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Posts posted by bord1niowa......Curt

  1. First- everyone should be checking out this site. A lot of good info, and new ways to make use of it. It even has a good mobile app for Android.

    Second, a question for Lisa. I'm cruising through the blogs looking at recipies, and found several that I want to try. The problem is remembering them. Is there a way to mark one as a favorite, or maybe "follow" it? That would make it easier to pull up the ones that I want to try. After all, it's a long time till camping season, and I'm too old to remember things that long.

    I'm making the crockpot chicken and dumplings tonight.

    That sounds gooooood

  2. Definitely Main Street BUT....we also like watching from Fantasyland behind the Castle. It gives a different perspective, kind of like being in the midst of all the fireworks. You can see some going off from the rooftops and others further behind Fantasyland. The best part are the HUGE explosions that actually shake the buildings back there. It may not be as Magical from back there but it sure is exciting!

  3. For the past 2 summers and part of fall, we have stayed at a local campground. I like the feeling of being "on vacation" at the end of the day. It's so relaxing to have a campfire going to settle in and really relax. The kids come out to visit very regularly so no loss there. It's a slower, simpler life and you find that you may actually have time to read or something else you have been too busy to do otherwise.

    For us this is a practice run for when we want to semi-retire in Florida next year.

    One of the only negative things we have noticed is the weather is more of a concern in a motorhome than in a house. The wind starts whipping and you get some really good wiggling going on inside. We had that very strong storm in July, but that was unusually high. We have been through 50-60 mph winds with no sweat. 120-130 mph was a bit strong even for regular houses.

    It can be interesting meeting some of the people traveling through or spending time here. Campers are an interesting bunch of people. The friendliest around.

    As I have been told by many full-timers... the only thing I regret is I wish I had done it sooner.

    Good luck!

  4. In early June we were in the 1800 loop. While looping in the 1700 or 1900, I saw beccaewert's Fort Fiends.net sign. I immediately knew this must be a new Fort board site where all the cool people from the other board had disappeared to. I have been missing ya'll. I was so busy late last year and early this year that I just hadn't been to the board. I knew something happened cause many of my favorite Fiends were gone! I still visit the old board but its just not as much fun as it used to be. Anyway, nice to see ya'll here. If anyone was at the Fort from June 3 to June 12, we had the nice, low, blue GC IMG_1676.jpg

    Hey! I saw that cart while there in June. Surprised I didn't get a chance to put a FortFiends card on it....lol Put a lot of those out on carts in June.

  5. I learned the hard way 2 years ago. Bad news is that doesn't stop it all the time as evidenced by my awning monday....it was closed! Ripped it open.




    It did take 110 - 130 mph winds for 25 minutes to do this.

  6. This one is not about me...thank God, but well worth telling. My neighbor last summer at the campground told me one day he was cleaning out his black tank and forgot to turn off the water spraying inside. Well a little while later he noticed a smell and something coming out of the roof toilet vent. He went inside to look and see what was going on and stepped on the toilet flusher and....yes you guessed it...it exploded upward into his face and all over the RV bathroom. Yes, poop everywhere! He freaked out, needless to say. He had his wife turn off the sprayer inside the tank and then proceeded to start the clean up. Can you even clean up from that??? Hahaha :rofl2:

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