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Everything posted by Laura

  1. :rofl2: That was so funny! He is Tall, balding,older than me, perfect and mine! :dance: We will be there on the 17th until the 25th and again Sept 25th - Oct 6th Can't wait!! And I am bring our Green Fiend sign, there are no ears on it so I think we will be safe. :siren: By Sept I may have a Purple one done....
  2. Thank you all! So that sounds like a "Not in my lifetime" kinda answer :rofl2: Magic bus, I hope We get to meet you, My husband and you I think would have alot in common. :rofl2:
  3. :rofl2: Does anyone know if the real Yeti will ever be back on the Expedition Everest Ride? From what I heard the "Yeti Shadow guy" is in place of the real Yeti that broke. We wish we got to see the original :bravo:
  4. :bravo: :popo: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: Magic Bus...Is that you? Or have you been abducted by Aliens? Who are you and what have you done with Magic Bus? That SO does not sound like you! :popo: :rofl2:
  5. :) We will be there! 03/17-03/25 :) And thanks for exposing your sensitive side!! :)
  6. :thewave1: :thewave1: :thewave1: :thewave1: :thewave1: :thewave1: Howdy Nancy! I just found this the other day after searching high and low! Welcome to the DARK SIDE hehehehee..... :welcome:
  7. :bravo: :) :) :) Thanks for bringing it over! I havent been **over there** since I found here! I was missing that thread So.... :)
  8. COFFEE And this year I have a Keruig!!! Making coffee while driving will be a snap now! K Cup city! :rofl2:
  9. I think DHS is a design plan gone amuck as well. The whole layout is confusing and last time we did alot of walking to find out there really was not a whole heck of a lot we were interested in. And the worst part is my DH made me and my DD ride TOT which always scares the bageezus out of me(that is in the cool ride section though they get a big thumbs up on that one!). . Lotta potential at DHS but they need a better plan I think. That being said least fav rides>>Stitch was better when it was Alien Encounter but now a total flop. All that cool looking stuff in there too what a waste.
  10. Thank you all Again! :dance: You guys are so fun. And Mr. magic Bus, How are we going to find you now when you are driving around? Are you wearing a purple pen in your pocket now?? We were going to look for the green Mickey pen..... What will we look for now?
  11. :D Thank you both! As I mentioned I would only do in an emergency, and we could keep trying for a cabin even though it is even more $$$$ then WL but I had to book it I did not want to have to room my Mother in with us >:D in the camper heheheeee. I will look for the paths when we go first in March. Thank you so very much for the info!!!! Now, who took the golf cart down the path? And was it at night? :popo: hahahaa My hats off to you!!!!!!
  12. Hello, My Mom is rooming at The Wilderness Lodge when we all stay in September/October. She is somewhat disabled and had a few minor med issues so we wanted to be close to her in case of Emergency. (Cabins were booked) and she is so not the camping type. The Wilderness Lodge was the closest. IS there a path a golf cart can get down if for some reason I had to get to the Lodge after hours? I read somewhere there was and I know it is frowned upon, I am not opposed to walking the path either. I do not intend to abuse it or even use it just wanted the info in the back of my head in the event so
  13. :rofl2: We check in march 17th check out March 26th. Then we are coming back Sept 25 thru Oct 06 with Mom. :rofl2: We will be in the green machine and my Mom will be staying at The Wilderness Lodge.
  14. :heart: We did the Mickeys Backyard BBQ when we went last September. When we first got there my somewhat buffet phobia DH starting giving me that "what did you get me into look" but my Sarah just LOVED it! And the food was HOT, Tasty, and a lot of it! The corn was the only thing I was unimpressed with either boiled too long or that freezer corn that was re heated. But The Beer/Wine was a hit with Dad and the unlimited Mickey bars! Had I known that at the start i would not have eaten dinner. Guess how many Mickey bars can fit in a golf cart..... hehehe We need a bigger motorhome freezer. Th
  15. Thank you All! Well it was not easy finding you, I heard someone else trying to find you guys on a facebook then I found a page on FB that lead me to fortfiends! :banana: Is it true my sign is supposed to be PURPLE now??? That is terrible I don't have time AND my dang bus is GREEN! How about the lamp? Are the Mickey Lamps still good? Look forward to meeting you all! :wiz: Laura PS the thing below where you have to type the letters you see says fukdcd does anyone see that as a bad sign? Or is it just me :rofl2:
  16. :bellringer: Thanks for the welcomes all! And thanks Kristine! I got so excited when I found the forum I did not even scroll down!
  17. :bellringer: I am not sure where to post this but, Oh I Missed you guys! Took me a long time to find you. We will be at the Fort March 17th in a big Green bus with a big green sign! I hope to get to meet some of you. Thanks for the nice Forum to hang out at! i am going to go look for some snarky comments now :bravo:
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