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Everything posted by Beckers

  1. We keep talking about eventually going to the dark side.
  2. Not mine lol. Was at a candle making class, I wore it to embarrass my mom 😂
  3. I think the twins and I would get along pretty well [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I have nothing useful to say but I hope you do a TR!
  5. Thanks!!! I’m hoping to get either an earlier ADR or a breakfast one so things won’t be as hetic. Plus breakfast would be cheaper! I just love paying a crap ton for my kids to just eat fruit 😂
  6. Trying to cram in as much as possible in our one night. Can we see Chip n dale at the campfire and get to the beach in time for fire works? Do they show up for the lighting or the just the sing along part? Currently I have an ADR for Chef Mickey’s at 6:35, I’m trying to get something earlier. Because of Adam’s allergies it sometimes takes us longer to eat since we wait for a chef to tell us what’s safe and then wait for his food since he doesn’t eat off the buffet. If I can’t get anything earlier, is their a spot at the Contempary to watch the fireworks from?
  7. I’m thinking if I was cruising without kids, my butt would be on the kidless beach all day.
  8. Not only is it a waste, but a crappy thing to do to your kid! I can’t imagine getting my kid all done up and then saying 2 mins later saying “times up! Lets undo everything!” Poor girl.
  9. And how are you a travel writer and never been on a cruise? That strikes me as odd.
  10. As did I. I read the article but the guy kinda annoyed me 😂
  11. Booked 4/30 for a cabin. I didn’t want to stay value out of fear of senior trips. Considered staying off property but I know that Disney can safely feed Adam so that was my excuse for justifying the cost 😂
  12. Whoa. My kids would probably drop dead of fear if they saw this 😂 https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156390289198417&id=106657338416&set=pcb.10156390289268417&source=48
  13. Going to keep poking around. Now I was thinking maybe a cabin but I’m worried we will get a dog cabin and then Adam’s allergies will be a mess
  14. It’s actually a few dollars more expensive! I could get money back from ebates but it’s not mug considering I could buy Disney gift cards from target.
  15. Your pictures Kelly has my mom wants to stay at the hotels you did.
  16. And the reason I was thinking the Contemporary is because my mom has always wanted to do a theme park view. But $700 yikes
  17. My mom has been wanting to go to Legoland since we went last year and it’s been getting pushed off. Long story short, I booked us a trip leaving in 2 weeks. We are going to do 2 nights at the legoland hotel and then 1 more night in the Disney area. Not doing a park but pool/character meal, ride the monorail etc. I’m all over the place in where to spend the night (I’d really like to do a theme park view at the contemporary but it’s $700) and I saw Disney properties on Expedia. Any reason to, or not to book with Expedia?
  18. Happy birthday and go buy it before she changes her mind 😂
  19. I graduated 8th grade in ‘96 and high school in 2000!
  20. When we went there was some huge soccer thing going on and there was a ton of Dutch (I think?) people wearing these neon orange soccer jersey and clogs. We were on Back to the Future with them and the whole ride they were chatting in Dutch and then all the sudden the lady yells “oh sh*t” and it was clear as day. Being in 5th grade I thought this was pretty funny, we still laugh about it.
  21. I think you’re old enough to be my dad 😂 or not. Either way it’s funny
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