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Momoffive aka Loretta

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Posts posted by Momoffive aka Loretta

  1. I am so late to this

    But I had a great time

    Thanks to all the WWW for the entertainment. I am the quiet one but had a great time.

    A great big thanks to Lou and Gretchen I had a blast.

    Carol for all the planning and hard work setting up, I will gladly help out for next year btw

    To KFK and Marty best travel fiends!!!

    Finally uploading the pictures from my phone. Already asked for a new camera and laptop for my birthday.

  2. The Flagstaff is the same as Rockwood, same factory and designs. We have the Rockwood 2317G which is the same as the Flagstaff 823D. Similar to what you are looking at. The good news is that if you buy right, you can save up to 35% off the list price. We paid $9800 for our 2013, down from $15,354. Discounts are deep now. Especially at the end of the month and they need the sales. We're pretty happy with the unit, other than the water outlet position.

    We are a family of 7 and I loved the layout of Curt's PUP! I have been looking ever since. I am not necessarily looking for a bathroom but I wouldn't rule it out. Curt's are great and no BR. Had even more room with just 2 of in it for the WWW.

  3. Ok I have to figure out how to get my pics off my phone. The best ones are MPR so unless I get the OK they stay there. LOL

    I have to start my TR on Wednesday evening. I work 15.5 hour shifts so it was a looong night. Wednesday night was my TGIF!!! Thank goodness it was a light night and my charting was done before bed. Had lots of errands to run and got everything in except a nap!!

    Planned to leave at 7 PM to pick up fiend #1 Marty in SC.....at Waffle House. On record that was her idea! As soon as she suggested it, weeks earlier, I decided I wanted a Belgian Waffle with strawberries and a cup of coffee. Well Waffle House is NOT the place for that!

    Like Marty said I was early, she was early and we were only minutes apart. We got to the WH almost an hour early. I got to meet Big John and all 4 of Marty's handsome boys. Tall handsome boys!

    After a very disappointing pre-travel breakfast we were off to Columbia to meet Fiend 2. Pretty much non stop chat all the way there. Marty got the pleasure of driving with me at night...a very rare occurrence.

    A brief shopping stop in Wallie World for some extras for the ride and we were only a few miles from the train station.

    Plenty of parking. Backed into a spot and within a couple of minutes we noticed "the car" How did we know it was her? Well the stickers on the back windows of course. KFK was in the lot!!!

    We all met in the parking lot at almost 12.15 AM!!! Long lost friends!

    I'll end this with saying it is torture counting down 90 minutes in a cold train station in the middle of the night! but great with new friends!

  4. Oh, and instead of a massage, I have my 10yob beat on my back with his fists. LOL

    SO that is what I need to do!!!

    I will try that. Actually I love to have my one son play with my hair. I tell him I need a ponytail but it needs to be tight. Best 10 minutes os a day.

    Waiting until Wednesday to do nails. Going with my Mom.

    Outfits still piled on my chair next to my bed. Time to catch a few zzzzs Don't want to be a waste come Thursday!

  5. Didn't get up until almost 12 so late start on the laundry. Kids will be home in almost 2 hours, ugh! BUT....I have a pile of outfits on my bed. Now to decide.

    I have 5 hours until I start work again. Hoping to get some stuff done between calls.

  6. Countdown is on:

    3 more work shifts to go...this one only has 5 hours left

    I went shopping today. Kids lunches are taken care of for the week and next week too.

    He has dinner options to pick but it is up to him to get it together.

    Some laundry was done and a few more things added to my bag. Still have a lot to do.

    Printer is acting up so I can't print my train tickets...but Marty did!!

    Nails, and massage are in order Wednesday I think.

    4 Days to Go Wild Womenz!!!

    What did you do today?

  7. I guess I can "plan" a couple meals. Mom and Dad can come over to be here when they get home from school...she'll get dinner ready. That means Matt will be on his own Sat and Sun!

    Sloppy Joes

    Ham in Crock Pot...Dave's recipe = great

    Chicken and rice


    There DONE!!

    Do I have to put it all together too?

    Probably. oh well that's what I do.

  8. If I have room for a hula hoop you have room for a pie! LOL

    What kind of pie Lou?

    Off work for most of the night tonight, but I will have to pick up later after most of the calls die down. But I will start to pack as I fold laundry. Fold and pack.

  9. :(

    The GODS are working against me... Nine days to figure it all out, please cross the fingers, toes, eyes and what ever else you have, little prayers are ok to

    Judy keeping all extremities crossed and praying you have the plan and way to figure it all out so you can get your PJ butt flap to Orlando!!!!

  10. Loretta don't forget to give him the number for the Chinese place that delivers

    LOL He would just take them to the buffet! I think they would kiss his feet to go there. I am so not in the mood to prep meals! I will end up doing it but maybe PB and J for the weekend with some marshmellow fluff for a treat may be in line. I just better not come home to more housework. I have started to redo the entire house. Switched furniture in 3 rooms and added the furniture from the other house too. Still a lot to do but I will get most of it done before I leave.

  11. Pulled one bag down from the closet. Must decide which other bag I may need.

    Went thru my audible books to pick the ones I want (may) to listen to.

    Hid my Kindle so neither of my boys takes it and hides it from me.

    started a meal plan for Matt and the kids.....directions to Little Ceasars, Cook Out and Grandmas!!

  12. I met Karen!!! Looking forward to seeing her again!! Just so y'all know my friend Missie will be picking Marty Kim and I up at the train station and then hanging with us on Friday too. She may even come back and join us for the MK. This time last year I was in Orlando for Missie's Dad's funeral. Missie is like a sister to me and her parents were more like my inlaws than my inlaws. Love them dearly. Counting the hours now!!!

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