into NJ, but you have to pay to get out.





    Dave, I'm a bit upset about your dislike of beaches.  What's not to like about your toes in the water and a$$ in the sand?


    Great update.  Your kids are either growing like weeds or your shrinking.  Bring on the cruise!

  2. The CMs should have tripped the rule-breakers.  That's how we'd do it up here in Joisey.


    Nice job on first car at TSMM.  Is that a TCD first?






    I'll take of of these, but for 1/5 the price they're asking.

    Maybe I could get our resident cranky soon to not be bus driver artist to create one.


    The bucket chicken dude looks like a hippie.  You know how TCD feels about that.....

  3. My Dad has his first smart phone (and Lou and Bob, you should know that he is approaching 80.  He's rocking the iPhone and putting you to shame).  He wanted a Father/Son wallpaper pic, so I took a Father's Day selfie of us. 


    I hope I age as well as my Dad. 


    Good job on the selfie.  Your Dad looks great.  A very nice choice for his wallpaper.


    My Dad will be celebrating his 80th this Sept.  He has yet to get a smart phone. Says he doesn't need it.



    I absolutely do not have a photo of that Deck 11 balloon.  There was a special event going on at Key West when we visited, which kind of made things a little edgier than they already normally are.


    I had Twin #1 and a couple of her cousins on the electric car we rented, and found part of Duval St. blocked off for the special event.  I saw the guy with the giant balloon just long enough for me to register what I was seeing, and quickly turned down a side street.  I think we all saw it, but nobody mentioned it.  Awkward.




    OK, if it's just a risque balloon you saw the entire time, this could NOT have been fantasy fest.  My parents were there during that and Oh Boy!

  4. Ooey and gooey is how i like it Dave.



    I feel honored (or maybe it should be ashamed?) Dave felt I was worthy of the dirty birdie pic.

    Dirty Birdie....funny


    I'd hate to be on Deck 11 looking at the emergency exit route map while waiting for the elevator. Reading "You Are Here" would be geographically scary.  I know you're all going back to that picture....



    Nice that you're able to incorporate all the family time in this trip.

  5. Your extremely cute girls are still a little young, but one of my road trip tactics when my boys were little was to withhold tv/videos/DVDs for a few days before the trip so they were even more ready to stare slack jawed at a screen for an extended period of time. 




    A roll of duct tape always worked for me......

  6. I almost forgot to post one more photo from EPCOT yesterday - is there a better subject matter? I think not: u9u4aza5.jpg Still drooling? 





    There should be a law against posting pics like this during working hours.


    OK, so I see Blue Point, Angry Orchard, Abita (awesome by the way), and Victory (also awesome).  What are the 2 I'm missing??

  7. Robin Hill in Lemhartsville,Big kahauna reccomended it, so if it SMB it's all his fault. Is that anywhere near you FWG?


    We drove thru when we stayed at Blue Rocks.  Seemed like a nice place.  Good fishing pond.


    Don't forget a stop at Peters Brothers Meats for some awesome smoked sausage.


    I'm sure you're having a blast.

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