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Everything posted by Beckers

  1. After we ate we were feeding fish in the lake (which now I’m wondering if that is a no no?) anyway a little boy was watching my kids so we have him some crackers for the fish. His dad picked him up so he could see better and dropped his sunglasses in the lake. We then went to the arcade for a bit and then started our trip to Legoland. It’s a pretty easy drive and we didn’t have any traffic. We arrived at 12:15 and check in isn’t until 4, but for $56 you can have access to your room at 1. Wonder how long until Disney offers this? We ended up doing it because we wanted to have somewhere
  2. Squish had issues when meeting 2 princesses, who do you dress like?!? So we compromised, dress like one and make hair like the other. Elizabeth was thrilled to see Ariel. The skirt she’s wearing is actually part of a bathing suit [emoji23] Explaining to Prince Eric where he can sign, she’s a bossy thing. It took a while to see all the characters, Ariel led a parade through the restaurant. It was totally obvious one of her besties was there having breakfast. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. We had her tested for Adam’s allergens when she turned 1, and it was all negative. She hasn’t actually had any peanuts yet. The allergist told us to feed them to her in the parking lot of the ER in case she reacts but I’ve yet to get the courage to try yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. When we saw these chairs we had to try them out. We also saw people doing pound on the lawn that the sitting area overlooks outside the lobby. Wayyyyyy to public of a space for me to want to make a fool out of myself [emoji23] pound uses weighted drum sticks so if you are off, everyone hears when you are smacking them out of sink. Finally made our way to breakfast, once again we didn’t have to wait long to be seated. However, the characters tools forever. The fancy skillet of pastries weren’t safe for Adam, so he’s showing off his safe bowl. And another close up because they were tast
  5. He’s also allergic to tree nuts (walnuts, cashews, etc). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I had no idea about allergies until we had an issue. Didn’t know anyone with food allergies, didn’t know any kids that had them. But slowly as my friends started having kids, our circle of allergy friends has grown. I’m thankful for the internet, as it’s been a wealth of knowledge and a great way to connect with other people about allergies, recalls, etc. I do have to say I’m impressed with what my wipes look like after I wipe everything. They aren’t nearly as dirty as you’d think they would be after wiping seatbelt, arm rests, tray tables etc.
  7. The next Morning we had reservations at TRATTORIA AL FORNO, I still have no clue how to properly pronounce it. We got there a little early and some time to wander around the lobby of the Boardwalk. The statue and stuff related to Lucy the Elephant took our interest because she is in New Jersey and we visit her yearly. Here’s a random picture of kite flying from a visit to Lucy 2 years ago. Another picture of Lucy in N.J. Now let’s talk about these chairs?!? Why?? I’m sure there is some well thought out explanation to their creepiness, but to the average person, they are just sca
  8. Ohhhhh. Hmmm I may need a return trip!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. This was our first time seeing Happily Ever after, I enjoyed it but wasn’t blown away by it. Possibly because we weren’t close enough to see all the projections and what not. We decided to take a Minnie Van back to our cabin, it did take about 10 mins of “locating driver” spinning around on my phone before one was found. There was another group who were also trying to get a Minnie Van and eventually gave up and got an Uber. Yes, my mom and I wore matching shirts. It was $25 but worth it when it’s been a long, long day and saves you from a boat, walking, a bus and more walking. The dr
  10. It’s overpriced for sure 😂. If it wasn’t for us not doing a park we probably wouldn’t have gone but we wanted to see the characters. The food was good, so that made the price tag a little easier to deal with! If I lived in Florida I’d have an AP for legoland just for easy access to buy apple fries!!
