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Posts posted by Beckers

  1. It was finally time to use our FP for Soarin' so we headed over there. Adam was started to get a little worried about it but once we got in there he was fine. I think the fact that he couldn't see anything didn't help. He really loved it!

    After this we headed back to AoA to nap, the one thing I remember is it was insanely windy that day, and standing under or around it was crazy. This is when Sandy was moving up the coast and heading to NJ.

    This picture is junk, but it shows you what the table/bed is.


  2. When we came out of Nemo, there was a janitor "brooming" Mickey and Minnie on the sidewalk and letting the kids help.


    Adam really loved getting to help, this was another big highlight for him. Some lady asked the guy what kind of paint is he using that evaporates. I thought he was going to die trying not to laugh when he responded with "uh, it's water"

  3. alright, done playing in the snow, the boy is off to bed to rest up for his big day tomorrow! (side note the snow is really pretty and sparkly! but it's no good for making snowmen or anything, it's like shaved Styrofoam)

    Back to the report!

    The pirates league make up wouldn't come off, so I gave up. Today we were going to EPCOT. My parents stayed back at the room because mom's foot was still hurting her. First thing we did was Spaceship Earth, Adam loves to pick crazy languages on it and then gets mad at me when he asks what its says and I say I don't know lol!

    We went to The Land and grabbed FP for his first time on Soarin'. He was tall enough last year but I didn't think he was old enough for it. I had some crazy scenario in my head that he was going to freak out and fall out of the ride. He was very upset that TT was closed but we promised him Soarin' would be better. I forget what time the FP's were for but we rode Living with the Land and actually had a bit of a wait! We have never had to wait for it!

    We decided to grab some lunch at Sunshine Seasons, it's my favorite quick service place. This is where I made a huge mistake. #1 rule with a food allergy kid is never assume something is safe and say they can eat it before checking! We were looking at the pictures of the food and Adam saw a pizza panni and that is what he wanted. So I said great, lets go talk to someone about it. So he was excited about his pizza sandwich, Brian was getting his own food and I knew I wanted my beloved pork chop. We talk to the chef and guess what? The pizza panni isn't safe for peanut/treenut allergies because of possible cross contamination. :banghead: I felt like an ass. Adam was so upset. I should have known better than to say he could have it, I should have said, we have to check first. I didn't, he was crying, I was on the verge of tears. Not fun. Thankfully they had enough random stuff that I was able to get him a semi-balanced meal and a bag of Cheetos was enough to soothe over the pizza drama.

    Back to the pork chop, it's amazing! I don't normally like pork chops but this is a must have for me every trip.

    For some reason I have no pood forn but I have this!


    After the lunch drama we headed over to Nemo.


    Adam didn't want to do Turtle Talk and we have an annual pass to our local aquarium so looking at the fish wasn't high priority.

    A diver was coming out of the tank and Adam wanted his picture with him. . Notice the dirty, tired pirate from yesterday face?


  4. The next morning, I gave Adam a bath and that darn make up wouldn't come off for anything! He wasn't happy I was trying to wash it off in the first place and it wasn't willing to budge, so I said screw it. Adam wanted to wear his costume again, which was fine with me considering it was $70!

    and this will be the end as it's snowing right now and we need to go play!

  5. http://www.chipandco.com/2013/01/breaking-news-disney-hot-water-congress-magic/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ChipAndCo+(Disney+News+%26+Views)

    Looks like Disney is hot water over their all new My Magic+ system they are rolling out this spring. The goal of MyMagic+ is to make it easier for Guests to create the Disney experience you’ve been dreaming of-from securing a visit to your favorite attraction in advance… to a digital guide that simplifies how they move through the Walt Disney World Resort hotels and Theme Parks… to the touch of a Magic Band that seamlessly connects all your plans-allowing you to enjoy each moment like never before.

    Click here to learn more about what Disney’s My Magic+ is.

    According to a letter written to Bob Iger, Congress is worried about the ramifications of obtaining all that information about its guests, including children. They also ask Disney many questions that needs answering, like what Disney plans on doing with all the information obtained from guests.

    To read over this letter click here [ Letter -- Disney -- 1-24-13]

    What do you think? Does Congress have valid concerns? Or should they butt out of a private business affairs? We want to hear what you think in the comment box below.

  6. Cool!!! Got any more pictures of the Boneyard? I've never actually been inside there.

    The digging part if full of little pebbles, tiny, tiny, tiny pebbles. We didn't realize my son's shoes were filled, and I mean filled with them. He walked/rode in his stroller for a good 4 hours before we found out. We were in my mom's car (which is rare because we NEVER drive) and Adam goes, feet hurt. He takes off his shoes and we just hear something pouring all over. Yep, the stones, all 30 million of them got dumped all over my moms car lol.

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