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Posts posted by jmaul

  1. Well, getting this report started is taking longer than I anticipated.


    Please be patient while I finish some work obligations and deal with a lame computer.


    In the meantime, some responses.


    I'm in!  Looking forward to this :)

    Full, with pictures and INFO.  First Page.

    Hey- I still made page 1!
    Thanks for the self-control, DIT.
    I say write whatever report you want to Jeff.  I'm good with any style TR.

    In let the cards fall where they may.

    I'm in for the full report!  And on page 1 at that!

    You got it.

    Just because you're a nice guy, I'm going to give you post 17,004 too.

    Awww, thanks.

    I dont care, I just like to look at pictures :D


    There will be plenty to look at.

    You got my 6,500 post!


    Lots of milestones in this TR and it hasn't even started.

    I'm in Jeff !


    Glad to have ya. 

    I'm in also, any trip report is fine with me, looking forward to see what Vt. looks like green, it's always winter when I am there.


    We go to VT every winter to ski.  

    The last time I was there in summer was with family trips back in the late 70's.

  2. First!!! Full report!





    Full....and i believe you received the honor of Dave's 17000th post.




    And my 6,800 but that's not as impressive as Dave's


    6,800 is the new 17,000



    Third? Full report!

    Full report!

    Oh definitely a full report.

    Full report.


    I'm guessing by full report consensus y'all mean chock full of info and pictures.  I won't hold back on either, but this may take some time.


    Full report please!  Great part of the country to travel to - we were just up in the Stowe area last week for work and I was wishing I had time to hike those peaks and see the view.


    If you're willing to take a picture tour, I'll be able to show you two of those peaks.

  3. OK, finally finishing up with uploading and categorizing my pics of the trip.  Over 750 plus another 300+ cell phone shots I have yet to upload.


    I want to get this TR going but need to know whether you Fiends want a detailed report with some pics or just flood the forum with a ton of pics.


    Let the voting begin on the trip report content & format.  Double posts votes don't count.


    I'll check in the morning and maybe have time to post the first installment.



  4. No supposedly, you definitely can.  The ferry will haul your camping gear out there for you.  http://www.drytortugas.com/


    One of the reasons I wanted to go this time was to check out what it's like on the island.  Sounds pretty primitive, but it would be a fun thing to do for a night or two. Imagine the star gazing.  The camping part sounds very inexpensive, too.




    OK, checked the camping rules.  Here's the link http://www.drytortugas.com/rules


    $3 per person per day, but it comes with more rules.  Here are a few good ones:


    • Due to space constraints, the Yankee Freedom III will only transport campers who wish to stay at Ft. Jefferson up to 4 days (3 nights).

    • Do not attach anything to a tree. Campground trees and shrubs are crucial for providing shade and windbreak. Help protect this valuable vegetation. Do not attach ropes, hammocks, tents, laundry lines, or any other materials to campground trees. All camping gear must be free standing*.

    • DUE TO OCCASIONAL INCLEMENT WEATHER OR RARE MECHANICAL SITUATIONS: We cannot guarantee the exact return date of campers and they should plan and provision accordingly.

    • Please limit your provisions and coolers to a minimum and do not exceed 60 pounds per person (not including water).


    Would make for an interesting excursion...

  5. This past weekend, I got stuck behind a genius who apparently had somehow never seen a touchscreen before. He could not do a single thing. 



    Sounds like the guy I was behind at BOG.  Fortunately there was a CM helping, but dear lawd, I think she did everything for him but eat his food.

  6. 7 Dwarfs, Monsters inc.,Tiki Tiki Birds, Pirates, Thunder Mountain, Splash Moutain, Jungle Cruise, Ariel ride, Barn Stormer, Dumbo, Buzz light year ride, Carosel of Progress, watched Wishes and the castle show, Enchanted tales with Bell, Whinnie the Pooh, Peter Pan, Small world, the Carousel, meet Elsa and Anna, and ended the night at 11:59 walking into PhillarMagic. So that's 21 things we did on top of eating at Cosmic Rays for lunch Harbor house for supper and Casys on the way out after midnight. Not bad for not even planning to be at the MK the morning before.

    No A/C sucks, but wow, what a way to make up for it.  Glad they gave the tickets.


    It was a fun trip not near as relaxing as I had hoped. I thought leaving the camper at home and the golf carts would make a easy trip. But the fact is to us that stuff and the Fort is what makes the trip for us fun and relaxing. So our next trip will be at the Fort with our toys.



    Thanks for posting the TR.  I had fun reading along.

  7. I am so far behind on the FF reading.  Work has been rough since my return from vacation.


    A few comments:


    That was a lot of Turkeys you posted in one of your updates.

    Nice job on the TCD hippie pic.

    Those crowds are not for me, tho I love firewotks.

    Tink is a female.

    I wish Living With The Land was a 5 minute standby when I was there.  We passed.

    Great set of updates.

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