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Posts posted by BigTom

  1. Don't worry about which loop you want, they are all good. I usually stay in partial loop with my pop up if available, sometimes have to go to full just to get a space, let Jason do the work of getting you a site. Christmas will be crowded and you need to go back during a slower time to get full benefit of The Fort, you will  have a good time just  don't try to do everything slow down and enjoy your stay.

  2. So do we!


    I agree you can't think too much about what it is, but it sure is tasty. 



    That dinner did seem super early, but on the other hand it was nice to have dinner and then go to the show after or do other things.  It did seem rushed sometimes but I've also heard that the late seating seems really slow and long.  Either way with our little guy we'll be sticking with early seating's for a while.



    We always chose late seating on previous cruises too but you are right those long dinners cause you to be there really late.  On one cruise I have a picture of me almost asleep at dinner, it was a combination of being super tired, super late and a food coma from all the good food.



    The restaurant was really neat and interactive.


    Yeah that couch/bed really had us curious, it took a couple days but we finally asked what was up.




    I have both and I'd say conch is a lot different.  To me conch was always kind of chewey and tough, escargot is not like that at all, super soft and tender and cooked with a buttery garlic!



    Conch is tough and chewey, that is why you usually find it in chowder or fritters and I love both, however a long time ago at least 50 years there was a restaurant in the Keys that served conch steak. It was run through a machine that tenderized it similar to cubed steak and it was still a little tough. We also could get Green Turtle steak at that time

  3. Went to college in that area, Young Harris College, still have friends in the area and go up there when able. Never stayed at that campground, but I like Trackrock Gap Campground. It is up in the mountains between Young Harris and Blairsville. Small winding road up to it, but it also is a very nice place with friendly owners.

  4. D.C. Check.

    Gettysburg and Williamsburg I think is making the list.

    St. Augustine? Haven't thought about there but I bet it is really pretty and historical.

    Boston is a must do.


    I spent a week in St. Augustine last summer, enjoyed it but don't think it would be a good attraction for a youngster. A lot of history and not tailored for younger people. But every adult should go at least once.  

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