  11. There was no character attendant near by so a crappy selfie had to do. I think we managed to see all 5 in about 15 mins. Pretty much none of the dessert (except the ice cream) was safe for Adam so the chef brought him out a plate of safe stuff. All the cookies are Enjoy life brand and they make the cup cake in-house but it’s free of egg and dairy so it’s not exactly the best when you are used to eating stuff with eggs and dairy. He ate some cookies and licked the icing off [emoji23] While I was wondering Walmart a few days before our trip I found wooden frames for .97 so the kids
  12. I’m not sure what Goofy was doing to get this reaction from my kids, but I’m glad I caught it. Donald is #1 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Character wise we really lucked out, within seconds of being seated they were coming to our section. We didn’t even bother getting our food until we saw all 5 of them. I don’t have any food pictures besides Adam’s but we enjoyed it (except Elizabeth who only ate strawberries ). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I tried to reset it but couldn’t figure it out so I just unplugged it 🤪 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. We had reservations at 6:20 and got there around 6:10, it wasn’t very full so we didn’t have a wait. When we checked in we were given this because of Adam’s allergies. So had time to look it over before sitting down. There was also this paper I still requested talking to the chef and had Adam’s food come from the back due to concerns of cross contamination from food on the buffet. They gave him way more food than he ever needed We were seated kind of back in a corner against the windows. It was hot, soooo hot because the sun was beating down on the windows. Thankfully they had the blin
  16. After swimming we all showered and got ready for dinner at Chef Mickey’s. The one thing that drives me insane about the showers in the cabins are the floor and the bottom of the tub aren’t the same height so it’s that awkward step out that you have to be careful of. Waiting for the bus Waiting for the boat. These were by the Mickey statue at the Contemporary Adam had fallen a week or so before our trip and needed a new bandaid so we popped into the pool area at the Contemporary (no MB readers on the gate) and got some from the lifeguard. Much better than buying them from the gif
  17. Some mandatory inside the cabin pictures While we were on our way to the fort we were notified our Instacart delivery was there. Bell Services held it and brought it to us, we weren’t charged for them holding anything. Bell services delivered it to our cabin once we checked it. We had a tight schedule to keep and Adam really wanted to go to the pool at the Meadows because of the slide. The quiet pool was super close but he said he’d rather swim less and go to the slide. I was kinda freaking out because somehow time went really fast and it was already after 3 while we were getting ready to
  18. It’s neat and we enjoy it but if you go expecting Disney you’d be disappointed. Just seeing the Lego structures they have is really neat.
  19. After we got our rental car we went in search of food, we ended up at the McDonalds by an All star resort. It was fast and easy, which is what we needed. When we got to the Fort, I forgot I was going to need my is, after realizing it was in the back of the car and I fumbled with trying to unlock the car doors the security guard said never mind and waved me on. I guess he figured I was too dumb to cause any issues [emoji23] I thought I was going to have to check in at the building but we did it all from a booth. The lady gave the kids a huge thing of stickers and they were thrilled. We h
  20. It really is, but I wish they’d just stop with the peanuts all together. On the flight home I didn’t realize there was some peanuts on the floor in our row until Adam saw them. He was freaking out and his anxiety was horrible the whole flight. I felt awful because I didn’t realize soon enough to move. I’m glad he knows how careful he must be but the stress it put on him for that flight was terrible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I’m seriously jealous of the amount of popcorn consumed on this trip.
  22. What about windows that roll down for kids 😂😂 their favorite part of vacation was windows that roll down.
  23. We had to wait probably 20 mins for our turn to take off, there was a pretty long line ahead of us. While we waited we saw some construction. I can’t imagine working that close to planes taking off and landing. When we flew last year Elizabeth complained about her stomach hurting, she never got sick but pretty much reminded us constantly how she didn’t like flying. I was worried she freak out and we’d be on the need for getting kicked off a plane. Since I didn’t know if it was just the feeling of flying she didn’t like, or if it made her feel queasy. So I bought Dramamine for her, thankfull
  24. My mom has been wanting to go to Legoland ever since we went last year and we talked about it but never made any real plans. About 3 weeks ago Brian told me to just book it before we never did go and I’d end up regretting not going. I was surprised with short notice I was able to get decent priced straight through flights with Southwest. It was $811 for the 4 of us round trip, which sadly is a pretty good price. I couldn’t bring myself to go to Florida and not end up at Disney somehow, which is how we ended up in a cabin. Monday morning, we left my house around 6:30 and was at the airport sh
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