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Posts posted by BigTom

  1. I installed a socket on side off camper, through bolting at top close to inside cabinet, large washer on inside, for support. Hand rail slips out for travel and rides on floor inside door. Not stout enough for pulling on, but provides support for us older folks who are not a steady as we once were. Tom

  2. That's fantastic, and more power to you.

    But, companies even bigger ones used to care about the bottom line AND their employees. Everyone was able to make a living wage, and if you worked hard you got ahead, got raises and promotions.

    Then bean counters got involved, showered CEOs with praises, inflated their egos and showed how they could save $$ buy cutting benefits and shipping jobs overseas.

    The $$ they "saved" they pocketed and gave themselves bigger and bigger raises.

    We went from the leading industrialist nation in the world, a true superpower (not just militarily) and turned into a sales oriented, customer service nation.

    Skilled jobs are dying out, there are fewer and fewer machinists, electricians, hands on skilled jobs.

    Now a skilled job involves being able to make change if the register acts up, or it somehow involves a computer based position.

    Don't get me wrong, computer related jobs are important, but a computer can't do everything. No one wants to get their hands dirty anymore.

    I'm just old and crotchety. I miss the old days when I could tune up my car in the drive way for about $10 and an hours time. Now you need a couple thousand dollars worth of diagnostic tools and $300 worth of parts.

    OK, rant over.

    I agree with most of your rant, however there is no longer a tune up on cars. All you do now is change spark plugs every 100,000 miles or so, nothing to tune up or adjust. By the way, I started working on cars in the 60 and just retired a couple of years ago as a fleet mechanic on police cars, the new ones are much easier to keep running correctly..

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